Cass Sunstein: 32 books

Book cover of Simpler


The Future of Government

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2013

Simpler government arrived four years ago. It helped put money in your pocket. It saved hours of your time. It improved your children’s diet, lengthened your life span, and benefited businesses large and small. It did so by issuing fewer regulations, by insisting on smarter regulations, and by eliminating...
Book cover of How to Humble a Wingnut and Other Lessons from Behavioral Economics
by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2013

In How to Humble a Wingnut, leading constitutional scholar, behavioral economist, and former Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass R. Sunstein examines the unconventional impetuses behind human decision-making. Why it is that people often choose to behave...
Book cover of The World According to Star Wars
by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER #1 Washington Post Bestseller  There’s Santa Claus, Shakespeare, Mickey Mouse, the Bible, and then there’s Star Wars. Nothing quite compares to sitting down with a young child and hearing the sound of John Williams’s score as those beloved golden letters...
Book cover of The Cost-Benefit Revolution
by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2018

Why policies should be based on careful consideration of their costs and benefits rather than on intuition, popular opinion, interest groups, and anecdotes. Opinions on government policies vary widely. Some people feel passionately about the child obesity epidemic and support government regulation...
Book cover of A Constitution of Many Minds

A Constitution of Many Minds

Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean What It Meant Before

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2009

The future of the U.S. Supreme Court hangs in the balance like never before. Will conservatives or liberals succeed in remaking the court in their own image? In A Constitution of Many Minds, acclaimed law scholar Cass Sunstein proposes a bold new way of interpreting the Constitution, one that respects...
Book cover of Choosing Not to Choose

Choosing Not to Choose

Understanding the Value of Choice

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2015

Our ability to make choices is fundamental to our sense of ourselves as human beings, and essential to the political values of freedom-protecting nations. Whom we love; where we work; how we spend our time; what we buy; such choices define us in the eyes of ourselves and others, and much blood and...
Book cover of Infotopia : How Many Minds Produce Knowledge
by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The rise of the "information society" offers not only considerable peril but also great promise. Beset from all sides by a never-ending barrage of media, how can we ensure that the most accurate information emerges and is heeded? In this book, Cass R. Sunstein develops a deeply optimistic understanding...
Book cover of Infotopia


How Many Minds Produce Knowledge

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2006

The rise of the "information society" offers not only considerable peril but also great promise. Beset from all sides by a never-ending barrage of media, how can we ensure that the most accurate information emerges and is heeded? In this book, Cass R. Sunstein develops a deeply optimistic...
Book cover of The Ethics of Influence

The Ethics of Influence

Government in the Age of Behavioral Science

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2016

In recent years, 'nudge units' or 'behavioral insights teams' have been created in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and other nations. All over the world, public officials are using the behavioral sciences to protect the environment, promote employment and economic growth, reduce poverty,...
Book cover of Wiser


Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter

by Cass R. Sunstein, Reid Hastie
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2014

Why are group decisions so hard? Since the beginning of human history, people have made decisions in groups—first in families and villages, and now as part of companies, governments, school boards, religious organizations, or any one of countless other groups. And having more than one person...
Book cover of Un pequeño empujón

Un pequeño empujón

El impulso que necesitas para tomar mejores decisiones sobre salud, dinero y felicidad

by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 26, 2017

El libro que inspiró a Barack Obama los fundamentos de la política al demostrar el poder de un pequeño empujón. Por el Premio Nobel de Economía 2017 Richard H. Thaler. En Un pequeño empujón, considerado ya un clásico y uno de los mejores libros sobre economía y política de...
Book cover of On Rumors

On Rumors

How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, and What Can Be Done

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2014

Many of us are being misled. Claiming to know dark secrets about public officials, hidden causes of the current economic situation, and nefarious plans and plots, those who spread rumors know precisely what they are doing. And in the era of social media and the Internet, they know a lot about how...
Book cover of 原力思辨:哈佛法學教授用星際大戰解析生命中重要的事
by 凱斯.桑思汀, Cass R. Sunstein
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 1, 2017

星戰就像一粒沙,當中蘊藏一世界。 星際大戰是關於選擇、犧牲與救贖的童話故事, 也是探討社會影響與公共議題的學科文本。 它發生在遙遠的銀河系,卻出奇貼近人心,直觸情感中的激越與矛盾, 看似淺白喧鬧,卻鼓勵你思考生命中許多重要的事。 原力是否存在真實生活中? 我們可以從星際大戰學到什麼?在人心方面有何啟發? 媒體評論家公認「美國最危險的人」──凱斯.桑思汀, 是當代美國重量級的法律學者、歐巴馬最信任的智囊, 但他同時也是一個名副其實的星戰迷。 他發現透過星際大戰,你能夠更透徹的了解自己,和這個世界! 本書首先探索我們對星際大戰的癡迷熱愛,探究這系列電影的不凡緣起,接著,桑思汀把星際大戰搖身一變為寶貴的學科文本,檢視它為社會、政治與道德層面所帶來的影響,辨析它對憲法、歷史、經濟學,甚至人際牽繫的啟示。書中也對於父子關係、個人選擇的自由、民主是如何變成獨裁、J.J.亞伯拉罕和喬治.盧卡斯誰會是較稱職的大法官等既複雜又有趣的議題,提出嶄新見解。 無論你是熱愛星際大戰,或是想要了解這個文化現象為何能引起不同世代之間的共鳴,都應該讀這本輕鬆迷人的不凡傑作。 桑斯汀教授寫給台灣讀者: 非常高興聽到這本真心之作能有繁體中文版,和臺灣讀者見面。前些日子我才造訪臺北,一路遇到許多不凡的人,為大家的溫暖、創意、勇氣與決心深深打動,不禁心想:我是在跟眾多絕地武士會面嗎? 我當然在書店看到許多星戰的書,臺灣友人也對星戰如數家珍。無論是路克天行者的種種故事,還是自由的艱難勝利,都在呼喚全球民眾──格外在呼喚臺灣民眾。 如同星戰所展現的,「共和」這種尊重個人權利的自治體制不易建立,亦不易維持,有時簡直難上加難。然而儘管黑暗面的威脅不斷,臺灣人民仍成功建立了欣欣向榮的民主。 願原力與你們同在──永遠同在。 ◎《紐約時報》排行榜暢銷書 ◎《華盛頓郵報》排行榜第一名 黃丞儀 中研院法律學者...
Book cover of #Republic


Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media

by Cass R. Sunstein
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2018

From the New York Times bestselling author of Nudge and The World According to Star Wars, a revealing account of how today's Internet threatens democracy—and what can be done about it As the Internet grows more sophisticated, it is creating new threats to democracy. Social media companies...
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