David Adam: 115 books

Book cover of 停不下來的人:強迫症,與迷失在腦海中的真實人生


The man who couldn’t stop: OCD, and the true story of a life lost in thought

by 大衛.亞當(David Adam)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 25, 2015

*關於心理疾病,最值得一讀的精采作品! *《紐約時報》《週日泰晤士報》《衛報》《獨立報》《華盛頓郵報》《科克斯書評》《自然雜誌》等英美媒體熱烈好評! *根據WHO公布,強迫症已是最常見的精神疾病第四名、第十大失能病症,其發生率是思覺失調症和自閉症的兩倍,對生活品質的衝擊大於糖尿病! 是什麼原因,讓一名女學生吃掉家裡的一整面牆? 是什麼原因,讓一對兄弟不斷囤積垃圾,最後竟然死於垃圾山底? 是什麼原因,讓偶然掠過腦海的念頭,成為一場永無止境的腦內風暴? 強迫症不只是反覆洗手、檢查門窗和一絲不苟地排列物品, 而是活生生被自己的大腦綁架! 本書揭開強迫症的秘密,帶你窺看人心底難以描述的幽微! 提到「強迫症」,你會想到什麼? 一絲不苟的室內擺設?不停洗手消毒?老是檢查門窗和瓦斯? 事實上,強迫症患者未必有這些外顯的行為,最令他們困擾的,反而是不請自來的執念。 這些執念在腦中盤旋不去,霸占所有的思考空間,甚至一輩子都擺脫不掉。但強迫症患者往往要隱忍十年以上才願意尋求協助,更有七成左右的患者從未諮詢過專業人員。 身為罹患強迫症超過二十年的病患,作者結合科學研究、歷史實例和個人經驗,從各個面向剖析強迫症的成因與治療方法,讓讀者了解夏日晴空翩然而降的雪花,如何演變成不合時宜的暴風雪,並探討這些奇思怪想如何使數千萬人踏上強迫症的不歸路。 光是叫強迫症患者理智一點,是絕對沒有效果的, 就像大叫根本無法讓失速的車子減速一樣──除非修好煞車。 媒體評論 強迫症就像一場神祕的惡夢,人人都有機會碰上,對它的了解卻少得可憐。本書以少見的誠實、開放和幽默,帶領我們探索有關強迫症的一切,不但改變你的認知,甚至可能改變你的生活和工作。──作家 麥特.海格 作者個人風格明顯、內容引人入勝、寫作水準超群,並誠實地告訴我們該如何面對與正視這種疾病,而非嘲笑、汙名和醜化。──《華盛頓郵報》 作者是位絕佳嚮導,帶領讀者走進唯有強迫症患者才得以了解的世界。對患者來說,本書不但提供了安慰,也帶來了希望。──《紐約時報》書評 本書除了講述神經與精神醫學的相關發展、心理層面那些令人傷感卻無能為力的部分,也描述這種疾病如何一再遭到誤解和錯待。全書高潮迭起,不但有幽暗、有光明、有心碎,也有希望,是難得一見的科普書籍。──作家 布麗姬.舒特 作者在幽默與嚴肅的事實之間取得了絕妙的平衡,偶爾的會心一笑反而更能凸顯本書的意義所在。──《出版人週刊》 **作者簡介 大衛.亞當(David...
Book cover of Glimpses of Glory

Glimpses of Glory

Prayers for the Church Year C

by David Adam
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2000

Glimpses of Glory is the second in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources based on the new Common Worship Lectionary used widely around the world. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is well-known, and linked to the Sunday readings, these prayers and intercessions may...
Book cover of Encompassing God
by David Adam
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2014

More than any other part of the Old Testament, the book of Psalms reveals to us the intimacy possible between God and humanity. As songs and prayers of praise and lament, the psalms are unsurpassed in their variety, depth and range. They encompass the whole breadth of human emotion: hatred and love,...
Book cover of Traces of Glory

