Cali: 59 books

Book cover of Snow White and the Seventy-Seven Dwarfs
by Davide Cali
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2015

Snow White is on the run from an evil witch when she comes across some dwarfs in the forest. They agree to take her in and keep her safe if she will help them with their chores. She soon realizes she's taking on a lot more than she bargained for. 77 breakfasts to make, 77 lunches to pack (don't forget...
Book cover of When an Elephant Falls in Love
by Davide Cali
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

From the bestselling author of I Didn't Do My Homework Because... comes an irresistible meditation on the quest for connection. When an elephant falls in love, he does many foolish things. He hides when the elephant-object of his affection is around. He writes dozens of letters that he will never...
Book cover of Mystery Club (graphic novel)

Mystery Club (graphic novel)

Wild Werewolves; Mummy Mischief

by Davide Cali, Yannick Robert
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Two graphic novel mysteries in one book, each filled with fun humor and intrigue. Are there really werewolves in London? Mummies in the metro? Fear not—Mystery Club is on the case! In Wild Werewolves, a stranger approaches Zoey and Kyle in the library as they ask the question: "Do you...
Book cover of The Tiny Tale of Little Pea
by Davide Cali
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

Even the littlest among us can make a big mark!“When he was born, Little Pea was tiny. Teeny-tiny.” His clothes were hand sewn by his mother and his shoes were hand-me-down doll shoes. As he grew older, Little Pea enjoyed climbing tomato plants, driving around in his wind-up car and riding on the...
Book cover of L'amour à pleines dents !

L'amour à pleines dents !

Prix de la meilleure romance 2017

by Cali Keys
Language: French
Release Date: March 13, 2018

« L'auteure possède une excellente maîtrise de l'écriture ; son roman est frais, plein d'humour, l'écriture est légère, captivante. » - Psych3deslivres À vingt-quatre ans, Mélissa Müller, compositrice-interprète, quitte la Suisse (et donc la fondue au fromage et le chocolat), direction...
Book cover of My Journey with the Purple Dragon

My Journey with the Purple Dragon

Living with Leiomyosarcoma, a Rare and Aggressive Cancer

by Patricia Moreira-Cali
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2014

Patricias world turned upside down when she was accidentally diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma (LMS), an extremely rare cancer affecting only 1 in 5 million people. LMS is also a very aggressive type of tumor, thus nicknamed the Purple Dragon. After the initial shock of the diagnosis subsided,...
Book cover of Mon coeur au bout d'un fil
by Cali Keys
Language: French
Release Date: February 8, 2017

Une héroïne au cœur et au courage exemplaires. À vingt-huit ans, Zoé Garnier rêve de devenir romancière. Dévorant thrillers sur thrillers, elle se démène pour écrire son premier roman. Mais sa vie bascule le jour où elle apprend qu’elle a une sclérose en plaques. Malgré cette...
Book cover of Studies of Communication in the 2012 Presidential Campaign
by Judith S. Trent, Henry C. Kenski, Kate M. Kenski
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2014

This diverse and unique collection of essays examines a wide range of communication elements and themes in the context of the 2012 election. Topics include the early campaign and Romney’s nomination battle, candidate image, the rhetoric and campaigning of Michelle Obama and Ann Romney, issues of...


Bref histoire

by Sarah Cali
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2016

Heinrich Luitpold Himmler was born October 7, 1900 in Munich, death by suicide May 23, 1945 in Lüneburg, is one of the leaders of The Third Reich. It is Reichsführer-SS, the absolute master of the SS, Chef der Deutschen Polizei, head of the German police, the Gestapo and, from 1943, Minister of...
Book cover of Why Leaders Fight
by Michael C. Horowitz, Allan C. Stam, Cali M. Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2015

The history of political events is made by people. From wars to elections to political protests, the choices we make, our actions, how we behave, dictate events. Not all individuals have the same impact on our world and our lives. Some peoples' choices alter the pathways that history takes. In particular,...
Book cover of Crotte !
by Davide Cali
Language: French
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Un album qui fera rire petits et grands ! Le président sort de son palais et reçoit une crotte de pigeon sur le nez. Il entre dans une grande colère et veut éradiquer les pigeons. Les experts se réunissent et ont une brillante idée : ils vont faire venir des chiens pour faire fuir les...
Book cover of Bons baisers de Californie
by Cali Keys
Language: French
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Eileen n'a qu'un rêve en tête : ouvrir une boutique de vêtements pour montrer ses créations sur State Street à Santa Barbara. Mais comment faire pour intégrer le milieu très fermé de la mode ? Se faire embaucher comme journaliste chez Stiletto & Pearl pardi ! L'équipe du célèbre magazine...
Book cover of You & I
by Cali Keys
Language: French
Release Date: April 25, 2018

Lorsqu’Alyssa Grant, étudiante en climatologie, perd son frère Ben, elle décide de tout quitter et de parcourir la Tornado Valley. Son but ? Améliorer le système de prévention des tornades, un projet commencé avec son frère et son meilleur ami Wyatt. Mais la jeune femme manque cruellement...
Book cover of Cavale ça veut dire s'échapper
Language: French
Release Date: March 14, 2019

"On ne comprenait pas tout, mais à nos âges tout explosait autour et on ne demandait qu'une chose, exploser avec." Un instant, j'ai voulu vous suivre, vous voir, respirer ce que j'aurais dû respirer. Mais je suis resté sur la pente. Et j'ai pleuré, pas fort non, mais ruisselant à l'intérieur. J'entendais...
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