Doug Fields: 26 books

Book cover of The First Few Years of Marriage

The First Few Years of Marriage

8 Ways to Strengthen Your “I Do”

by Jim Burns, Doug Fields
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

When a marriage is new, it’s exciting. But as time passes, couples can drift apart and wrestle with the challenges that are common in any marriage. It can feel overwhelming, but together, couples will find that a healthy marriage has thousands of course changes. In this follow-up to Getting...
Book cover of Ministerio de jóvenes con propósito

Ministerio de jóvenes con propósito

9 Principios básicos para un crecimiento saludable

by Doug Fields
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 3, 2011

MINISTERIO DE JÓVENES CON PROPÓSITOSi quiere alcanzar a los jóvenes y ver que Dios cambia sus vidas, esta detallada guía le mostrará cómo. Avanzando en torno a los propósitos fundamentales de evangelización, discipulado, compañerismo, ministerio y adoración, Ministerio de Jóvenes con Propósito...
Book cover of Ideas para provocar momentos inolvidables

Ideas para provocar momentos inolvidables

Para hacer hablar y pensar a los adolescentes

by Doug Fields, Duffy Robbins
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 23, 2013

En este libro encontrarás cincuenta ideas geniales para líderes de jóvenes que se atrevan a crear experiencias que impactarán de manera positiva la vida y fe de sus jóvenes. Doug Fields y Duffy Robbins escriben acerca de los hitos que marcan nuestro camino con Dios. En este libro proveen medios...
Book cover of Would You Rather . . . ?

Would You Rather . . . ?

465 Provocative Questions to Get Teenagers Talking

by Doug Fields
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Ask away . . . and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather . . .? gives you 465 stimulating either-or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather . . . watch a soap opera or make fun of one? ....
Book cover of More Would You Rather…?
by Doug Fields
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

You loved Would You Rather…?and asked for more. Inthe tradition of the Quick Questions line, More WouldYou Rather…?offers another 465 provocative questionsthat will get your students laughing, debating, and thinking(and they’ll learn a ton about each other in theprocess). Get ready for more...
Book cover of Memory Makers: 50 Moments Your Kids Will Never Forget
by Doug Fields,Duffy Robbins
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Here are fifty ideas for youth ministers who want to create experiences that will positively impact the lives and faith of young people.
Book cover of Spontaneous Melodramas

Spontaneous Melodramas

24 Impromptu Skits That Bring Bible Stories to Life

by Doug Fields, Laurie Polich, Duffy Robbins
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2010

You know them as hilarious, boisterous skits that get kids involved, whether they're hamming up front, or in the audience cheering for the good guys, hissing the bad guys, and getting nearly as animated as the onstage actors. Better yet, these no-rehearsal skits are comic takes on 24 classic Bible...
Book cover of Spontaneous Melodramas 2

Spontaneous Melodramas 2

24 More Impromptu Skits That Bring Bible Stories to Life

by Doug Fields, Laurie Polich, Duffy Robbins
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2010

The lights are dim. The crowd is hushed.And a dozen teens start laughing hysterically, piling into a human "boat" that helps set up the mind-blowing miracle of Jesus walking on the stormy Sea of Galilee.Maybe you’re after a booster shot for midweek youth group meetings that feel "same...
Book cover of Videos That Teach 3: 75 More Movie Moments to Get Teenagers Talking
by Doug Fields,Eddie James
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Providing a format that engages students to discuss real world issues, this book features seventy-five video clips from recent movies you can use to illustrate topics, including summaries of the movie and the clip, start-stop times, and Scripture references.
Book cover of Preguntas provocativas

Preguntas provocativas

Para hacer hablar y pensar a los adolescentes

by Doug Fields
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 4, 2012

Pregunta... y pon a hablar a tus estudiantes con estas preguntas. «¿Preferirías...?» te da 465 preguntas estimulantes que harán que ellos hablen, rían, discutan y piensen. Son preguntas como ¿Preferirías... ver una novela or burlarte de ella? ¿Que murmuren de ti o que te mientan? ¿Que te...
Book cover of Descubriendo tus talentos…

Descubriendo tus talentos…

Para dejar una marca en el mundo

by Doug Fields, Erik Rees
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2011

¿Has deseado entender los planes de Dios y su propósito para tu vida? Si has dicho que sí a estas preguntas… entonces este libro es el correcto para ti. En él descubrirás el lugar donde las pasiones dadas por Dios y tus fortalezas se encuentran para revelar la forma en que has sido diseñado...
Book cover of Es ist nicht schwer, ihr Held zu sein

Es ist nicht schwer, ihr Held zu sein

In sieben Schritten zum Mann ihrer Träume.

by Doug Fields
Language: German
Release Date: August 25, 2015

Sich zu verlieben geht relativ schnell. Aber verliebt zu bleiben, ist etwas ganz anderes. Da braucht es mehr als ein paar intensive Augenblicke. Was genau - darum geht es in diesem Buch. Wenn Sie diese sieben einfachen Schritte beherzigen, werden Sie schon sehr bald positive Auswirkungen feststellen....
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