Cast: 196 books

Book cover of Iluminada
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Cansada de encontros com egocêntricos, a designer de interiores Pamela Gray está quase a desistir dos homens. Quer ser tratada como uma deusa - preferencialmente por um deus. Quando exprime o seu desejo, invoca inconscientemente a deusa Ártemis, que possui alguns truques na sua manga celestial......
Book cover of Deusa da Lenda
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 27, 2013

A fotojornalista Isabel, cansada da vida que levava até então, decide voltar à sua terra natal, Oklahoma. No caminho para casa, porém, sofre um acidente, e seu carro é arremessado de uma ponte. Nas escuras e frias águas de um lago, ela luta pela sobrevivência, no limite entre a vida e a morte....
Book cover of Desejada
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 13, 2012

Lina é proprietária de uma padaria Gourmet em Tulsa mas, infelizmente, o negócio não está a correr como esperado e ela precisa de um plano. Quando tropeça, acidentalmente, num livro de culinária italiana da deusa, Lina não consegue deixar de pensar que encontrou a solução para os problemas,...
Book cover of Divina Por Escolha
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 29, 2014

Shannon Parker aceitou finalmente a sua vida no mítico mundo de Partholon. As suas responsabilidades divinas são muitas, mas ela ama o seu marido centauro, a sua ligação à deusa Eponina e os pequenos prazeres que a vida lhe dá. Já quase esqueceu a antiga vida na Terra – especialmente ao descobrir...
Book cover of Time Raiders: The Avenger
by P.C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2009

Her mission…travel to an ancient world and capture a warrior’s heart For Alexandra Patton, the Time Raiders project sends the reluctant psychic back to 60 AD Briton—a world where she can barely understand the accents, let alone its culture of brutality and superstition. Armed only with...
Book cover of Divine by Mistake
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2019

It’s the beginning of summer break, and high school English teacher Shannon Parker is ready to relax poolside with some red wine and a good book. She’s friggin’ earned it! But first—a little shopping, a la fancy estate auction. Surrounded by old folks and even older artifacts, Shannon...
Book cover of Elphame’s Choice
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2019

All her life, Elphame never felt like she belonged. From birth she was always set apart, infinitely different from her family and the people of Partholon, because she had so obviously been touched by the great Goddess Epona. When she feels the call of the ancient and crumbling MacCallan Castle,...
Book cover of Divine by Choice
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2019

Finally settled into her new world and role as the Goddess Epona’s Chosen, Shannon finds herself loving her life of luxury and service more and more each day. Her handsome husband is due to return from his travels soon, and the temple and its people have recovered from the terrible war months before....
Book cover of Divine by Blood
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2019

Eighteen-year-old Morrigan has always felt different, like she didn’t belong in small-town Oklahoma where she grew up. But on an outing with her friends to the deep, gem-filled Alabaster caves, Morrigan discovers that she’s much more than just different, she’s magical. When she learns...
Book cover of The Fledgling Handbook 101
by P. C. Cast, Kim Doner
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2014

Merry meet, fledgling. Welcome to a new life, a new world, and a new you. Welcome to the House of Night! This might seem like a scary time, Fledgling, but never fear! As you start your journey through the ancient halls of the House of Night, this indispensable handbook will aid you in your...
Book cover of Profecía de sangre
by P.C. Cast
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Casi todas las chicas suelen pensar que son distintas, pero Elphame lo sabía con certeza. Era rara. Extraña. Única. Nadie en todo Partholon poseía sus capacidades ni su estrecha conexión con la diosa. Además, estaba a punto de descubrir su destino. Su inquietud la condujo al otro extremo del...
Book cover of Limoncito
by Javier Sáez Castán
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2015

Un día, cuando está a punto de perder toda esperanza, Elmer Campos recibe la inesperada visita de Limoncito. Pronto habrá de recordar dónde y cómo se habían conocido, y esos recuerdos le traerán nuevas luces para reencontrar su camino.
Book cover of The Biggest Loser Fitness Program

The Biggest Loser Fitness Program

Fast, Safe, and Effective Workouts to Target and Tone Your Trouble Spots--Adapted from NBC's Hit Show!

by Biggest Loser Experts and Cast, Maggie Greenwood-Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2007

Thanks to The Biggest Loser, NBC's unscripted hit show, dozens of overweight contestants have improved their health with dramatic weight-loss transformations. Thousands of inspired fans of the show have undergone personal weight-loss journeys, using the tools and tips provided by the show's experts...
Book cover of Les Saisons du destin

Les Saisons du destin

Une année en Nouvelle-France

by Nicole Castéran
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2011

1749 en Nouvelle-France. Une guerre vient de prendre fin. La suivante couve déjà.Pourtant, la vie suit son cours dans la colonie qui connaît, à son insu, ses derniers soubresauts.   Quatre personnages historiques nous entrouvrent une fenêtre sur leur vie : une dame de la haute société, Élisabeth...
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