Emile: 1072 books

Book cover of Failure Analysis and Fractography of Polymer Composites
by Emile Greenhalgh
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2009

The growing use of polymer composites is leading to increasing demand for fractographic expertise. Fractography is the study of fracture surface morphologies and it gives an insight into damage and failure mechanisms, underpinning the development of physically-based failure criteria. In composites...
Book cover of Initiation Into Philosophy
by Emile Faguet
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2019

This volume, as indicated by the title, is designed to show the way to the beginner, to satisfy and more especially to excite his initial curiosity. It affords an adequate idea of the march of facts and of ideas. The reader is led, somewhat rapidly, from the remote origins to the most recent efforts...
Book cover of Seine Exzellenz Eugene Rougon
by Emile Zola
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2018

"Seine Exzellenz Eugène Rougon" (1876) ist der sechste Teil des Romanzyklus. Er schildert das Leben und Treiben am kaiserlichen Hof zu Compiègne und in den politischen Kreisen jener Zeit. Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung steht der allmächtige Minister und Staatsmann Eugène Rougon. Diese Figur...
Book cover of la conquête de plassans
by emile zola
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2016

La famille Mouret, composée de Marthe Rougon et de François Mouret, cousins germains, et de leurs trois enfants Octave, Serge et Désirée, mène une retraite heureuse à Plassans après avoir abandonné leur commerce de vin en gros à Marseille. Le jardin de la maison des Mouret, situé...
Book cover of L'Assommoir
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2014

Extrait du livre:  Gervaise avait attendu Lantier jusqu’à deux heures du matin. Puis, toute frissonnante d’être restée en camisole à l’air vif de la fenêtre, elle s’était assoupie, jetée en travers du lit, fiévreuse, les joues...
Book cover of Les Quatre Évangiles - Tome I – Fécondité
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2014

Extrait du livre:  Ce matin-là, dans le petit pavillon à la lisière des bois, où ils étaient installés depuis trois semaines, Mathieu se hâtait, pour prendre à Janville le train de sept heures, qui chaque jour le ramenait à...
Book cover of Contes de la montagne
by Emile Erckmann,Alexandre Chatrian
Language: French
Release Date:

Book cover of In het paradijs voor de vrouw
by Emile Zola
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 28, 2015

Denise verhuist met haar twee broers vanuit de provincie naar Parijs, waar ze een baan krijgt in een chic en groot warenhuis: Het paradijs voor de vrouw. Pijnlijk wordt haar het verschil duidelijk tussen de stadse elite en haar eigen afkomst, ook op het vlak van de liefde. Is dit warenhuis wel echt...
Book cover of Coffins for the Suicide Squad
by Emile Tepperman
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2018

STEPHEN KLAW'S train arrived in New York at 8:55 P.M. He slipped quietly off it. Walking through Pennsylvania Station, his slim and wiry figure might have been mistaken for that of a kid back home from college for the holidays - were it not for those cold, slate-grey eyes of his, and for the sure...
Book cover of The Suicide Squad - Targets for the Flaming Arrows
by Emile Tepperman
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

ON the seventeenth of August, a furtive Rumanian walked into the United States Consulate in Berne, Switzerland, and whispered that he had information to sell. Closeted with one of the attachés, he put on a mysterious air, and said that he could tell about the plans of the Flaming Arrow to wreck the...
Book cover of Dead or Alive
by Emile Tepperman
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2018

ON OCTOBER 1, John Stafford, mayor of Hill City, was shot and instantly killed by a dope - crazed assassin named Dill. The next in line for the mayoral job was Lawrence Hall, president of the City Council. But, for some unaccountable reason, Hall refused the honor. In order to avoid becoming mayor,...
Book cover of The Suicide Squad - Murder Bund
by Emile Tepperman
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

A KEEN October wind was cutting across the Drive from the Hudson when Stephen Klaw came out of the side street. He stopped in the lee of the corner apartment building, and lit a cigarette. He did not at once put out the match, but held it cupped in front of his face so that his clean-cut though rugged...
Book cover of Sudden Cardiac Death, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics - E-Book
by Raul Weiss, MD, Emile Daoud
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2011

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the number one killer in the United States, claiming the lives of more than 300,000 Americans every year. Thus, it is important for heart failure specialists to be knowledgeable about strategies to prevent, manage risk for, and treat conditions leading to sudden cardiac death. These topics and more are covered in this issue.
Book cover of Die Eroberung von Plassans
by Emile Zola
Language: German
Release Date: January 31, 2016

Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (* 2. April 1840 in Paris; † 29. September 1902 ebenda) war ein französischer Schriftsteller und Journalist. Zola gilt als einer der großen französischen Romanciers des 19. Jahrhunderts und als Leitfigur und Begründer der gesamteuropäischen literarischen...
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