C C : 30721 books

Book cover of Il pittore fulminato
by César Aira
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Johann Moritz Rugendas, noto pittore tedesco dell’Ottocento, compie un viaggio tra la regione andina e l’Argentina insieme a un altro pittore più giovane, il fidato amico Krause. I due paesaggisti cercano il volto nascosto della loro arte e sono catturati dall’ignota immensità, che palpita...
Book cover of Ty Connell: Noir Novellas
by Michael C. Hughes
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2017

Ty Connell Noir Collection: 3 Noir Novellas: * Momma Lupe * Bore of the Barrel * The Death and Deconstruction of a Natural Beauty. "Evil. Tragic. Disturbing." MOMMA LUPE She was sadistic and savage. But who is the shadowy and mysterious figure known as Momma Lupe? When Connell finds...
Book cover of I.T. Confidential, A Humorous Look at Work Life through the Eyes of an Info Tech Insider
by C.D. Rahm
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2013

If you could be a fly on the cubicle wall of an I.T. Professional……someone would probably throw a stale bagel at you. But before they did, you would see what C.D. Rahm reveals in this tell-all book.At great personal risk to career and plastic pocket protector, Rahm takes us on a...
Book cover of Daily Beauty

Daily Beauty

365 Ways to Play with Everyday Quilt Embellishments

by Cécile Trentini
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

It’s true—just a simple item from your make-up bag can put the perfect touch on your quilt! Cécile Trentini’s featured quilt of 365 blocks (one for each day of the year) celebrates the extraordinary beauty of ordinary life with perfectly round and richly embellished cotton cosmetic pads. Take...
Book cover of A Concise History of Kentucky
by James C. Klotter, Freda C. Klotter
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2010

Kentucky is most commonly associated with horses, tobacco fields, bourbon, and coal mines. There is much more to the state, though, than stories of feuding families and Colonel Sanders' famous fried chicken. Kentucky has a rich and often compelling history, and James C. Klotter and Freda C. Klotter...
Book cover of Scripting with Objects

Scripting with Objects

A Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Scripting with Perl and Python

by Avinash C. Kak
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Object-Oriented scripting with Perl and Python Scripting languages are becoming increasingly important for software development. These higher-level languages, with their built-in easy-to-use data structures are convenient for programmers to use as "glue" languages for assembling multi-language...
Book cover of Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture

Das Praxis-Handbuch für professionelles SoftwaredesignRegeln und Paradigmen für effiziente Softwarestrukturierung

by Robert C. Martin
Language: German
Release Date: February 23, 2018

Praktische Lösungen für den Aufbau von Softwarearchitekturen von dem legendären Softwareentwickler Robert C. Martin (»Uncle Bob«)Allgemeingültige Regeln für die Verbesserung der Produktivität in der Softwareentwicklung über den gesamten LebenszyklusWie Softwareentwickler wesentliche Prinzipien...
Book cover of Divorcio en Florida para Hispanos
by Vivian C. Rodriguez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 25, 2014

Si su marco de referencia cuando se trata de un divorcio es la ley de su propio país, es en su mejor interés entender la ley de Florida para evitar contratiempos y gastos en un divorcio. Aprenda cuáles son los motivos legales para el divorcio en la Florida, y cuales motivos no tienden consecuencia...
Book cover of Psychotic Continuum
by N.C. Andreasen, J. Angst, F.M. Benes
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

One of the most important questions of our previous common volumes about affective, schizoaffective, and schizophrenic disorders was the question of what connects and what separates psychotic disorders (Marneros and Tsuang, Schizo­ affective Psychoses, Springer-Verlag, 1986; Marneros and Tsuang Affective...
Book cover of Unsatisfied


Finding Contentment in a Discontented World

by Ann C. Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2019

In Unsatisfied: Finding Contentment in a Discontented World, Ann C. Sullivan sorts through the reasons for our frustrations – Drama, Judgement, Fear, and Comparison – and leads readers on a path to genuine contentment through Hope, Purpose, and Fulfillment. Unsatisfied dares readers to believe...
Book cover of Smartee Plants

Smartee Plants

A Professional's Guide to Indoor Plant Care

by Carolyn J. C. Goodin CLP-I Emeritus
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Smartee Plants By: Carolyn J. C. Goodin CLP-I Emeritus Smartee Plants is more than just a “how to” manual – it also answers the question “why.” In this in-depth guide, Indoor Landscaping specialist Carolyn J. C. Goodin CLP-I Emeritus explores the details of the maintenance of indoor...
Book cover of Tropical Pathology
by T.G. Ashwort, E.M. Andersen, R.C. Ballard
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The continuous and rapid improvement of tourism around the whole world and the increasing emigration of peoples from the developing countries to the "old continents" have changed the classical image of tropical diseases, which are now seen more frequently in temperate and highly developed...
Book cover of c-Myc Function in Neoplasia
by Linda A. Lee, C.V. Dang
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2013

1 SCOPE OF BOOK n explosion of novel findings in the past decade has contrib­ A uted to the great progress toward understanding the biology of human cancers. Much of this progress can be attributed to our abil­ ity to dissect many biological processes at the molecular level. Most spectacular is the...
Book cover of 閣樓裡的小花3:花中荊棘
by V. C.安德魯絲(V. C. Andrews)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 29, 2016

讀者公認超越前作!看完後切勿向人透露驚人結局! 引頸期盼的話題系列「閣樓裡的小花」第三集再創高峰! 多重視角的全新手法精心打造難以名狀的恐怖氣氛! ★史上最暢銷的小說系列之一 ★「閣樓裡的小花」系列榮登博客來即時榜TOP...
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