Fallon: 181 books

Book cover of Disordered Thought and Development

Disordered Thought and Development

Chaos to Organization in the Moment

by Theodore Fallon M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2013

There is a moment at every level of psychological development in which the mind comes face to face with a challenge. This moment can last for a literal moment in time or it can extend for years—becoming the leading edge of development. Disordered Thought and Development: Chaos to Organization in...
Book cover of The Impact of Parenthood on the Therapeutic Relationship
by April E. Fallon, Virginia Brabender
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2017

This volume covers the range of reactions that both patients and clients have to the circumstance of a child entering the therapist’s family. Through research, the authors show these reactions can be extremely powerful, and when fully explored can be used to advance the therapy and the development...
Book cover of Diego Dilema en la Adivinanza de la Galleta
by Fallon, Zachary, Jackson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 27, 2015

A Diego Dilema le gustan las galletas. Pero a lo que él sabe, es que hay dos modos de obtener galletas: siendo un buen niño y comiendo verduras.    Únanse a Diego en esta aventura llena de migajas, mientras que él explora la posibilidad de todavía otro...
Book cover of Dark Truth

Dark Truth

Where Raven's Dark Story Begins

by Fallon Farmer
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2011

Raven is an ordinary twenty one year old woman who lives in Portland Maine, with her boyfriend Lavon of five years, who is now becoming controlling and violent. Ravens life is about to change and she is about to be opened up to a whole new world of the supernatural. She starts having these...
Book cover of The Dream Maker
by Rob Fallon
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2007

Four children and their family live together with Robbie, a Scottish friend, in Leicester. But a family turmoil turns their lives upside down, and eight year-old Dunsay starts to have bad dreams.
Book cover of Luck of O'Reilly

Luck of O'Reilly

A Biography of Tony O'Reilly

by Ivan Fallon
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2009

Filled with star-studded names from business, politics, and show business - including Nelson Mandela, Paul Newman, Robert Megabee, Paul Jeating, Margaret Thatcher and George Bush - The Luck Of O'Reilly is an important, intimate potrait of a comples, multidimensional man and of international business...
Book cover of Acupressure for the Soul

Acupressure for the Soul

Biological Spirituality and the Gifts of the Emotions

by Nancy Fallon
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2017

The ancient teachings of Oriental medicine, combined with the author's knowledge and personal shamanic experiences provide the reader with a unique formula of how to awaken biological spirituality and utilize the gifts of the emotions. Acupressure for the Soul offers a revolutionary view...
Book cover of Tussen twee zussen
by Jane Fallon
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 7, 2012

Abi is altijd 'het zusje van'geweest. De drie jaar oudere Caroline - of nee, Cleo, zoals ze genoemd wil worden - werd op haar vijftiende ontdekt en boekte internationaal suces als model. De zussen zijn uit elkaar gegroeid, maar...
Book cover of Krijg je wel
by Jane Fallon
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 30, 2013

De vrouw: Stephanie heeft geen enkele reden om aan de trouw van haar man James te twijfelen. Maar als ze een sms je vindt van ene Katie, besluit ze uit te zoeken hoe het zit. Haar man: James was nooit van plan geweest om een dubbelleven te leiden. Een vrouw en kind in Londen en een vriendin op het...
Book cover of Londra
by Peter Dragicevich, Steve Fallon, Emilie Filou
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 1, 2018

"Luogo di grande ricchezza storica, di instancabile creatività e innovazione, con grandi spazi verdi e un numero impressionante di capolavori architettonici, Londra ha qualcosa per tutti i gusti: a voi la scelta" (Emilie Filou, Autrice Lonely Planet). Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive,...
Book cover of Romania
by Steve Fallon, Mark Baker, Anita Isalska
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2018

“Chiese fortificate e monasteri affrescati punteggiano colline e montagne incontaminate, in Transilvania cittadine medievali riportano indietro nel tempo, mentre Bucarest è dinamica e piena di energia” (Mark Baker, autore Lonely Planet). Esperienze straordinarie. Foto suggestive, i consigli degli...
Book cover of Bulgaria
by Mark Baker, Steve Fallon, Anita Isalska
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 14, 2018

"Montagne imponenti, spiagge dorate, ma anche città ricche d'arte e con una vita notturna esuberante: la Bulgaria è una miscela di natura e storia che vi regalerà momenti indimenticabili" (Mark Baker autore Lonely Planet). Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive; i consigli degli autori...
Book cover of Budapest Pocket
by Steve Fallon, Anna Kaminski
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 23, 2017

Situata lungo le rive del Danubio, con le Colline di Buda sullo sfondo e un patrimonio di architettonico di capolavori barocchi, neoclassici e art nouveau. Budapest vanta grandi bellezze. Ma la regina del Danubio non è soltanto bella: di notte si anima e diventa la principale destinazione della regione...
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