Daniel Silva: 67 books

Book cover of Christina Hendricks Report
by Daniel Silva
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2013

Hendricks left London at the end of the year and moved with her mother to Los Angeles to try to make the transition from design to star. 2 years later, in 1999, she landed her first acting jobs: a little part in a tv flick called Sorority and a duplicating responsibility in the television series...
Book cover of L'affaire Caravaggio
by Daniel Silva
Language: French
Release Date: April 5, 2017

Chargé d’enquêter sur le meurtre d’un ancien diplomate reconverti dans le trafic d’art, Gabriel Allon — espion israélien et restaurateur de tableaux à ses heures — découvre que la victime a récemment eu entre les mains une Nativité peinte par Le Caravage, volée une dizaine d’années...
Book cover of The Mark of the Assassin
by Daniel Silva
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2003

CIA Agent Michael Osbourne stars in this suspenseful series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Gabriel Allon novels. When a commercial airliner is blown out of the sky off the east coast, the CIA scrambles to find the perpetrators. A body is discovered near the crash site...
Book cover of A viúva negra
by Daniel Silva
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 8, 2017

O lendário espião e restaurador de arte Gabriel Allon está prestes a tornar-se chefe dos serviços secretos israelitas. Porém, em vésperas da promoção, os acontecimentos parecem confabular para o atrair para uma última operação no terreno. O ISIS fez explodir uma enorme bomba no distrito...
Book cover of Casa de espiões
by Daniel Silva
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Do autor de A viúva negra, número um da lista dos mais vendidos do The New York Times, eis um novo sucesso literário protagonizado por Gabriel Allon, espião lendário, assassino profissional e restaurador de arte. Agora, em Casa de espiões, Gabriel Allon está de volta e disposto a vingar-se,...
Book cover of The Messenger
by Daniel Silva
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2006

On the trail of a deadly al-Qaeda operative, Gabriel Allon returns in a spellbinding story of deception, power, and revenge by the #1 New York Times bestselling "world-class practitioner of spy fiction" (Washington Post). Gabriel Allon—art restorer and spy—is about to face the...
Book cover of Portfolio Optimization Using Fundamental Indicators Based on Multi-Objective EA
by Rui Ferreira Neves, Nuno Horta, Antonio Daniel Silva
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2016

This work presents a new approach to portfolio composition in the stock market. It incorporates a fundamental approach using financial ratios and technical indicators with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to choose the portfolio composition with two objectives the return and the risk. Two...
Book cover of La viuda negra
by Daniel Silva
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 8, 2017

Una red terrorista. Una telaraña de engaños y mentiras. Un juego letal cuyo objetivo es la venganza. Gabriel Allon está a punto de convertirse en jefe del servicio secreto israelí, pero en vísperas de su ascenso los acontecimientos se confabulan para que el legendario espía...
Book cover of Het Engelse meisje
by Daniel Silva
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 18, 2015

Als een mooie jonge Engelse vrouw op Corsica verdwijnt, is de ­carrière van de Britse premier in gevaar. Meesterspion Gabriel Allon raakt betrokken bij een schimmenspel waarin niets is wat het lijkt en alleen de waarheid gevaarlijker is dan zijn vijanden. Terwijl de klok tikt, doet Allon...
Book cover of L'espion anglais
by Daniel Silva
Language: French
Release Date: April 5, 2017

En mer des Caraïbes, le yacht de luxe l’Aurora explose en pleine nuit, désintégré par une bombe. A son bord se trouvait une ex-princesse britannique, fraîchement divorcée du futur roi d’Angleterre. Sa mort bouleverse le royaume. Il faut agir vite, discrètement. Le patron du MI6 se tourne...
Book cover of O espião inglês
by Daniel Silva
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Estendida no convés da proa, em topless e com uma bebida na mão, a pele impecável a torrar sob o sol escaldante, estava a mulher mais famosa do mundo. E um convés mais abaixo, a preparar um aperitivo de tártaro de atum, pepino e ananás, estava o homem que a ia matar. Ela é um ícone...
Book cover of Portret van een spion
by Daniel Silva
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Een romantisch weekendje Londen heeft voor Gabriel Allon en zijn vrouw Chiara al een slechte start door het nieuws over twee bomaanslagen in Parijs en Kopenhagen. Als Gabriel en Chiara in Covent Garden lopen, merkt Gabriel een man op die alle kenmerken van een zelfmoordterrorist vertoont. Nog voordat...
Book cover of Gevallen engel
by Daniel Silva
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 20, 2014

Gabriel Allon restaureert in het Vaticaan een Caravaggio. Totdat hij vroeg in de ochtend wordt ontboden door de privésecretaris van de paus. In de Sint-Pieter is het lijk van een beeldschone vrouw aangetroffen. De politie denkt aan zelfmoord. Gabriel niet. De secretaris vraagt Gabriel discreet de waarheid te achterhalen.
Book cover of Der Hintermann

Der Hintermann


by Daniel Silva
Language: German
Release Date: February 27, 2013

Europa wird von islamistischen Selbstmordattentätern heimgesucht. Mossad-Agent Gabriel Allon soll dem amerikanischen Geheimdienst helfen, die Hintermänner der Terroristen zu finden. Denn der von der CIA mühsam aufgebaute Informant Rashid al-Husseini hat bei einem Besuch in Saudi-Arabien überraschend...
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