Dan Millman: 25 books

Book cover of No Ordinary Moments

No Ordinary Moments

A Peaceful Warrior's Guide to Daily Life

Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2013

After the publication of Dan Millman's first two books, which have since become classics in the realm of spiritual literature, many readers responded with thanks and questions, saying:  "I was inspired by your first two stories — but how do you apply all these lessons in daily life?"...
Book cover of Body Mind Mastery

Body Mind Mastery

Creating Success in Sports and Life

by Dan Millman
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2010

Drawing on his extensive experience as a coach and world champion athlete, bestselling author Dan Millman reveals a path to success not only in sports but in any life endeavor that requires training and the integration of the body and mind — from golf and tennis to playing the piano. Body Mind Mastery...
Book cover of Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

A Companion to the Book That Changes Lives

Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Nearly a quarter century after the publication of Dan Millman's Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a film adaptation came to the screen in a movie titled "Peaceful Warrior" starring Nick Nolte as Dan's old mentor, "Socrates." Dan had anticipated that many questions might come from viewers...
Book cover of Living on Purpose

Living on Purpose

Straight Answers to Universal Questions

by Dan Millman
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2000

Each one of Dan Millman's best-selling books presents new keys to the "peaceful warrior's way of living." Each offers a different aspect of Dan's philosophy - relevant user-friendly real-world guidance for everyday life. For the first time in Living on Purpose Dan answers some of the toughest...
Book cover of I viaggi di Socrate

I viaggi di Socrate

La vera storia del guerriero di pace

by Dan Millman
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2011

Venticinque anni fa, Dan Millman ha scritto La via del guerriero di pace, un racconto autobiografico che ha venduto milioni di copie ed è stato tradotto in ventinove lingue. Descriveva l'incontro con un personaggio straordinario che Dan ha voluto chiamare Socrate, come l'antico saggio greco. Dice...
Book cover of The Laws of Spirit
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2013

One of the most important sections in Dan's bestselling book, The Life You Were Born to Live was titled "Laws that Change Lives."  These laws, as described, were key to overcoming the specific hurdles on a given individual's life path.  Different laws played critical roles for...
Book cover of Die Weisheit des friedvollen Kriegers

Die Weisheit des friedvollen Kriegers

Von der Kraft, das Leben zum Positiven zu verändern

by Dan Millman
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2011

Der Weg in eine Spiritualität des 21. Jahrhunderts Millionen begeisterter Leser weltweit folgten Dan Millman auf dem »Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers«. Immer wieder wurde der Autor gebeten, die oft kryptischen Aussagen und Verhaltensweisen seines Lehrers Socrates näher zu erklären. Endlich...
Book cover of Il sacro viaggio del guerriero di pace
by Dan Millman
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 14, 2018

Nel libro La via del Guerriero di Pace, Dan Millman aveva narrato quelle esperienze che gli erano servite per aprire gli occhi, il cuore e la mente, ampliando la sua visione del mondo e della vita. Dopo essere stato sottoposto a un periodo di addestramento e di prova da parte del suo maestro, Dan...
Book cover of The Four Purposes of Life

The Four Purposes of Life

Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World

Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2013

For many of us, life seems like a puzzle with missing pieces.  We form plans and change them; we choose one path then another, trying to find the right mate and career, hoping that we’ve made the right decision and that it will all work out.  At some point, we ask ourselves the central...
Book cover of Il ritorno del guerriero di pace
by Dan Millman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 6, 2017

Nel suo ultimo bestseller Dan Millman ci conduce attraverso una profonda indagine spirituale, per ritrovare il legame tra la vita quotidiana e la possibilità trascendente. Nel corso della sua ricerca, Millman si trasferisce da Honolulu al deserto del Mojave, a una animatissima città asiatica e a...
Book cover of La via del guerriero di pace

La via del guerriero di pace

Un libro che cambia la vita

by Dan Millman
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2013

All'inizio del dicembre 1966, durante il mio primo anno all'Università della California di Berkeley, nella mia vita si verificò una straordinaria serie di eventi. Cominciò tutto alle tre e venti di un mattino, quando inciampai per la prima volta in Socrate a una stazione di servizio aperta tutta...
Book cover of Der friedvolle Krieger und das Geheimnis der verborgenen Schrift
by Dan Millman
Language: German
Release Date: October 2, 2017

Der friedvolle Krieger kehrt zurück Ein verschollenes Schriftstück, das nichts weniger als die tiefsten Geheimnisse der menschlichen Existenz enthüllen soll. Eine Reise durch Licht und Dunkelheit, Triumph und Zweifel – hin zum Erwachen in einer neuen, grenzenlosen Bewusstheit: Die Suche nach...
Book cover of The Hidden School

The Hidden School

Return of the Peaceful Warrior

by Dan Millman
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2017

The Hidden School reveals a book within a book, a quest within a quest, and a bridge between worlds—a “must-read journey of transformation. Few other books so skillfully combine story and substance than this peaceful warrior adventure,” raves #1 New York Times bestselling author, Tony Robbins. In...
Book cover of The Life You Were Born to Live

The Life You Were Born to Live

A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose

Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Years ago, Millman had the good fortune to be tutored by a number of mentors as mysterious and wise as his best-known teacher he called Socrates.  One of those masters revealed to him (and a few other close discliples) a previously secret (and more accurate) method of numerological insight that...
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