Traces of Glory

Prayers for the Church Year, Year B

by David Adam
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 1999

Traces of Glory is the first in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources based on the new Common Worship Lectionary used in many parts of the Anglican Communion, and very similar to lectionaries in use in the United States. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known,...
Book cover of The House Across the Street
by David Adam
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2011

The House Across the Street is a story about a young boy who watches his childhood playground, in the rurals of Mobile, Alabama, become a beautiful Victorian estate. Young Nelson spends a lifetime trying to acquire, not only a home, but also a special someone who lives inside. Youll watch him grow...
Book cover of Zwanghaft


Wenn obsessive Gedanken unseren Alltag bestimmen

by David Adam
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2015

Die Geheime Welt der Obsessionen Etwa 4.000 Gedanken gehen uns täglich durch den Kopf. Nicht alle sind relevant oder tiefschürfend. Manche davon setzen sich sogar fest, unwichtige Sätze, Wörter, Bilder, irgendeine Melodie, die zum Ohrwurm wird. Letztendlich sind sie aber harmlos. Genauso...
Book cover of The Moral and Political Works by Adam Smith, David Hume, and Herbert Spencer (Illustrated)
by David Hume, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

The book has an active table of contents for easy access to each chapter of the following titles: 1. THE THEORY OF MORAL SENTIMENTS – ADAM SMITH 2. ESSAYS MORAL, POLITICAL, LITERARY – DAVID HUME 3. THE PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS: VOL. 1 & 2 – HERBERT SPENCER The...
Book cover of Progress and Provery (Illustrated and Bundled with The Wealth of Nations and On The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation)
by Henry George, Adam Smith, David Ricardo
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2014

The book has an active table of contents for readers to access each chapter of the following titles: 1. PROGRESS AND POVERTY – Henry George 2. The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith 3. ON THE PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, AND TAXATION – David Ricardo Henry George...
Book cover of The Best British Short Stories 2013
by Nicholas Royle, Guy Ware, Charles Boyle
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2013

The third in a series of annual anthologies, The Best British Short Stories 2013 reprints the cream of short fiction, by British writers, first published in 2012. These stories appeared in magazines from the Edinburgh Review to Granta, in anthologies from various publishers, and in authors’ own...
Book cover of Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 1
by Cheryl Mullenax, Randy Chandler, Jeff Strand
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2016

"Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach, the 19 stories in this new best-of annual anthology feature episodes of graphic gore and violence--including torture, dismemberment, self-mutilation, and home abortion--that are designed to push buttons as well as boundaries...strictly for hardcore...
Book cover of Shadows And Teeth, Volume 3
by Guy N. Smith, adam millard, Nathan Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Out of the shadows and meaner than ever, volume three of this award-winning horror series packs international star power. Featuring ten brand-new stories by the legendary Guy N. Smith, the prolific Adam Millard, master of horror Nicholas Paschall, and others, this collection is certain to keep you...
Book cover of Startling Sci-Fi

Startling Sci-Fi

New Tales of the Beyond

by Casey Ellis, Stefanie Masciandaro, Mike Alegera
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2015

For generations, the science fiction genre and literary fiction have been perceived as irreconcilable. Startling Sci-Fi: New Tales of the Beyond attempts to prove otherwise. These 13 stories are boldly literary while employing unmistakable characteristics of the sci-fi genre. Jhon Sanchez’s “The...
Book cover of Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology
by Lawrence A. Shapiro, Shannon Spaulding, Daniel D. Hutto
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists...
Book cover of The Best British Short Stories 2014
by Nicholas Royle, Elizabeth Baines, David Constantine
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2014

‘There is no more carefully chosen yet eclectic anthology series in existence in Britain today’ – Susan Haigh, The Short Review Best British Short Stories invites you to judge a book by its cover – or more accurately, by its title. This new series aims to reprint the best short stories...
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