Cup出版: 51 books

Book cover of clip 12月/2012 第28期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 1, 2012

Book cover of clip 01月/2014 第32期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2014

梳打埠大觀園 stadt 溫柔暴烈 前西德首都波恩 cahier 學生製作雜誌書 台大意識報
Book cover of clip 03月/2014 第33期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2014

文藝青年樂園 Interview 落地小鳥的視界 The Big Issue book & literature 在火山岩上寫作 冰島詩人 Sjón
Book cover of clip 06月/2014 第34期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2014

表達自我促成班 聞說因為 DSE,把兩個公開試合一,學生少讀一年中學課程,令補習社收入大減。補習社遂不斷開源,日語、法語、IELTS、AO 筆試⋯⋯工聯會更是「終生學習」的極致:「懷才不遇自救法」、「臨時演員實務訓練課程」、「和風現代美人魅力研習坊」等等,最近更在記協看到「實習記者預備班」,讓人想到,原來學習,是需要學習。 學習學習,又是否需要「上堂」?例如希望成為「和風現代美人」,有人只需買幾本「An-an」、「Non-no」、有人會到日本工作假期,當然有人到工聯會⋯⋯這涉及有沒有自學能力,實習是學生得到學習的機會,但抱歉,在表達自我至上、鼓吹自拍、用...
Book cover of clip 09月/2014 第35期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2014

玩玩吓終歸要收手 蘇格蘭公投獨立不成,贊成留下來的人險勝,這是一個很歷史性的時刻。 因為在這個已經習慣「玩玩吓」的世界裡,真的到了要緊關頭,許多人還是突然幡然醒悟,明白現實到底是怎麼一回事。 像中國大陸的網絡流行語,「理想很豐滿,但現實很骨感」,現實就是教人要接受碰壁、變得冷靜、學會妥協。「妥協」是一個非常理智的英文字,這個中文翻譯堪稱妙絕,因為中國的傳統是只有以大壓小,以強凌弱,無所謂協商,協商的結果是令雙方都要「妥貼」,雖然心裡不樂意,但妥協的條件好過甚麼也沒有,好過魚死網破,這就是現實。 因為中國文化一向有「泛道德主義」,絕大多數人認為「妥協」是一個髒字,等於出賣自己,等於沒有骨氣。但理智一點的人會明白,妥協不是「嗟來之食」,而是委屈求全,此一「委屈」不是逆來順受,而是為了「顧全大局」——好笑的是,「顧全大局」這個字才是真正的髒字,因為以今天絕大多數人的眼界,根本看不到大局是甚麼。 中文的這幾個字,兜兜轉轉,歧義紛呈,容易蒙混頭腦簡單,邏輯混亂的人,英文Compromise...
Book cover of clip 11月/2010 第21期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2010

Book cover of clip 02月/2011 第22期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2011

山寨大國崛起 Feature: 山寨文化導讀 Clip Click 2011香港藝術節 Mock Exam 揭曉通識題最佳答案 誰要買老翻? 幾年前荷里活有一齣小品,中文片名譯作「低清老翻王」,顯然是為了迎合香港反智口味。其實這齣小品一點也不反智,而且還很溫情,講一個普通小市民如何團結,對抗大商家,保護自己的社區與「集體記憶」的故事...
Book cover of clip 01月/2010 第16期
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2010

懷念龍門大酒樓? clip click: 紐約登台表演機會 全港鋼琴新秀選拔賽 天生我才也要有機會 香港流行講「分享」,但值得分享的東西很少——因為這是個拜金的城市,既然金錢代表一切,而世上又絕沒有人願意分享金錢,那當然沒有甚麼好分享的。 Clip...
Book cover of Dietology
by Halfdrained Cup
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2014

Your average dietology or exereligion really expects a lot of its adherents: food exclusions, Instagram accounts, burpies. And when everyone else is joining in, it's hard not to feel left out, especially when the conversation inevitably turns to discussions about proscribed foods, crazy-arse...
Book cover of You're a Tentacle Monster - But I Like It!
by Suction Cup
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

“I know you're a tentacle monster, but don't worry—I like it!” Hattie Burns whispered into the ear of Winston Clarke and smiled. Then, she put her arm around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes widened, and he drew back slightly, making the bar chair creak. But, he couldn't go...
Book cover of Book 2: Charlie
by Suction Cup
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

The group of burly men who lived and worked as soldiers in the Scottish highlands manning a remote military installation had a secret: they had all developed tentacles during a freak accident with a hyper-dimensional energy generator that made a dimensional rift. Now, they hide their tentacles as...
Book cover of Book 6: Doctor
by Suction Cup
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

The group of burly men who lived and worked as soldiers in the Scottish highlands manning a remote military installation had a secret: they had all developed tentacles during a freak accident with a hyper-dimensional energy generator that made a rift in the fabric of space-time. Now, they hide their...
Book cover of Book 3: Secret
by Suction Cup
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

The group of burly men who lived and worked as soldiers in the Scottish highlands manning a remote military installation had a secret: they had all developed tentacles during a freak accident with a hyper-dimensional energy generator that made a rift in the fabric of space-time. Now, they hide their...
Book cover of Halloween Tentacles
by Suction Cup
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Gina decides that tentacles are the way to go for Halloween, but she gets far more than she ever imagined was possible!
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