D H L : 248 books

Book cover of Lénine
by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: December 3, 2012

La vie de Lénine couvre deux périodes distinctes : vingt ans d'exil passés à rêver la révolution et à forger son instrument, le Parti bolchevique. En février 1917, la révolution russe se fait sans lui ; en octobre, elle prend son visage. En quatre ans Lénine parvient à se maintenir au pouvoir...
Book cover of L'Engrenage : chroniques yougoslaves
by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, Henry Wynaendts
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1993

Depuis plus d'un an et demi, l'Europe, à la recherche d'une identité internationale, se trouve incapable, tout comme les Nations Unies, de mettre fin à la guerre qui a éclaté dans l'ancienne Yougoslavie. Comment s'explique l'impuissance de la Communauté à assurer la paix sur ses marches ? Pourquoi...
Book cover of La Drôle de crise : de Kaboul à Genève (1979-1985)
by Georges Sokoloff, Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, Centre d'études prospectives et d'informations internationales
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1986

Ce que les hommes politiques apprécient dans les lendemains de crises Est-Ouest, c'est que celles-ci laissent derrière elles de vastes perspectives de reconstruction. Il y a tant à faire pour rétablir le dialogue, relancer les échanges, réinventer la négociation stratégique... Le maître-mot...
Book cover of Radiopathology of Organs and Tissues
by W. Alberti, K.K Aug, W. Calvo
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The biologic effects of radiation on normal tissues and tumors represent a complex area for investigation. These effects are of far-reaching consequence to the diagnostic radiologist and the radiation oncologist having a significant impact not only in concepts relative to radiation protection but...
Book cover of Justice pénale internationale : un bilan

Justice pénale internationale : un bilan

Une ère nouvelle d'abondance pétrolière ?

by Milena Uhlmann, Juliette Genevaz, Asiem El Difraoui
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Née des deux conflits mondiaux, l’idée de justice pénale internationale a mis un demi-siècle à se concrétiser dans des institutions pérennes, et des concepts juridiques indépendants des conjonctures de crises. Le tribunal pour l’ex-Yougoslavie, le tribunal d’Arusha, la création de la...
Book cover of La Russia tra due mondi
by Hélène Carrère d’Encausse
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 22, 2015

Bisogna aver paura della Russia? È questo l’interrogativo che si pone Hélène Carrère d’Encausse dopo la fine dell’URSS. Gli avvenimenti del 2008 hanno mostrato che il mondo del dopo guerra fredda è stato rimpiazzato da un mondo post-occidentale nel quale la Russia e la Cina stanno assumendo...
Book cover of Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz

Political Cartooning in the Latino Community

by Héctor D. Fernández L’Hoeste
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2017

Amid the controversy surrounding immigration and border control, the work of California cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz (b. 1964) has delivered a resolute Latino viewpoint. Of Mexican descent, Alcaraz fights for Latino rights through his creativity, drawing political commentary as well as underlining how...
Book cover of Parks, Peace, and Partnership

Parks, Peace, and Partnership

Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation

by David A. Mihalic, Peter Jacobs, Gillian Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2013

Today, over 3,000 protected areas around the world contribute to the protection of biodiversity, peaceful relations between neighbouring countries, and the well-being of people living in and around the protected environs. Historical and geo-political constraints are disappearing in a new spirit of...
Book cover of Shovel Ready

Shovel Ready

Archaeology and Roosevelt's New Deal for America

by John L. Cordell, John F. Doershuk, David H. Dye
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Shovel Ready provides a comprehensive lens through which to view the New Deal period, a fascinating and prolific time in American archaeology.   In this collection of diverse essays united by a common theme, Bernard K. Means and his contributors deliver a valuable research tool for...
Book cover of Mapping "Race"

Mapping "Race"

Critical Approaches to Health Disparities Research

by Jonathan Kahn, Joseph L. Graves Jr., Jay S. Kaufman
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2013

Researchers commonly ask subjects to self-identify their race from a menu of preestablished options. Yet if race is a multidimensional, multilevel social construction, this has profound methodological implications for the sciences and social sciences. Race must inform how we design large-scale data...
Book cover of African American Fraternities and Sororities
by Gloria Harper Dickinson, Craig L. Torbenson, Jessica Harris
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2012

The first African American fraternities and sororities were established at the turn of the twentieth century to encourage leadership, racial pride, and academic excellence among black college students confronting the legacy of slavery and the indignities of Jim Crow segregation. With a strong presence...
Book cover of Improving grassland and pasture management in temperate agriculture
by Dr O. Huguenin-Elie, Dr L. Delaby, Dr K. Klumpp
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2018

Assesses latest research on how grasslands function Surveys best practice in sustainable grassland management Considers wider aspects of sustainability such as ecosystem services and biodiversity
Book cover of Urate Deposition in Man and its Clinical Consequences
by R.D. de Abreu, G. van den Berghe, G. Calabrese
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

One person in four in the industrialized countries suffers from hyperuricemia and is therefore at risk of developing gouty arthritis, nephrolithiasis, or any of the other consequences of urate deposition. At present, far too little is known about urate deposition and the mechanisms by which it occurs,...
Book cover of Current Topics in Clinical Radiobiology of Tumors
by K.K. Ang, M. Baumann, S.M. Bentzen
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The impact of basic science radiobiological research is now being recognized of significant importance in clinical radiation oncology. Observations made in the laboratory using animals as'well as tissue culture have led to a better biologic understanding of techniques for altered fractionation, techniques...
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