Claudia Nita Donca: 9 books

Book cover of Legile Divine

Legile Divine

Invata sa le folosesti in favoarea ta!

by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: Romanian
Release Date: March 13, 2015

Totul in viata, pe planeta pe care traim dar si in intregul Univers, se supune Legilor Divine, fie ca ne place sau nu, fie ca stim asta sau nu. Putem trai si fara ele si nu este grav ca nu le cunoastem. Insa atunci trebuie sa ne asumam si acceptam ca lucrurile se intampla aproape haotic in jurul nostru,...
Book cover of Decalogul pentru parinti si copii

Decalogul pentru parinti si copii

Cum sa crestem copii de succes!

by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: Romanian
Release Date: March 11, 2015

Diferenta dintre o actiune pozitiva si una negativa, dintre o fapta buna si una rea consta in intentia cu care facem facem respectiva: o fapta facuta cu intentie negativa devine rea (chiar daca nu are consecinte negative) si implicit, o fapta facuta cu intentie buna este buna, chiar daca nu intodeauna...
Book cover of The Decalogue for Parents and Children

The Decalogue for Parents and Children


by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2014

The difference between a positive action and a negative one, between a good deed and a bad deed lies in our intention: a deed done out of a negative intention becomes bad (even if it has no negative consequences) and a deed coming from a good intention becomes good, even if the outcome is not always...
Book cover of Spiritual Evolution: How Can We Grow?
by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2015

If we are able to realize earlier in life that our most important purpose is to grow inside, to polish the diamond which is our soul, we could avoid many sufferings by learning lessons with anticipation! Wealth, fame, material values come to us as “accessories”, only when they do not represent any danger for our growth and only if our anterior deeds generate these rights…
Book cover of The Divine Laws
by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2014

We can live without being aware of them and this fact is not considered a serious mistake. But then we have to accept that things surrounding us happen in a chaotic manner and that we do not understand why sometimes we get “luck” and other times when we most need it we only get “bad-luck”;...
Book cover of Spiritual Evolution - How Can We Grow?
by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2015

If we are able to realize earlier in life that our most important purpose is to grow inside, to polish the diamond which is our soul, we could avoid many sufferings by learning lessons with anticipation!    Wealth, fame, material values come to us as “accessories”, only when they do not represent any danger for our growth and only if our anterior deeds generate these rights…
Book cover of The Divine Laws

The Divine Laws


by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2014

Everything in life, both on this Planet and in the entire Universe, follows The Divine Laws, whether we agree or disagree, whether we are aware or unaware. We can live without being aware of them and this fact is not considered a serious mistake. But then we have to accept that things surrounding...
Book cover of The Decalogue for Parents and Children: How to Successfully Raise Our Children
by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2014

The solution is to teach our children to differentiate RIGHT from WRONG and to help them understanding that every action generates a consequence. In the second part of this book, the one addressed to children, I’ve introduced teaching stories, in order to help children to learn based on examples,...



by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2015

If someone told you that a better life is available for any soul on this Planet- that we can access happiness, beauty and success through love, without a considerable effort, wouldn’t that sound interesting?    To see that your youth, glow and freshness are preserved?    To magnetize,...
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