Cast: 196 books

Book cover of Warrior Rising
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2008

In a bid to end the Trojan War, three powerful goddesses try to tame the incomparable warrrior Achilles with the love of a modern woman in this Goddess Summoning novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author P. C. Cast... Goddesses Hera, Athena, and Venus have had it up to here with the Trojan...
Book cover of Goddess of Spring
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2008

A modern woman meets her match in Hades, the mythical Lord of the Underwold, in this Goddess Summoning novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author P. C. Cast... Lina’s bakery in Tulsa is proving to be less than lucrative—and she needs a plan. When she stumbles upon an Italian Goddess...
Book cover of Goddess of the Rose
by P. C. Cast
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2009

#1 New York Times bestselling author P. C. Cast's Goddess Summoning series continues as a modern woman attempts to tame a wild beast with the power of love... Empousai family roses have bloomed for centuries, thanks to the drops of blood their women sacrifice for their gardens. But Mikki would...
Book cover of Indie Artist Insider Guide: Best of the SongCast Blog
by Song Cast
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2013

SongCast's most popular blog posts are all here in one convenient book. Learn how to find the right equipment for your recording process. Find out how you can promote your band. Learn how to involve your fans. Even find out where other artists are earning their money.
Book cover of Gezeichnet


House of Night

by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2010

HOUSE OF NIGHT: die einzig legitime Nachfolge-Serie der Bis(s) RomaneAls auf der Stirn der 16jährigen Zoey Redbird eine saphirblaue Mondsichel aufscheint, weiß sie, dass ihr nicht viel Zeit bleibt, um ins House of Night, das Internat für Vampyre, zu kommen. Denn jetzt ist sie gezeichnet. Im House...
Book cover of Amber Smoke
by Kristin Cast
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2015

From the #1 New York Times–bestselling co-author of the House of Night series—a new saga “with a unique twist on Greek mythology and heart-stopping action” (#1 New York Times–bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout). In a world parallel to our own, the souls of the damned are caged,...
Book cover of La Maison de la Nuit - tome 11
by Kristin CAST, PC CAST
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2014

Mortellement blessé, Neferet est plus dangereuse que jamais. A cette menace, s'ajoute celle de Dallas, contre Zoey et ses amis. Et lorsqu'un meurtre ébranle Tulsa, c'est la Maison de la Nuit que tous montrent du doigt. Zoey sera-t-elle capable de protéger les siens, ou un autre devra-t-il se dresser à sa place ?
Book cover of La Maison de la Nuit - tome 5
by Kristin CAST, PC CAST
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2013

Zoey n'est plus seule. Les plans de Neferet pour la séparer de ses amis ont échoué.Tous se cachent désormais dans les souterrains avec les novices rouges. Mais un dangereux allié s'est rangé aux côtés de la grande prêtresse : Kalona, l'ange déchu, beau comme un dieu, aussi rusé que le diable....
Book cover of La Maison de la Nuit - tome 12
by Kristin CAST, PC CAST
Language: French
Release Date: September 3, 2015

Attention évènement, le dernier tome de la série vampire au succès international ! Déjà plus de 12 millions de lecteurs accros ! Neferet a finalement révélé son existence aux humains ! Une sombre déesse domine à présent Tulsa et le monde tout entier. Aucun vampire n'est assez puissant...
Book cover of Redeemed


La Casa della Notte [vol. 13]

by Kristin Cast, P. C. Cast
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 16, 2015

Nel giro di una notte, Neferet è diventata la padrona assoluta di Tulsa e ha costretto alla fuga tutti i vampiri della Casa della Notte. È tutta colpa mia. Ho lasciato che il Male corrompesse la mia anima, ho ucciso due innocenti e adesso sono bloccata in una cella fredda e umida, in attesa di ricevere...
Book cover of Lost
by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

The moment Other Kevin returns to his world trouble begins. Thankfully, he finds friends and allies-some expected, some unexpected-and soon discovers he, like his sister, can wield Old Magick. But without a mentor to help him, will Kevin be tempted to embrace Darkness? Back in our Tulsa, things...
Book cover of Tentada
by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 4, 2011

Depois de tanta agitação, Zoey bem que merecia um descanso. Mas não há tréguas na Morada da Noite. Lidar com três caras ao mesmo tempo, novamente, não é um alívio para o estresse, especialmente quando um deles é um guerreiro tão sexy e tão dedicado em protegê-la, que é capaz de sentir...
Book cover of Destinada
by Kristin Cast, P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 11, 2012

Há novas forças trabalhando na Morada da Noite. Algumas delas ameaçam sua estabilidade. Zoey está finalmente em casa, segura, ao lado do guerreiro Stark, se preparando para enfrentar Neferet. Kalona lançou seu poder sobre Rephain. E, após terem sido presenteados por Nyx com uma parte humana,...
Book cover of Redimida
by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Zoey Redbird está em apuros. Tendo dado a pedra da vidência para Aphrodite, e rendendo-se à Polícia de Tulsa, ela se isola de seus amigos e mentores, determinada a enfrentar a punição que merece – mesmo que isso lhe custe a vida. Só o amor das pessoas mais próximas poderá salvá-la da escuridão...
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