Courtney Milan: 70 books

Book cover of Es war einmal ein Marquis
by Courtney Milan, Ute-Christine Geiler
Language: German
Release Date: September 5, 2016

Book cover of Historical Gold Band 251

Historical Gold Band 251

Im Bann des irischen Kriegers / Eroberung und Verführung /

by Michelle Willingham, Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: June 24, 2012

Im Bann des irischen Kriegers von Willingham, Michelle Bebend löst sich Brenna aus den Armen Quin MacEgans. Der starke irische Krieger weckt Gefühle in ihr, denen sie niemals nachgeben darf! Wenn sie den Pfad der Leidenschaft beschreitet, wird sie womöglich eine Hure wie ihre verhasste Mutter....
Book cover of Trade Me – Gib mir dein Leben
by Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: May 25, 2015

Als Sohn eines IT-Multimilliardärs hat Blake Reynolds alles, was man sich nur wünschen kann. So wirkt es zumindest von außen, doch in Wahrheit ist Blakes Leben alles andere als perfekt. Selbst für den heißersehnten Collegebesuch musste er sich mühsam gegen seinen willensstarken Vater durchsetzen....
Book cover of O Plano da Herdeira
by Courtney Milan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 26, 2017

Miss Jane Fairfield parece não acertar em nada do que faz. Desde a forma como fala (tem mesmo de falar assim tão alto?) e as coisas que diz (e que mais valia não dizer), às roupas pavorosas que veste (parece um pavão!), não há nada de atrativo nela – e, ao que parece, nem o dote associado ao...
Book cover of Die Gouvernante und ihr geliebtes Ungeheuer
by Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: February 2, 2015

Vor drei Monaten ist die Gouvernante Serena Barton aus ihrer Stellung entlassen worden. Unfähig, eine neue Anstellung zu finden, verlangt sie Wiedergutmachung von dem Mann, der für ihre Kündigung verantwortlich ist: ein selbstsüchtiger, engstirniger und unmoralischer Herzog. Aber...
Book cover of La Gouvernante insoumise

La Gouvernante insoumise

Les Frères ténébreux, T0

by Courtney Milan
Language: French
Release Date: December 15, 2014

Découvrez gratuitement l’univers inoubliable de Courtney Milan, grâce à cette romance passionnée mise gratuitement à disposition des lecteurs ! Depuis que Serena Barton a perdu son poste de gouvernante, à cause d’un duc sans scrupules, elle se retrouve sans revenus et réclame justice...
Book cover of La conspiración de la condesa
by Courtney Milan
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 4, 2014

Sebastian Malheur era un libertino de los más peligrosos, un libertino educado. Cuando  no escandalizaba a las damas en el dormitorio, ultrajaba a la buena sociedad con sus teorías científicas. Era un hombre deseado, injuriado, aclamado y despreciado… y se reía de...
Book cover of El escándalo de la sufragista
by Courtney Milan, Ángeles Aragón López
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 31, 2014

Una sufragista idealista… La señorita Frederica Marshall, “Free”, había puesto su alma y su corazón en su periódico, famoso por apoyar sin reservas los derechos de las mujeres. Naturalmente, sus enemigos estaban empeñados en destruir su negocio y silenciarla...
Book cover of El affaire de la institutriz
by Courtney Milan, Ángeles Aragón López
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 21, 2014

ELLA NO SE RENDIRÍA… La institutriz Serena Barton había sido despedida de su puesto tres meses atrás. Como no podía encontrar otro empleo, optó por exigir compensación al hombre culpable de su despido, un duque mezquino, egoísta y canalla....
Book cover of Unveiled
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2014

Of all Ash Turner's accomplishments, stealing a dukedom from his old enemy is by far the most brazen. Now that he's been recognized as the heir, nothing remains but to head to Parford Manor and survey the estate that will be his. He expects opposition. He gets Lady Margaret. Margaret...
Book cover of This Wicked Gift
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2014

Lavinia Spencer is too poor to be anything but practical. But when her younger brother lands himself in trouble, she has no choice but to do the unthinkable. She accepts the help of the dishonorable man that she's always wanted, even knowing that it might mean her ruination... This Wicked Gift...
Book cover of Trial by Desire
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2010

In the three years since her husband left her, Lady Kate Carhart has managed to forge a fulfilling life for herself. But when Ned Carhart unexpectedly returns, she finds her tranquility uprooted-and her deepest secrets threatened. Though she has no intention of falling for Ned's charms, Kate can no...
Book cover of Unclaimed
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2011

Her only hope for survival Handsome, wealthy and respected, Sir Mark Turner is the most sought-after bachelor in all of London-and he's known far and wide for his irreproachable character. But behind his virtuous reputation lies a passionate nature he keeps carefully in check...until he meets...
Book cover of Unveiled
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2011

Ash Turner has waited a lifetime to seek revenge on the man who ruined his family-and now the time for justice has arrived. At Parford Manor, he intends to take his place as the rightful heir to the dukedom and settle an old score with the current duke once and for all. But instead he finds himself...
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