C C : 30721 books

Book cover of El demonio del Sur
by Ricardo García Cárcel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Aquí se disecciona el conjunto de estigmas que han determinado la imagen siniestra del rey Felipe II: su condición de rey tenebroso e impenetrable, su perfil de rey déspota y fanático y, por último, su vertiente más personal a través del estudio de la atribución de parricidio por la muerte...
Book cover of CSCMP Certification Collection
by Terry L. CSCMP, Stanley E. Fawcett, Amydee M. Fawcett
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2014

Complete best practices for running high-value supply chains and earning elite CSCMP certification… 8 authoritative books, in convenient e-format, at a great price!   8 authoritative books help you plan, manage, and optimize any supply chain -- and systematically prepare for CSCMP's industry-leading...
Book cover of Electronic Transitions and the High Pressure Chemistry and Physics of Solids
by H.G. Drickamer, C.W. Frank
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

There is no paucity of books on high pressure. Beginning with P. W. Bridgman's The Physics of High Pressure, books of general interest include the two-volume Physics and Chemistry of High Pressure, edited by R. S. Bradley, and the series, Advances in High Pressure Research, as well as the report on...
Book cover of The Games of July

The Games of July

Explaining the Great War

by Frank C Zagare
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2011

"Frank C. Zagare combines a deep command of historical scholarship and the sophisticated skills of an applied game theorist to develop and test a theory of why deterrence failed, catastrophically, in July 1914. . . . Zagare concludes with sage advice on how to avoid even more cataclysmic breakdowns...
Book cover of L'homme qui ne voulait pas être roi

L'homme qui ne voulait pas être roi

Conversations avec Jacques Delors

by Cécile Amar
Language: French
Release Date: April 6, 2016

« Il a tout gardé. Tout. Et Jacques Delors m’a laissé tout regarder. Les cartons d’archives de celui qui a incarné l’Europe contenaient de l’or. Il a joué le jeu des « résonnances » entre hier et aujourd’hui. Il s’est confié, a raconté sa décennie. Il ne mentait pas, défendait...
Book cover of Mon cahier Perfect timing
by Cécile NEUVILLE
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2017

Suivre ses rythmes naturels et optimiser sa vie avec la tendance de la chronobiologie ! Pour être plus efficace, plus zen et au top de sa forme ! Objectif : booster tout son potentiel ! En suivant ses rythmes naturels, on est en phase avec son organisme et on s'assure qu'il fonctionne à son plein...
Book cover of Snow Kills
by R.C. Bridgestock
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2019

**FULLY REVISED NEW EDITION The fourth in the D.I. Jack Dylan series, set in Yorkshire and written by the husband and wife team who are the storyline consultants to TV's Happy Valley and Scott & Bailey**. When hairdresser Kayleigh Harwood is reported missing by her mother in the worst...
Book cover of Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were Not
by Heyward C. Sanders
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were NotBy: Heyward C. Sanders This book will help you focus more on life and the things that matter. This will help you see what society you are functioning in – fiction or nonfiction. Each community has both, but some are higher than the other. That’s because...
Book cover of Sharing in God’s Life: Interviews With C. Baxter Kruger
by C. Baxter Kruger
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2012

This book consists of seven interviews with C. Baxter Kruger, founder and president of Perichoresis, Inc. In the first three interviews, Dr. Kruger was in a round-table discussion with his assistant, Steve Horn, and some personnel from Grace Communion International: Joseph Tkach, J. Michael Feazell,...
Book cover of Christmas In D.C.
by C.A. Tibbitts
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2017

Naomi has worked as Will's assistant at college where he teaches law classes as she earns her degree as a Paralegal. After Naomi graduates, she learns that Will is quitting the college to work for a Senator in Washington D.C. When Will asks Naomi to work with him and the Senator. it...
Book cover of The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire

The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire

Its Historic Antipathy to the West and Its Periodic Strategic Partnerships with Britain and America

by Arthur C. Hasiotis, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2018

The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire By: Arthur C. Hasiotis, Ph.D. “Political and cultural biases must not be allowed to misrepresent historical writings and an accurate representation of the truth. Otherwise, generations of citizens and leaders will lack the record and guidelines...
Book cover of Le Graal du gobelin

Le Graal du gobelin

Jig le gobelin, T1

by Jim C. Hines
Language: French
Release Date: January 27, 2017

« C’est quoi ton problème, Gobelin ? fit le nécromant, impérieux. – Jig ! Pourquoi on m’appelle toujours “le gobelin” ? Je suis Jig. » Il se tourna d’un bond vers le nécromant et dégaina son épée. « Jig ! Jig ! Jig ! » Embringué de force dans une quête désopilante,...
Book cover of C O G I T O


A P H I L O S O P H I C a L D I S E R T a T I O N

by G E R A R D U S R A M C
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

The eternal dichotomy between science and religion. Are they compatible? YESNOMAYBE! The theory of creation and the theory of evolution are fundamentally at loggerheads with each other. The one being based on faith, the other on reason. The fact remains that the supernatural explanation of the universe...
Book cover of FKK WG
by M.C. Hanlon
Language: German
Release Date: March 24, 2014

Bewertungen unserer Leser: 4 Sterne »Klasse Buch, tolle Stories.« 5 Sterne »Coool.« Gekicher. Jetzt haben sie sich doch noch kennengelernt. Ein bisschen neugierig war ich schon – ziemliches Bisschen. War sie am Ende immer noch nackig. Quatsch, Du träumst, verpasste ich mir eine innere...
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