Emilio: 815 books

Book cover of Networks in Climate
by Henk A. Dijkstra, Emilio Hernández-García, Cristina Masoller
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

Over the last two decades the complex network paradigm has proven to be a fruitful tool for the investigation of complex systems in many areas of science; for example, the Internet, neural networks and social networks. This book provides an overview of applications of network theory to climate variability,...
Book cover of Environmental Innovation and Firm Performance

Environmental Innovation and Firm Performance

A Natural Resource-Based View

by Javier Amores Salvadó, Gregorio Martín de Castro, Miriam Delgado Verde
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2012

The links between a firm's competitiveness and the natural environment have been studied since the mid 90's. This volume explores, both theoretically and empirically, the relationships between environmental product innovation, green image and firm performance.
Book cover of El ahorrador inteligente
by Emilio Ontiveros Baeza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Existen muchas alternativas para invertir nuestros ahorros: depósitos, Letras, bonos, acciones, fondos de inversión, planes de pensiones, etc. A menudo el desconocimiento financiero nos lleva a desestimarlos o a elegir productos poco adecuados para nosotros. ¿Cómo evitarlo y tomar el control...
Book cover of Lecciones de Derecho Administrativo
by Concepción Barrero Rodríguez, Concepción Barrero Rodríguez, Roberto Galán Vioque
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 17, 2019

Estas Lecciones que, junto con el Volumen I, comprenden la Parte General del Derecho Administrativo, exponen con un afán sintético y didáctico los fundamentos básicos del Derecho Administrativo y el régimen de sus instituciones. Comprenden pues el análisis del ordenamiento jurídico vigente...
Book cover of Who will Rescue Finance?

Who will Rescue Finance?

The Role of the Academics, Bankers, Politicians, Regulators

by Emilio Barucci
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2019

The main idea of this book is that the root cause of the financial crisis is the ambition to handle risk as a well-defined commodity that can be traded in the market. The book provides an interpretation of the crisis going beyond simple reconstructions. Finance cannot be rescued by simply referring...
Book cover of Academic Language/Literacy Strategies for Adolescents
by Debra L. Cook Hirai, Irene Borrego, Emilio Garza
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Fast-paced, practical, and innovative, this text for pre-service and in-service teachers features clear, easily accessible lessons and professional development activities to improve the delivery of academic language/literacy education across the content areas in junior/middle school and high school...
Book cover of Microelectronics


From Fundamentals to Applied Design

by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2015

This book serves as a practical guide for practicing engineers who need to design analog circuits for microelectronics.  Readers will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of analog modern electronic circuit design, discrete and integrated, application as sensors and control...
Book cover of En el mar de las perlas
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 2, 2017

El cañonazo del crucero inglés había retumbado por largo tiempo sobre las profundas aguas azules, que a la sazón comenzaban a teñirse con los primeros reflejos del alba, señalando así la apertura de la pesca. Cientos de barcas, tripuladas por numerosos hombres, casi enteramente desnudos, acudían...
Book cover of El misterio de la jungla negra
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 16, 2017

Tremal-Naik, «el Cazador de la Jugla Negra», cae enamorado de la bella Ada, retenida contra su voluntad por los estranguladores Thugs que veneran a Kali, la diosa de la muerte. Ayudado por el fiel Kammammuri, su amigo más que su criado, intentará rescatarla.  
Book cover of Las maravillas del 2000
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2017

La novela es una sucesión sin sentido de inventos que vienen a la cabeza del autor sin ton ni son, no busca que la historia sea coherente sino simplemente introducir lo que para él va a ser el futuro y el desarrollo científico. La novela va transcurriendo como un verdadero aburrimiento simplemente...
Book cover of A bordo del Tamir
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 31, 2018

Relata la aventura que corren dos valientes cazadores de nutrias en las tierras que bañan las aguas árticas, cuando por, extraño azar se ven a bordo de un submarino, «El Taymir», dotado de todas las perfecciones y adelantos científicos. Huéspedes obligados de esta nave, los dos cazadores van...
Book cover of Il cappello del prete (indice attivo)
by Emilio De Marchi, Prometheus Classics
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 23, 2018

Questo libro contiene ora diversi sommari HTML che renderanno la lettura un vero piacere! "Il cappello del prete" è considerato uno tra i primi veri romanzi polizieschi in lingua italiana. Nel romanzo, ambientato a Napoli, è appunto un cappello a essere l'unica traccia che conduce a svelare...
Book cover of Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2018

Sono passati diversi anni da quando, alla fine del precedente romanzo, il Corsaro Nero ha lasciato il Mar dei Caraibi per tornare in Italia, ove ha sposato Honorata, figlia del suo defunto mortale nemico, il duca di Wan Guld. Tuttavia già all'inizio di questo terzo romanzo si apprende che anche...
Book cover of Frankenstein
by Mary W. Shelley, Emilio Fontanilla Debesa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 2, 2014

Mary Shelley empezó a gestar esta novela en el verano de 1816, un verano lluvioso y sin apenas sol. Tal vez estas circunstancias extraordinarias propiciaran este relato de terror, en el que no solo se cuenta la historia del joven científico Victor Frankenstein y su "demoníaca criatura",...
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