Christian David: 97 books

Book cover of Big History大歷史:跨越130億年時空,打破知識藩籬的時間旅圖
by 大衛‧克里斯欽(David Christian)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 6, 2018

我們不能只是了解全球史、世界史! 更必須掌握「Big History大歷史」,更宏觀、開闊、全面、完整的人類歷史圖像敘述! 大衛‧克里斯欽開創大歷史學派「Big History大歷史」開山之作 2005年榮獲西方歷史協會年度最佳世界歷史圖書獎 (The...
Book cover of Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam

Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam

Or, How Not to Learn from the Past

by Christian G. Appy, Andrew J. Bacevich, Alex Danchev
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2011

Essays by Christian G. Appy, Andrew J. Bacevich, John Prados, and others offer “history at its best, meaning, at its most useful.” —Howard Zinn From the launch of the “Shock and Awe” invasion in March 2003 through President George W. Bush’s declaration of “Mission Accomplished”...
Book cover of This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity
by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2007

A great historian can make clear the connections between the first Homo sapiens and todays version of the species, and a great storyteller can make those connections come alive. David Christian is both, and This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity makes the journeyfrom the earliest foraging era...
Book cover of Advanced Coaching Practice

Advanced Coaching Practice

Inspiring Change in Others

by Dr. Christian van Nieuwerburgh, David Love
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2019

Highly respected coaches Christian van Nieuwerburgh and David Love help you to develop your coaching practice, bridging the gap between beginner and advanced coach. You’ll have access to 15 videos that illustrate and analyse the book’s key themes, helping you to extend your learning and enhance...
Book cover of Wir sind noch mehr

Wir sind noch mehr

Deutschland in Aufruhr

by Vera Lengsfeld, Heiko Schrang, David Berger
Language: German
Release Date: November 22, 2018

Ein Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit Die bekanntesten Autoren der Freien Medien bilden mit diesem Buch zum ersten Mal ein gemeinsames Bündnis für eine unabhängige und freie Meinungsbildung fernab von journalistischem Einheitsbrei, staatlicher Deutungshoheit, Zensur oder...
Book cover of Alive - monographie de Carole Douillard
by Christian Alandete, Janig Bégoc, Chantal Pontbriand
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Cabin Agency publie le premier ouvrage monographique de l’artiste plasticienne et performer Carole Douillard. Ce catalogue bilingue (français / anglais) parcourt l’ensemble de son travail depuis la fin des années 1990 et propose une réflexion sur sa pratique performative et immatérielle....
Book cover of Gott und Götter in den Weltreligionen

Gott und Götter in den Weltreligionen

Christentum, Judentum, Islam, Hinduismus, Konfuzianismus, Buddhismus

by Christian Meyer, Klaus von Stosch, Hans Waldenfels
Language: German
Release Date: September 17, 2014

Die gegenwärtige Lebenswelt ist die eines religiösen Pluralismus. Verschiedene Religionen leben miteinander, üben politischen Einfluss aus und gestalten unsere Lebenswelt. Die Fragen, um was es den Religionen geht, welche unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen sie von Gott, Göttern und anderen Bezugspunkten...
Book cover of Images économiques du monde 2015

Images économiques du monde 2015

Dossier. Russie : le retour de puissance ?

by François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin
Language: French
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Sous la direction de François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin, Christian Girault, Anne-Lise Humain-Lamoure, Olivier Sanmartin, David Teurtrie. Le grand dossier Russie : le retour de puissance ? Les zooms thématiques - 1 milliard de touristes ? - La santé, encore un bien public...
Book cover of Images économiques du monde 2018

Images économiques du monde 2018

France la grande fracture

by François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin
Language: French
Release Date: September 20, 2017

DOSSIER - France : la grande fracture par Laurent CARROUÉ Dossier spécial : Élection présidentielle 2017 : les deux France par Céline COLANGE et Jérôme FOURQUET POPULATION ET SOCIÉTÉ coordonné par Anne-Lise HUMAIN-LAMOURE ENTREPRISES ET ÉCHANGES coordonné par François BOST et Laurent...
Book cover of Images économiques du monde 2019

Images économiques du monde 2019

Les nouvelles routes de la soie : vers une mondialisation chinoise ?

by François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin
Language: French
Release Date: September 5, 2018

DOSSIER : Les Nouvelles Routes de la soie : vers une mondialisation chinoise ? par Sébastien COLIN POPULATION ET SOCIÉTÉ coordonné par Antoine LAPORTE ENTREPRISES ET ÉCHANGES coordonné par François BOST et Laurent CARROUÉ AMÉRIQUES coordonné par Christian PIHET EUROPE coordonné par Laurent...
Book cover of The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
by John Law, Kalpana Shankar, David Hakken
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2016

The fourth edition of an authoritative overview, with all new chapters that capture the state of the art in a rapidly growing field. Science and Technology Studies (STS) is a flourishing interdisciplinary field that examines the transformative power of science and technology to arrange and...
Book cover of Mysterion


Rediscovering the Mysteries of the Christian Faith

by Donald S. Crankshaw, Kristin Janz, Daniel Southwell
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2016

The Christian faith is filled with mystery, from the Trinity and the Incarnation to the smaller mysteries found in some of the strange and unexplained passages of the Bible: Behemoth and Leviathan, nephilim and seraphim, heroes and giants and more. There is no reason for fiction engaging with Christianity...
Book cover of Katholisches Medienhandbuch

Katholisches Medienhandbuch

Fakten - Praxis - Perspektiven

by Alexander Filipovic, Andreas Büsch, Astrid Haas
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2013

Der rasante Medienwandel stellt die katholische Kirche und ihren Kommunikationsauftrag vor enorme Herausforderungen. Wie kann sich Kirche in einer durch Medien bestimmten Gesellschaft noch Gehör verschaffen? Sind Kirche und Medien überhaupt kompatibel? Und wie gelingt ihr der Spagat zwischen ihrer...
Book cover of Tin Soldier and Other Plays for Children

Tin Soldier and Other Plays for Children

adapted from (The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen) A Tasty Tale (Hansel and Gretel) Hood in the Wood (Little Red Riding Hood)

by Noel Greig, David Johnston, Hans Christian Andersen
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2017

A collection of three enchanting plays adapted from popular fairy tales and suitable for family audiences: Tin Soldier (adapted from The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen), A Tasty Tale (Hansel and Gretel), Hood in the Wood (Little Red Riding Hood). Acclaimed playwright Noel...
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