C C Miller: 213 books

Book cover of Brief an W.

Brief an W.

Wahre Liebe stirbt nie

by Anais C. Miller
Language: German
Release Date: May 11, 2017

Der Tod ist unendlich. Die Liebe geht darüber hinaus! Stell Dir vor, Du schreibst einen Brief. An Deine große Liebe. Du schickst ihn nicht ab, weil Du denkst, Du machst das Liebesgeständnis persönlich und dann kommst Du zu spät! Ein Buch über Seelenverwandtschaft und zugleich die tragische Biografie...
Book cover of Classic Star II Pferdeschicksal

Classic Star II Pferdeschicksal

Wenn Träume wahr werden

by Anais C. Miller
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Classic Star, das ehemalige Springpferd, das seine wohlverdiente Rente bekommen sollte und in der Hölle landete. Nachdem das Pferd gerettet wurde, entsteht zwischen dem Tier und seiner Retterin eine wunderbare Freundschaft, deren Geschichte zu Tränen rüht. "Dieses Pferd hat mir mein Selbstvertrauen...
Book cover of Pferdeschicksale


Nur wer seinen Träumen folgt, wird Wunder erleben

by Anais C. Miller
Language: German
Release Date: March 13, 2017

Folge mir, habe Vertrauen. Ich werde dich führen durch alle Dunkelheit deiner Zweifel. Und wenn du dich führen lässt, wirst du glänzen im hellen Schein. Dunkel wie die Nacht. Traurig wie der Regen. Treu wie der Regenbogen und hoffnungsvoll wie die Sonne, werde ich dich begleiten. In guten und schlechten...
Book cover of Warren Buffett's Ground Rules

Warren Buffett's Ground Rules

Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters of the World's Greatest Investor

by Jeremy C. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2016

Using the letters Warren Buffett wrote to his partners between 1956 and 1970, a veteran financial advisor presents the renowned guru’s “ground rules” for investing—guidelines that remain startlingly relevant today. In the fourteen years between his time in New York with value-investing...
Book cover of Repentance


A Daring Call to Real Surrender

by C. John Miller
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2009

Repentance begins at conversion—but doesn’t stop there. It isn’t penance, self-effort or condemnation, but an ongoing attitude for daily living in Christ, says Jack Miller. In this new edition Jack’s widow, Rose Marie, adds an epilogue telling of Jack’s own journey of living out repentance on a daily basis.
Book cover of Unclean Spirits: Get Out of my Bedroom!
by Charles Miller Delbert Washington, Rev. C Edward Miller
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2017

What the hell am I doing? She looks great in my bed, but I'm still so depressed. All of America is worried and cannot sleep at night. We are reminded about our personal lives and the importance of the truth. And we have friends that tell us one lie and then another and another, til a lie becomes the...
Book cover of Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry
by Prof James Miller, Jane C Miller
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2018

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry 7th edition provides a clear, accessible introduction to main statistical methods used in modern analytical laboratories. It continues to be the ideal companion for students in Chemistry and related fields keen to build their understanding of how...
Book cover of The Horseless Horsemen, Book 1: Jude
by Ross C Miller
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2015

5 Stars! Some people fail at using violence to tell a story. Jude is the opposite. It succeeds on so many levels. Darkness mixed with Christian themes brings this story to life. I like the character of Jane as well as the title character. Moving and electric. A must read! - Author Alan Riehl, The...
Book cover of The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States
by Matthew Hawkins, Michael G. Strawser, Eric C. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2017

The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States, fifteen scholars from this field address the variety of forms that free, public religiosity may assume, and which rhetorical techniques are operative in a public square populated by a diversity of religious-political actors. Together they consider...
Book cover of Radical Psychology

Radical Psychology

Multicultural and Social Justice Decolonization Initiatives

by Jessica L. Binkley, Don Coyhis, Kateri D. Coyhis
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

Radical Psychology discusses psychological factors that shape multicultural competency and social justice effectiveness, such as implicit and explicit biases, difficulties in accurate self-assessment of cultural competency and social justice skills, and the historical colonial biases that still shape...
Book cover of Au centre du complot
by C.J. Miller
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2015

Le coeur serré, Saafir regarde Sarah, la femme endormie à ses côtés. Bientôt, il quittera les Etats-Unis et celle qu'il aime pour rejoindre son royaume : le Qamsar. Bientôt, il se mariera avec une princesse de son rang, qui lui est indifférente mais que le protocole lui impose. Car il n'a plus...
Book cover of Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment
by David C. C Berry, Michael G. Miller, Leisha M. Berry
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

The case studies in this book use authentic injury assessment examples to help readers link theory and clinical practice with the goal of becoming competent clinicians. The situations are realistic and present more than 130 of the injuries that athletic trainers may encounter in the real world. The...
Book cover of Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment

Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment

Case Responses and Interpretations

by David C. C Berry, Michael G. Miller, Leisha M. Berry
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: Case Responses and Interpretations is a companion book that provides responses and interpretations to the case studies in Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: A Case Study Approach. Research, evidence-based practices, and professional experience form...
Book cover of Guided Reading: Learn Proven Teaching Methods, Strategies, and Lessons for Helping Every Student Become a Better Reader and for Fostering Literacy Across the Grades
by Terry C. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2019

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to use guided reading for intermediate grade school learners.  Whether you are a teacher who wants to use guided reading in the classroom or a parent who wishes to read to their children more often at night, you will find that this book...
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