Edgar Poe: 1724 books

Book cover of Cuentos de imaginacion y misterio (Version Ilustrada)
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Cuentos de imaginacion y misterio (Version Ilustrada) Hacia 1917, el eximio artista irlandés Harry Clarke emprendió uno de los trabajos que determinaría su fama: la ilustración de Tales of mistery and imagination, una antología de los más altos relatos de Poe preparada por la editorial Harrap....
Book cover of Los crímenes de la calle Morgue y otros casos de Auguste Dupin
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 2, 2015

En la presente edición se ofrecen tres de los relatos policiacos más conocidos de Poe. Los crímenes de la calle Morgue está considerado como el primer relato de detectives de la historia de la literatura, en el que se tienen en cuenta todos los elementos clave que recogerá en un futuro la novela policia clásica.
Book cover of Método de composición
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 20, 2015

El ensayo muestra la convicción de Poe de que una obra de ficción ha de ser escrita únicamente después de que el autor haya decidido, en primer lugar, cuál va a ser su desenlace y cuál la respuesta emocional o "efecto" que pretende causar en el lector....
Book cover of The Masque Of The Red Death
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2013

Within their refuge from a terrible plague called the Red Death, Prince Prospero and his court hold an opulent masquerade ball. But one uninvited guest means death for everyone. A pioneer of the short story genre, Poe’s stories typically captured themes of the macabre and included elements...
Book cover of The Landscape Garden
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2015

"The Landscape Garden" also published under the title "The Domain of Arnheim" combines the essay form with that of the tale in an effort to improve on nature. Critics have praised the story as a marvellous prose poem that contains a musical element similar to that which Poe attempted to achieve in hie poetry.
Book cover of The Facts In The Case Of M. Valdemar
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2015

The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar is about a mesmerist, who puts a man in a suspended hypnotic state at the moment of death. An example of a tale of suspense and horror, it is also, to a certain degree, a hoax as it was published without claiming to be fictional, and many at the time of publication...
Book cover of The Fall of the House of Usher - The Original Classic Edition
by Poe Edgar
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

The Fall of the House of Usher is a dark, morbid, and absolutely creepy short story. Its a tale about a visit to the decaying House of Usher, a house haunted by the Ushers past evil. In the end, their evil past ultimately becomes to great for the house to hold. The story emphasizes the gloomy, foreboding,...
Book cover of The Island of the Fay
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2015

The scenario of this work is atypical for Poe. The narrator begins his tale by commenting that "the higher order of music is the most thoroughly estimated when we are exclusively alone." Only then, he states, can its "spiritual uses" be fully appreciated. "But there is one...
Book cover of The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2012

With an essay by D. H. Lawrence. '... an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of...
Book cover of Mystery Tales
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2013

The e-book «Mystery Tales» (Illustrated edition) is a fabulous compilation of the best Poe’s suspenseful and imaginative tales. The «Animedia Company» e-book edition (2013) contains 27 original color illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Byam Shaw, which were carefully...
Book cover of The Tell-Tale Heart
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

First published in a 1843 edition of The Pioneer, The Tell-Tale Heart is one of Poe's best-known stories. In it, an unreliable narrator is increasingly troubled by the clouded eye of the old man he lives with. Similar to The Black Cat, The Tell-Tale Heart focuses on the effects of mental instability, crime, and guilt.
Book cover of Vampire - Tödliche Verführer

Vampire - Tödliche Verführer

Eine Sammlung von Romanen, Geschichten und Gedichten

by Edgar Allan Poe, John William Polidori, Charles Baudelaire
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2013

Vampire - Tödliche Verführer Blutsaugende Nachtgestalten, die seit Jahrhunderten die Köpfe der Menschen beschäftigen. Wie real sind sie? Lesen Sie die ersten Geschichten und Gedichte, die je über Vampire geschrieben worden sind, von Goethe, Kipling, Poe, Heine und anderen. Wir wünschen angenehmes...
Book cover of Der Goldkäfer

Der Goldkäfer

und andere Geschichten - die große Sammlung

by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: German
Release Date: November 26, 2016

Die große Sammlung der besten Geschichten des genialen Poe: Der Goldkäfer Eine Geschichte aus dem Felsengebirge Der schwarze Kater Das Faß Amontilladowein Die Maske des roten Todes Die Rache des Zwerges Der alte Mann mit dem Geierauge Die Mordtat in der Rue Morgue Der gestohlene Brief Bericht über...
Book cover of Eldorado (Deutsch)
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: German
Release Date: August 23, 2017

Das Gedicht beschreibt die Reise eines ritterlichen Edelmannes auf der Suche nach dem legendären Eldorado. Er verbringt den Großteil seines Lebens mit dieser Aufgabe. Mit hohem Alter trifft er schließlich einen "wandelnden Schatten", der ihm den Weg durch das "Tal der Schatten"...
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