Enrico: 696 books

Book cover of Le Corti Calabresi - Fascicolo 1 - 2018
by Enrico Caterini
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 24, 2018

TEMI Daniela Durante Il nuovo art. 603 bis c.p. alla luce della sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo Chowdury e altri c. Grecia: la nozione di “lavoro forzato” tra legislazione interna e interpretazione evolutiva della Corte di Strasburgo. Sommario: 1. Premessa. – 2. I...
Book cover of Le Corti Calabresi - Fascicoli 1/2/3 - 2017
by Enrico Caterini
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 3, 2017

Raffaele Picaro IL BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM)SCENARI E PROSPETTIVE SOMMARIO: 1) La razionalizzazione dell'attività edilizia. La complessità delle operazioni coinvolte. - 2) Interoperabilità e cooperazione nell'articolazione del BIM. - 3) La diffusione del BIM. - 4) Il BIM tra disciplina...
Book cover of Banca, segreto, trasparenza
by Enrico Caterini
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 29, 2016

Sommario. – 1. Trasparenza come accesso «equo» al credito e segreto bancario come misura di tutela del risparmio – 2. Trasparenza «sintattica» e «semantica»: adeguatezza informativa quale risultato dell’interpretazione - 3. Pubblicità, obblighi informativi pre-negoziali e offerta al pubblico...
Book cover of La proprietà nel mercato europeo secondo le giurisprudenze superiori
by Enrico Caterini
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2015

Sommario: 1. Introduzione – 2. Giurisprudenza internazionale e europea sulla titolarità proprietaria. 3. Giurisprudenza europea sulle situazioni giuridiche del rapporto proprietario – 3.a La funzione sociale - 4. La giurisprudenza europea sul concetto di bene – 4.a beni materiali – 4.b beni...
Book cover of Le Corti Calabresi - Fascicolo 3 - 2016
by Enrico Caterini
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 23, 2017

Temi Mario Caterini La defettibilità nel diritto penale Sommario: 1. Un prologo di metodo: l’univoca direzione interpretativa quale criterio capace di conferire maggiore prevedibilità alle decisioni giurisdizionali. – 2. Il nucleo di significanza testuale quale direzione ermeneutica anelastica...
Book cover of The Positive School Of Criminology
by Enrico Ferri
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of New Directions in Slavery Studies

New Directions in Slavery Studies

Commodification, Community, and Comparison

by Enrico Dal Lago, Calvin Schermerhorn, Karen Ryder
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2015

In this landmark essay collection, twelve contributors chart the contours of current scholarship in the field of slavery studies, highlighting three of the discipline’s major themes—commodification, community, and comparison—and indicating paths for future inquiry. New Directions in Slavery...
Book cover of Europe and the Euro

Europe and the Euro

Integration, Crisis and Policies

by Enrico Marelli, Marcello Signorelli
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2016

This book offers a fresh perspective on the recent Eurozone "double crisis" and its related economic policies. The authors present empirical evidence which sheds new light on the growing economic and political debate on the future of the Euro, the Eurozone and the EU. The book investigates...
Book cover of A Guide to Kernel Exploitation

A Guide to Kernel Exploitation

Attacking the Core

by Massimiliano Oldani, Enrico Perla, B.Sc.
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2010

A Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core discusses the theoretical techniques and approaches needed to develop reliable and effective kernel-level exploits, and applies them to different operating systems, namely, UNIX derivatives, Mac OS X, and Windows. Concepts and tactics are presented...
Book cover of Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques

Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques

With Applications to Agro-Engineering Problems

by Francesco Garbati Pegna, Daniele Sarri, Lucia Recchia
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2011

Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques introduces the reader to the basic principles of multicriteria analysis (MCA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) techniques. The use of these tools is rapidly becoming essential in any feasibility study for comparing different solutions, selecting the most suitable...
Book cover of Vulnerable Systems
by Wolfgang Kröger, Enrico Zio
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2011

The safe management of the complex distributed systems and critical infrastructures which constitute the backbone of modern industry and society entails identifying and quantifying their vulnerabilities to design adequate protection, mitigation, and emergency action against failure. In practice, there...
Book cover of Lustiges Taschenbuch Enten-Edition 43
by Fausto Vitaliano, Enrico Faccini, Marco Bosco
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2015

Typisch Dussel Und wieder gibt es in Entenhausen einen runden Geburtstag zu feiern: Der liebenswerte Dussel wird ein halbes Jahrhundert alt! Seit nunmehr 50 Jahren ist Donalds Lieblingsvetter ein absoluter Garant für skurile Geschichten, denn ob er dem kauzigen Waldschrat Habakuk Tischmanieren...
Book cover of Lustiges Taschenbuch Nr. 454

Lustiges Taschenbuch Nr. 454

Wem die Stunde schlägt

by Andrea Castellan (Casty), Gorm Transgaard, Enrico Faccini
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2015

Wenn in und um Entenhausen irgendwem die Stunde schlägt, dann ist es meistens Donald. So auch diesmal, allerdings weiß er sich in seiner Identität als Agent DoppelDuck zum Glück deutlich besser zur Wehr zu setzen als in seinem eher chaotischen Privatleben. Ein LTB wie ein Uhrwerk mit 11 Storys...
Book cover of Sandy Grayson: Angry Jim
by Enrico Zanoletti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2015

Sandy e Kita incontrano un vecchio burbero che abita in una capanna nascosta nel bosco... in più una breve storia con un indiano che vende carabattole varie...
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