Emile: 1072 books

Book cover of A Frenchman in Search of Franklin

A Frenchman in Search of Franklin

De Bray's Arctic Journal, 1852-54

by Emile Frédéric de Bray
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1992

In April 1852 Emile Frederic de Bray sailed down the Thames on board the Resolute, part of Sie Edward Belcher's Arctic Squadron in search of Sir John Franklin and his men, missing since the summer of 1845. De Bray's diaries of his years with Resolute have not been published before, in any language,...
Book cover of The Mastery Book of Himalayan Singing Bowls

The Mastery Book of Himalayan Singing Bowls

A Musical, Spiritual and Healing Perspective

by Emile de Leon
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2012

Contained within the covers of this book is all the information you will need to understand about the care, playing and special techniques of handling and choosing the Himalayan singing bowls for your own personal and professional use. Included are meditation and performance modalities by a modern master...
Book cover of The Diatonic Cycle

The Diatonic Cycle

Essential Exercises for All Jazz, Traditional and Contemporary Musicians

by Laura De Cosmo, Emile De Cosmo
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2004

(Jazz Instruction). Renowned jazz educators Emile and Laura De Cosmo provide more than 300 exercises to help improvisors tackle one of music's most common progressions: the diatonic cycle. This book is guaranteed to refine technique, enhance improvisational fluency, and improve sight-reading!
Book cover of The Story of a Cat
by Emile De La Bédollière
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

M. Bédollière’s charming story of Mother Michel and her cat was turned into English for the entertainment of two small readers at the writer’s fireside. Subsequently the translation was fortunate enough to find a larger audience in the pages of a popular juvenile magazine. The ingenious and...
Book cover of Art from the Trenches

Art from the Trenches

America's Uniformed Artists in World War I

by Alfred Emile Cornebise
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Since ancient times, wars have inspired artists and their patrons to commemorate victories. When the United States finally entered World War I, American artists and illustrators were commissioned to paint and draw it. These artists’ commissions, however, were as captains for their patron: the U.S....
Book cover of The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
by Emile Joseph Dillon
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2012

A fascinating look at the events of the Paris Peace Conference at the end of the First World War written by a man who was there: journalist Emile Joseph Dillon. The conference ran for just over a year, and resulted in the signing of various treaties, including the Treaty of Versailles, and the creation of the League of Nations, the precursor to the modern-day United Nations.
Book cover of Origine du mariage dans l'espèce humaine d'après Westermarck
by Emile Durkheim
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Emile Durkeim nous propose une analyse éclairé et éclairante sur le mariage entre un homme et une femme, en s’appuyant sur sa lecture des travaux de Westermarck, originellement publié en 6 volumes, et qui fut entre autres le fondateur des études de sociologie sexuelle. Format professionnel électronique © Ink Book édition.
Book cover of Communauté et société selon Tönnies
by Emile Durkheim
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Citation : « Comme l'indique le titre, l'auteur s'est proposé d'analyser deux concepts, celui de la Gemeinschaft (communauté) et celui de la Gesellschaft (société). Ce sont les deux modes de groupement que l'on observe chez les hommes, les deux formes de la vie sociale. Caractériser chacune...
Book cover of Le rôle des grands hommes dans l'histoire
by Emile Durkheim
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Citation (début du texte) : « Quoiqu'il en puisse coûter à notre amour-propre, il faut reconnaître que Dieu a fait deux espèces d'hommes bien différentes : il y a les grands, et il y a les petits. On n'a jamais beaucoup discuté pour déterminer quel est ici-bas le rôle des petits et...
Book cover of Le socialisme : sa définition - ses débuts - la doctrine Saint-Simonienne
by Emile Durkheim
Language: French
Release Date: April 10, 2013

Publication posthume d'un cours de Durkheim sur les origines du socialisme, avec une longue partie consacrée à la pensée de Saint-Simon. Sociologue et philosophe français, Emile Durkheim succéda à F. Buisson à la chaire de pédagogie de la Sorbonne en 1902. Il est l'auteur des «Règles de...
Book cover of Suicide
by John A. Spaulding, George Simpson, Emile Durkheim
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2010

A classic book about the phenomenon of suicide and its social causes written by one of the world’s most influential sociologists. Emile Durkheim’s Suicide addresses the phenomenon of suicide and its social causes. Written by one of the world’s most influential sociologists, this classic...
Book cover of Fécondité
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2017

Les Quatre Évangiles I  La tétralogie des Quatre Évangiles (Fécondité, Travail et Vérité), écrite entre 1898 et 1902, n’a pas été terminé. Vérité a été publié après la mort de Zola, et Justice, ce qui devait être le quatrième volume, n’a pas été écrit et est resté à l’état d’ébauche.
Book cover of Madeleine Férat
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2017

Le roman de Zola, Madeleine Férat, publié en 1868, a été tiré de sa pièce, Madeleine. Il parut d’abord en feuilleton sous le titre La honte.
Book cover of The Downfall
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2018

The Downfall by Emile Zola is a classic tale of romance, susupense, and family intrigue.
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