Cornelius: 322 books

Book cover of The Brink of Madness
by Carl Cornelius
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2014

What happens when the human mind becomes damaged, or is, perhaps, already broken?Jonas Harding and Madison Warren are two of the most talented and driven climbers in the world. They have spent their lives searching the globe for the greatest, undone climbs it has to offer. They learn of an unexplored...
Book cover of Démocratie et relativisme

Démocratie et relativisme

Entretiens avec le MAUSS

by Cornelius Castoriadis, Le MAUSS
Language: French
Release Date: February 3, 2010

Démocratie et relativisme constitue le témoignage écrit d’un débat public qui se tint en 1994 : les rédacteurs de La Revue du MAUSS [Mouvement anti-utilitariste dans les sciences sociales], notamment Alain Caillé, Serge Latouche et Jacques Dewitte, avaient souhaité débattre avec le philosophe...
Book cover of De Occulta Philosophia: Libro II Magia Celeste
by Cornelius Agrippa
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 22, 2019

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, nato verso la fine del XV secolo a Colonia, è ancora oggi una delle figure di maggior rilievo per chiunque si occupi di esoterismo ed alchimia. La sua celeberrima opera “De Occulta Philosophia, Libri Tres”, data alle stampe nell'anno 1553, è una pietra miliare per...
Book cover of Lesereise Ungarn

Lesereise Ungarn

Donaublick und Pusztatraum

by Cornelius Hell
Language: German
Release Date: July 29, 2013

Ungarn - das ist mehr als die Metropole Budapest. Die jüngste Stadt des Landes, das im 19. Jahrhundert neu aufgebaute Szeged, hat ebenso ihr eigenes Flair wie Debrecen, die Hauptstadt der Puszta und der Reformation, oder das multikulturelle Pécs, die Europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2010. Cornelius...
Book cover of De Occulta Philosophia: Libro III Magia Cerimoniale
by Cornelius Agrippa
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 24, 2019

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, nato verso la fine del XV secolo a Colonia, è ancora oggi una delle figure di maggior rilievo per chiunque si occupi di esoterismo ed alchimia. La sua celeberrima opera “De Occulta Philosophia, Libri Tres”, data alle stampe nell'anno 1553, è una pietra miliare per...
Book cover of Der eiserne Wolf im barocken Labyrinth. Erwachendes Vilnius
by Cornelius Hell
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Das Labyrinth der Altstadt von Vilnius, aufgenommen in das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, vereint verwinkelte Gassen und großzügige Plätze, das Architekturensemble einer der ältesten Städte Europas, unzählige Kirchen und zahlreiche Zeugnisse einer bewegten Geschichte. Doch am anderen Ufer des Flusses...
Book cover of Hirnströme


Eine Kulturgeschichte der Elektroenzephalographie

by Cornelius Borck
Language: German
Release Date: September 11, 2013

Die Visualisierung von Gehirnprozessen hat in der Geschichte der Hirnforschung regelmäßig große Erwartungen geweckt. Cornelius Borck stellt mit der Registrierung elektrischer Hirnströme eine Aufzeichnungstechnik ins Zentrum seiner Untersuchung, mit der sich seinerzeit die Hoffnung verknüpfte,...
Book cover of Der Butler Comic 01: Geheimprojekt Claire
by Curd Cornelius
Language: German
Release Date: May 16, 2014

Durch Zufall erkennt die junge Dänin Claire ihre Fähigkeit zu fliegen. Dumm nur, dass dies im Urlaub in den USA passiert. Zehn lange Jahre wird Claire von Geheimdiensten und Wissenschaftlern durchleuchtet. Ihre Jugend ist trostlos. Doch zum Glück gibt es in Europa Armanda Marbely mit ihrem treuen...
Book cover of The Histories: Translation Based On Alfred John Church And William Jackson Brodribb (Mobi Classics)
by Cornelius Tacitus
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Histories (Latin: Historiae) is a book by Tacitus, written c. 100-110, which covers the Year of Four Emperors following the downfall of Nero, the rise of Vespasian, and the rule of the Flavian Dynasty (69-96) up to the death of Domitian. Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Book cover of The Unscratchables
by Cornelius Kane
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2009

Animal Farm meets The Simpsons in this inventive twiston the hard-boiled detective novel, featuring a world made up exclusively of cats, dogs, and one ruthless fox... Bull terrier Crusher McNash is a no-nonsense homicide detective who eats out of the can and only bathes when his boss orders...
Book cover of The Star Spangled Mikado
by Frank Kelley, Cornelius Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2016

Two correspondents in Tokyo describe, breezily and none too reverently, various phases of the American occupation of Japan, including MacArthur’s efforts to lay a basis for democratic government. They do not impugn the General’s motives, but they feel that he is relying on the very people who backstopped Japanese expansionism before and are preparing to do it again.
Book cover of The Longest Day

The Longest Day

The Classic Epic of D-Day

by Cornelius Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2010

The unparalleled work of history that recreates the battle that changed World War II -- now in a new edition for the 50th anniversary of D-Day. Newly in print for the first time in years, this is the classic story of the invasion of Normandy, and a book that endures as a masterpiece of living...
Book cover of Encountering the Chinese

Encountering the Chinese

A Modern Country, an Ancient Culture

by Hu Wenzhong, Cornelius N. Grove, Zhuang Enping
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2010

"A classic must-read for everyone coming to work or live in China." - Shelley Warner and Tony Voutas, cross-cultural trainers and founders of Asia Pacific Access Ltd, China China is in the midst of unprecedented economic and cultural growth. In the last decade alone, China joined...
Book cover of Vies des grands capitaines
by Cornelius Nepo
Language: French
Release Date: February 2, 2016

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