David Rieff: 13 books

Book cover of The Reproach of Hunger

The Reproach of Hunger

Food, Justice, and Money in the Twenty-First Century

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2015

Hailed as “invaluable…a substantial work of political thought,” (New Statesman) in a groundbreaking report, based on years of reporting, David Rieff assesses whether ending extreme poverty and widespread hunger is truly within our reach, as is increasingly promised. Can we provide enough...
Book cover of At the Point of a Gun

At the Point of a Gun

Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2013

Veteran journalist David Rieff’s essays draw a searing portrait of what happens when the grandiose schemes of policymakers and human rights activists go horribly wrong in the field. Writing for publications ranging from the Wall Street Journal to The Nation to France’s Le Monde, David Rieff...
Book cover of A Bed for the Night

A Bed for the Night

Humanitarianism in Crisis

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2013

Timely and controversial, A Bed for the Night reveals how humanitarian organizations trying to bring relief in an ever more violent and dangerous world are often betrayed and misused, and have increasingly lost sight of their purpose. Humanitarian relief workers, writes David Rieff, are the...
Book cover of El oprobio del hambre

El oprobio del hambre

Alimentos, justicia y dinero en el siglo XXI

by David Rieff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 14, 2016

¿Es ingenuo creer en el fin de la pobreza extrema y el hambre generalizado? ¿Seremos capaces de proporcionar alimentos a nueve mil millones de personas (dos mil más que hoy) en 2050? Mientras los defensores de los derechos de los alimentos (muchos asociados a partidos verdes, en países...
Book cover of In Praise of Forgetting

In Praise of Forgetting

Historical Memory and Its Ironies

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2016

The conventional wisdom about historical memory is summed up in George Santayana’s celebrated phrase, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Today, the consensus that it is moral to remember, immoral to forget, is nearly absolute. And yet is this right? David Rieff, an...
Book cover of Swimming in a Sea of Death
by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2008

Both a memoir and an investigation, Swimming in a Sea of Death is David Rieff's loving tribute to his mother, the writer Susan Sontag, and her final battle with cancer. Rieff's brave, passionate, and unsparing witness of the last nine months of her life, from her initial diagnosis to her death, is...
Book cover of Contra la memoria
by David Rieff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 17, 2012

Un imprescindible libro que cuestiona la necesidad de la memoria histórica. En esta candente y polémica obra el prestigioso intelectual estadounidense David Rieff presenta un conmovedor alegato contra nuestra pasión por el pasado. Analiza cómo la memoria colectiva sirve a la historia más...
Book cover of Slaughterhouse


Bosnia and the Failure of the West

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2013

In a shocking and deeply disturbing tour de force, David Rieff, reporting from the Bosnia war zone and from Western capitals and United Nations headquarters, indicts the West and the United Nations for standing by and doing nothing to stop the genocide of the Bosnian Muslims. Slaughterhouse is the...
Book cover of Elogio del olvido

Elogio del olvido

Las paradojas de la memoria histórica

by David Rieff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 16, 2017

Un brillante y polémico ensayo sobre el culto a la memoria histórica, o sobre como la Historia, a veces, causa más daño que el bien que persigue. «Los que no pueden recordar el pasado están condenados a repetirlo». Esta célebre frase de George Santayana podría ilustrar una de las ideas...
Book cover of Una cama por una noche

Una cama por una noche

El humanitarismo en crisis

by David Rieff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 13, 2019

Un libro que deja al descubierto la falsa moral de Occidente en plena era de las crisis humanitarias. Convertida instantáneamente en un clásico tras su publicación original en 2003, esta polémica obra aborda las crisis humanitarias que se han vivido en los últimos treinta años y cómo...
Book cover of Los Angeles
by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2013

David Rieff looks at a city that was long the epitome of the American Dream and is now, for many, the emblem of the American urban nightmare. Writing before the riots of 1992, Rieff found not a city of dreams but a city of bitter contradictions. A city that, like the United States itself, was...
Book cover of A punta de pistola

A punta de pistola

Sueños democráticos e intervenciones armadas

by David Rieff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 3, 2011

¿Cuándo se debe intervenir militarmente en los asuntos internos de otros países? En este inquietante ensayo, David Rieff plantea una serie de cuestiones fundamentales que no podemos ignorar en esta era global. ¿Cuándo se debe intervenir militarmente en los asuntos internos de otros países?...
Book cover of Exile


Cuba in the Heart of Miami

by David Rieff
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2013

This is a fascinating portrait of Miami's Cuban population, the most successful group of immigrants to settle in the United States since the Jews of the nineteenth century. David Rieff has provided an engrossing look at a group exiled from its homeland, showing how America has affected these immigrants, and what it means to become an American in the late twentieth century.
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