Cyril: 248 books

Book cover of Beaulieu


Finishing School for Secret Agents

by Cunningham, Cyril
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2005

This book is the outcome of a difficult investigation, and a very remarkable story it is too. It was at Beaulieu that a large number of agents from Britain and the Nazi-occupied countries of Europe were trained in the delicate arts of secret inks, coding, clandestine communications and black propoganda,...
Book cover of Unsullied Islands, Beaches & Landscapes
by Cyril Oghomeh
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2018

The author has collected poems set in beautiful, lush natural environments to showcase love and sexuality in relationships. The author uses evocative language in descriptions of both nature and his partners body. Readers will be titillated and provoked to reflect upon their own intimate relationships....
Book cover of Teacher Appraisal

Teacher Appraisal

Training and Implementation

by Cyril Poster, Doreen Poster, Doreen Poster
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2003

This second edition of the Posters' highly successful guide to teacher appraisal has been substantially updated to include the definitive Department For Education (DFE) regulations and guidelines which have appeared since the publication of the first edition. The book includes two completely new chapters,...
Book cover of No Mercy, No Leniency
by Cyril Cunningham
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 1990

This is the most authoritative and comprehensive British account ever published of the brutal North Korean and Chinese mistreatment of British POWs during the Korean War.The author, a psychologist, was a Scientific Advisor to the POW Intelligence Organisation during the Korean War.He explains in detail...
Book cover of Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard

Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard

The Biography of a Tormented Genius

by Louis-Cyril Celestin
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2013

Genius and dilettantism often go hand in hand. Nowhere is this truer than in the life of Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard, the bilingual physician and neurologist who succeeded Claude Bernard as the Chair of Experimental Medicine at the College de France in Paris after having practiced in Paris, London...
Book cover of Mécanisation de la riziculture
by Jean-Paul Aubin, Jean-Cyril Dagallier
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1997

Ce manuel constitue une synthèse documentée sur les systèmes rizicoles mécanisés dans le monde. A travers des études de cas et de chapitres plus généraux, l'ouvrage décrit une large gamme de matériel et de techniques adaptés aux contraintes spécifiques et locales de la riziculture.
Book cover of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
by Cyril Domb
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2000

The field of phase transitions and critical phenomena continues to be active in research, producing a steady stream of interesting and fruitful results. It has moved into a central place in condensed matter studies. Statistical physics, and more specifically, the theory of transitions between states...
Book cover of Teaching and Managing

Teaching and Managing

Inseparable Activities in Schools

by Cyril Wilkinson, Ernie Cave
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2018

Originally published in 1987. It has been questioned whether management theory can offer viable insights for education, largely because, unlike many other institutions, there is no exclusive managerial structure in schools - the roles of the teacher and manager are inextricably linked. This dual role...
Book cover of Chern on Dispute Boards

Chern on Dispute Boards

Practice and Procedure

by Cyril Chern
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2019

Chern on Dispute Boards examines the law of dispute boards and their development internationally, while also covering procedural topics that are of particular concern to those utilising dispute boards. It deals with advanced practitioner issues in the emerging law of dispute boards on an international...
Book cover of The Book of the Villiers Engine - A Complete and Fully Illustrated Instruction Manual on the Construction, Running, and Repair of Villiers Engines - Pitman's Motor Cyclists Library
by Cyril Grange
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
Book cover of Statistiques criminelles et enquêtes de victimation
by Alain Bauer, Christophe Soullez, Cyril Rizk
Language: French
Release Date: January 5, 2011

La publication régulière de chiffres ne doit pas tromper : la mesure de la criminalité et de la délinquance est une démarche parfois complexe. Aux diverses données statistiques élaborées par la police, la gendarmerie ou la justice et qui appréhendent les infractions enregistrées, se sont...
Book cover of Shadows Linger Until Dusk
by Cyril Cliffette
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Deeply enticing from the first time young Virginia lays her eyes on, the arrogant and mysterious Blake Scott turns out to become her best friend over time, while capably protecting his own secrets from the world. This is not just a tale of young teenagers trying to balance their hormones, since unspeakable...
Book cover of Christmas Tales
by Cyril Smith
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2010

SYNOPSIS CHRISTMAS TALES are a variety of short stories, with a Christmas theme, for those who enjoy a short read as opposed to a full length novel and is suitable for all ages from one to ninety two (as in MEL TORMES song.) Jinty the Chuffer would appeal to model Railway enthusiasts. Nelly Dean to...
Book cover of Comment vendre un livre

Comment vendre un livre

Marketing pour auteurs

by Joanna Penn, Cyril Godefroy
Language: French
Release Date: November 27, 2015

Le premier métier d'un auteur est bien entendu d'écrire de bons livres, mais de nos jours, son deuxième métier est d'en assurer la promotion. ** Ce livre a été dans le top 5 sur l'entrepreneuriat et N°1 dans l'autoédition. Il a reçu plus de 160 commentaires aux USA et une note de 4,8...
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