Courtney Milan: 70 books

Book cover of Proof by Seduction
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2014

It's not easy for a woman with neither money nor family to make her own way in the world, but as one of London's premier fortune-tellers, Jenny Keeble has managed precisely that. All she has to do is smile sweetly, listen carefully, and tell her clients precisely what they want to hear. It works...until...
Book cover of Proof By Seduction
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2012

She was his last chance for a future of happiness A gifted fortune-teller from a humble background, Jenny can make even the most sophisticated skeptic believe her predictions simply by batting her smoky eyelashes. Until she meets her match in Gareth Carhart, the Marquess of Blakely, a sworn...
Book cover of These Wicked Games
by Sherry Ledington, Lacey Kumanchik, Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Could that ravishing beauty be his wife? Damien, the handsome and brooding Earl of Coulter, is captivated by the mysterious woman he sees across a ballroom. Yet there is something strangely familiar in her flashing eyes and fascinating smile. Can this tempting woman full of sensual promise possibly...
Book cover of Unclaimed
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2014

Handsome, wealthy, and respected, Sir Mark Turner has made a name for himself as an upright moralist. But behind his virtuous reputation lies a hidden passion, one that he keeps in careful check... until he meets the beautiful Jessica Farleigh and discovers she is the one he's waited for all his life,...
Book cover of Trial by Desire
by Courtney Milan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2014

Lady Kathleen Carhart knows all about imperfect marriages. For years, she has secretly helped women escape their violent husbands. She feels she owes it to womankind. After all, her husband is perfect: handsome, gentle, amusing...and best of all, he left the country three years ago. She isn't even...
Book cover of Le Courage de l'héritière

Le Courage de l'héritière

Les Frères Ténébreux, T2

by Courtney Milan
Language: French
Release Date: October 7, 2015

« Les conflits sont réalistes et les personnages complexes. Même si ce livre aborde des questions existentielles, il n’en demeure pas moins très drôle. » « Tout en sensualité et humour, ce livre est brillant et offre à tous ceux qui recherchent de belles histoires des personnages...
Book cover of Le Secret de la duchesse

Le Secret de la duchesse

Les Frères ténébreux, T1

by Courtney Milan
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2015

Quand l’amour est un jeu de stratégie. Désirant échapper à un passé scandaleux, Minerva Lane, jeune femme discrète, se réfugie dans une petite bourgade sans histoire. Mais lorsque le séduisant et perspicace duc de Clermont s’installe dans le voisinage, Minnie devine qu’il est...
Book cover of A Guerra da Duquesa
by Courtney Milan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Miss Minerva Lane é calada e discreta, talvez até banal. Mas nem sempre foi assim. Da última vez que esteve no centro das atenções, a sua reputação ficou irremediavelmente manchada. Daí o novo nome e a nova identidade, duas máscaras que terá de ostentar para sempre. E, quando, numa festa, se...
Book cover of Eine hinreißende Schwindlerin
by Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2012

Schummriges Licht, der leichte Duft von Sandelholz in der Luft, eine Kristallkugel auf dem Tisch … Gareth Carhart, Marquess of Blakely, kann nicht glauben, dass sein Cousin auf diesen Schwindel hereingefallen ist. Um den gutgläubigen Ned aus den Fängen von Madame Esmerelda zu befreien, stattet...
Book cover of Geliebte Kurtisane
by Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: May 28, 2013

Egal, wie heftig die Damen der Gesellschaft mit ihm flirten: Sir Mark Turner ist entschlossen, sich seine Tugend bis zur Ehe zu bewahren - und wirkt mit seiner charmanten Zurückhaltung umso unwiderstehlicher! Selbst Königin Victoria ist tief von ihm beeindruckt. Doch dann gerät die Sittsamkeit...
Book cover of Geheimnisse einer Lady
by Courtney Milan
Language: German
Release Date: February 6, 2012

Verwegen blitzen die dunklen Augen des Reiters, dem Lady Kate Carhart frühmorgens auf der Landstraße begegnet. Woher kennt sie nur diesen Blick? fragt sie sich - und entdeckt schockiert: Der Fremde ist ihr Ehemann, Edward Carhart! Als Ned sie kurz nach der erzwungenen Hochzeit verließ und nach...
Book cover of O Escândalo de Uma Rebelde
by Courtney Milan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 21, 2018

Miss Frederica (“Free”) Marshall está muito à frente do seu tempo. É editora de um jornal de apoio aos direitos das mulheres e está habituada a incomodar muita gente. Mas o problema é que agora há quem esteja mais incomodado do que o costume. E decidido a silenciá-la. Free precisa de ajuda......
Book cover of A Conspiração da Condessa
by Courtney Milan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 5, 2018

A reputação de Sebastian Malheur é bem conhecida na sociedade londrina: ele tem o dom de escandalizar tudo e todos! Se não é pelo seu estilo de vida libertino (é o que dá ser bonito e desejável), é pelas suas rocambolescas teorias científicas. A má fama não é algo que o apoquente. Violet...
Book cover of Prueba de seducción
by Courtney Milan
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 24, 2011

Jenny, una pitonisa de origen humilde, podía conseguir que incluso los más escépticos creyeran sus predicciones. A veces le bastaba con batir sus oscuras y misteriosas pestañas. Hasta que llegó a su vida Gareth Carhart, marqués de Blakely, un científico que no estaba dispuesto a creerla. El...
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