Daniel J Levitin: 10 books

Book cover of The Organized Mind

The Organized Mind

Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload

by Daniel J. Levitin
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2014

New York Times bestselling author and neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin shifts his keen insights from your brain on music to your brain in a sea of details. The information age is drowning us with an unprecedented deluge of data. At the same time, we’re expected to make more—and faster—decisions...
Book cover of Weaponized Lies

Weaponized Lies

How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era

by Daniel J. Levitin
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

**Previously Published as A Field Guide to Lies We’re surrounded by fringe theories, fake news, and pseudo-facts. These lies are getting repeated. New York Times bestselling author Daniel Levitin shows how to disarm these socially devastating inventions and get the American mind back on track....
Book cover of Successful Aging

Successful Aging

A Neuroscientist Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives

by Daniel J Levitin
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2020

Author of the iconic bestsellers This Is Your Brain on Music and The Organized Mind, Daniel Levitin turns his keen insights to what happens in our brains as we age; why we should think about health span, not life span; and, based on a rigorous analysis of neuroscientific evidence, how you can make...
Book cover of This Is Your Brain on Music

This Is Your Brain on Music

The Science of a Human Obsession

by Daniel J. Levitin
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2006

In this groundbreaking union of art and science, rocker-turned-neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin explores the connection between music—its performance, its composition, how we listen to it, why we enjoy it—and the human brain. Taking on prominent thinkers who argue that music is nothing...
Book cover of The World in Six Songs

The World in Six Songs

How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature

by Daniel J. Levitin
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2008

The author of the New York Times bestseller This Is Your Brain on Music reveals music’s role in the evolution of human culture in this thought-provoking book that “will leave you awestruck” (The New York Times). Daniel J. Levitin's astounding debut bestseller, This Is Your Brain on Music,...
Book cover of Foundations in Music Psychology

Foundations in Music Psychology

Theory and Research

by Andrew J Oxenham, Henkjan Honing, Fleur Bouwer
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2019

A state-of-the-art overview of the latest theory and research in music psychology, written by leaders in the field. This authoritative, landmark volume offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the latest theory and research in music perception and cognition. Eminent scholars from...
Book cover of Tu cerebro y la música

Tu cerebro y la música

Por qué nos gusta la música y por qué disfrutamos con ella

by Daniel J. Levitin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 11, 2018

La música, como el lenguaje, forma parte de lo más profundo de la naturaleza humana. Escuches a Bach o a Bono, la música tiene un papel muy significativo en tu vida. ¿Por qué la música despierta distintos estados de ánimo? Levitin se sirve de la neurociencia más avanzada y de la más rigurosa...
Book cover of Building the Intentional University

Building the Intentional University

Minerva and the Future of Higher Education

by Joshua Fost, Judith Brown, Kara Gardner
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2017

How to rebuild higher education from the ground up for the twenty-first century. Higher education is in crisis. It is too expensive, ineffective, and impractical for many of the world's students. But how would you reinvent it for the twenty-first century—how would you build it from the ground...
Book cover of 一眼就突破盲點的思考力:破解假數字、偽科學、不實資訊背後的真相
by 丹尼爾.列維廷(Daniel J. Levitin)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 9, 2017

◆《大腦超載時代的思考學》暢銷作家最新力作! ◆《經濟學人》《華爾街日報》《出版家周刊》同聲讚譽 ◆Amazon網路書店分類暢銷榜TOP2 ◆2016 Mavis Gallant Prize最佳非文學獎得主 ◆2016哈德遜書店(Hudson Booksellers)最佳商業趣味書籍獎...
Book cover of 為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌:從情歌、舞曲到藍調,樂音如何牽動你我的行為
by 丹尼爾.列維廷(Daniel J. Levitin)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 18, 2017

超越國度的歌曲魔力 改變你看世界的方式 為什麼某些宗教音樂可以加強團體的信仰?為什麼某些歌曲會讓我們潸然淚下? 其實,音樂與歌曲是人類演化中的精華,能在我們的大腦中誘發情緒並引導行為: ◎為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌? 因為悲傷的音樂可以幫我們「騙過」頭腦,讓它釋放泌乳素來回應我們透過音樂想像出來的、安全的悲傷感,然後泌乳素就可以調整我們的心情。 ◎為什麼一起唱歌能夠促進團結 因為具有同步協調性質的歌曲和身體律動,彼此需要互動、相互遷就,因此能創造出最強烈的社交連結,體內還會分泌催產素,促進建立信任感。 ◎為什麼歌詞比文章更容易記憶? 因為曲調的形式、結構與押韻,能夠為內容設下多重限制,並提供各種記憶上的提示,互相強化之下使得殘缺不全的記憶有幾乎完美的表現。 更多的音樂奧秘,都在《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》逐步呈現。 本書作者丹尼爾.列維廷結合了他在麥基爾大學音樂認知實驗室中最先進的科學研究, 以及和指揮家、人類學家和演化生物學家等等的訪談內容, 呈現了六大類歌曲——友誼、喜悅、安慰、宗教、知識與愛, 這些歌曲如何在我們的大腦中運作,促成人類文化與社會中的人際連結。 《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》帶我們走一遭藝術與科學的交融體驗, 從現代化的實證角度,對音樂提出極為豐富、令人耳目一新的見解, 讓我們對人類行為與文化進展產生了革命性的理解。 【專業推薦】 「科學家以演化生物學、神經科學、心智科學等角度解析音樂,帶來前所未見的開闊視野,也讓我們重新思考人性本質。作者自在遊走於生物音樂學的三個分支之間,不時穿插個人的音樂生命經驗,引用學術研討會中的精彩辯論,在理性與感性之間取得了美妙的平衡。」 ——臺大音樂學研究所副教授 蔡振家 為什麼歌曲能夠使你在幾秒鐘之內潸然淚下?《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》會告訴你答案。書中對人類藝術的觀點新穎又激勵人心,讀起來樂趣十足,喜歡音樂的人都該來看這本書。 ——巴比.麥菲林(Bobby...
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