C C : 30721 books

Book cover of The Very Reverend J. C. Faye:His Life and Times
by Jeggan C. Senghor
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2014

The decolonization process in The Gambia threw up political leaders who in various ways contributed to the emancipation of the country. Regrettably, very limited efforts have been made to put on record the experiences of these personalities, not only as part of a process of knowledge generation and...
Book cover of The Spiritual Writings Of Walter C. Lanyon
by Walter C. Lanyon
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Walter C. Lanyon was one of the spearheads of the New Thought movement and the author of more than 40 books. This volume contains his best and most known writings. The Joybringer Your Heritage Embers That Ye Might Have 2 A. M. A Royal Diadem I Came Leaves Of The Tree Out Of The Clouds A Lamp Unto My Feet The Temple Not Made With Hands It Is Wonderful The Impatient Dawn
Book cover of Postpositivism and Educational Research
by Nicholas C. Burbules, D. C. Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2000

This volume presents in a forthright and lively way, an account of the philosophical position generally identified as 'Postpositivistic' that undergirds much of mainstream research in education and the related social sciences. The discussion throughout is informed by recent developments in philosophy...
Book cover of Living the Rosary

Living the Rosary

Finding Your Life in the Mysteries

by John Phalen C.S.C.
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2011

In this book of meditations on the meaning of the Rosary, Rev. John Phalen, C.S.C., invites readers to open their eyes and their hearts to God's presence in their daily lives through this ancient devotion. Much more than a "how-to" book, Living the Rosary employs scripture, the lives of the saints, and...
Book cover of Regards interdisciplinaires sur l'épistémologie du divers

Regards interdisciplinaires sur l'épistémologie du divers

Interculturel, herméneutique et interventions didactiques

by Marc Debono, Cécile Goï
Language: French
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Selon les auteurs de cet ouvrage collectif, la question des fondements d’une épistémologie de la diversité, largement débattue au sein des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, mérite d’être reposée d’un point de vue interdisciplinaire. En effet, les problématiques liées à la diversité et la...
Book cover of Khimera


El mundo cambiará para siempre

by César Pérez Gellida
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 5, 2015

Tras el éxito de la trilogía «Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne», un thriller literario que algunos ya han calificado de obra maestra: Khimera. 2054. Tras la Guerra de Devastación Global, la realidad social y geopolítica ha cambiado rotundamente. Los viejos conceptos de la democracia...
Book cover of Dies irae (Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne 2)

Dies irae (Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne 2)

Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne II

by César Pérez Gellida
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 9, 2013

Después de Memento mori**... ha llegado el día de la ira.** Segunda entrega de la trepidante trilogía «Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne». La acción de estethriller implacable arranca en la peculiar ciudad italiana de Trieste, frontera entre dos mundos. Augusto Ledesma elige el que...
Book cover of President Heber C. Kimball's Journal

President Heber C. Kimball's Journal

Faith-Promoting Series Book 7

by Heber C. Kimball
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2013

This is the seventh book of the Faith-Promoting Series, and one of the most powerful. Heber C. Kimball was an early convert to the church, a member of the original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and one of the first missionaries to the United Kingdom. This book is taken from his journals, and details...
by Paul C. Jong
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2017

C'est Jésus Christ qui anime toute l'histoire de ce monde. Notre Seigneur est venu sur cette terre pour nous sauver nous tous humains des péchés du monde, et Il est aussi devenu le pain de la nouvelle vie pour nous qui croyons en l'évangile de l'eau et de l'Esprit. En effet, c'était pour nous...
Book cover of Moi Cyrilia, gouvernante de Lafcadio Hearn

Moi Cyrilia, gouvernante de Lafcadio Hearn

1888. Un échange de paroles à Saint-Pierre de la Martinique

by Ina Césaire
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Souvenirs de Martinique"Cyrilia, j'ai dit bonjour ! - J'ai répondu, commère ! Et comment va ta vie ? - Pas trop mal, grâce à Dieu ! Entre donc, ma fille ! Tu tiens bon ? - Sans faiblesse, Cyrilia, et je ne te dis qu'une chose : honneur ! - La même chose pour toi, ma sœur, et je te réponds : respect...
Book cover of Histoire romaine
by Tite-Live (59 av.J.-C. – 17 av.J.-C.), Désiré Nisard
Language: French
Release Date: February 14, 2015

C'est d'abord un fait assez constant, qu'après la prise de Troie la vengeance des Grecs, s'étant exercée sur le reste du peuple troyen, ne respecta qu'Énée et Anténor, soit que le droit d'une ancienne hospitalité les protégeât, soit que...
Book cover of Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall
by Wayne C. Allen
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2011

Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall is a light-hearted guide to living life fully and deeply. Using Zen stories old and new, illustrations and exercises, Wayne C. Allen takes you on a walk through the workings of your mind, heart, and soul. For those who love Eastern thought, and equally for those who...
Book cover of C. H. Mackintosh's Notes on the Pentateuch
by Mackintosh, C. H.
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

Another popular writer among the exclusives was an Irish schoolmaster, Charles Henry Mackintosh, who preached extensively in the revival movement. The initials 'C.H.M.' became familiar in many pious evangelical households of the later Victorian and Edwardian years. No critical scholar, Mackintosh...
Book cover of Hourra !!!
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2018

INTRODUCTION « Voici que je vais envoyer le prophète Élie afin que le grand et terrible jour vienne ». (Les Livres.) « Que votre règne arrive. » (Oraison dominicale). I. Il y a trois ans bientôt, je me sentis pris de l’irrésistible besoin de résumer les impressions de ma...
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