Fernando: 1416 books

Book cover of La cocinera de Castamar
by Fernando J. Múñez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 29, 2019

Clara, una joven caída en desgracia, sufre de agorafobia desde que perdió a su padre de forma repentina. Gracias a su prodigiosa cocina logra acceder al ducado de Castamar como oficial, trastocando con su llegada el apático mundo de don Diego, el duque. Este, desde que perdió a su esposa en un...
Book cover of Anarşist Banker Şeytanın Saati
by Fernando Pessoa
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

XX. yüzyıl edebiyatının kült kişiliklerinden Fernando Pessoa, ölümünden bir yıl sonra keşfedilmiş zengin düş dünyasıyla ün kazanmıştı. Kendi adının yanı sıra, yarattığı hayali şairlerle de anılan Pessoa'nın daha önce ayrı ayrı yayınladığımız iki kısa anlatısını...
Book cover of Cuba en la paz de Versalles
by Fernando Ortiz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Cuba en la paz de Versalles es un discurso pronunciado en la Cámara de representantes en la sesión del 4 de febrero de 1920 por Fernando Ortiz, vicepresidente de la Cámara por el Partido liberal. Como hombre político, militante del Partido Liberal luchó por la implantación de la democracia a...
Book cover of Spiritual Masters in the American Continent
by Fernando Davalos
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2017

The Elder Domingo Diaz Porta, an initiate walker of the American continent, gave an important command to the spiritual groups that were part of his first circle: we had to go to the outside world and stop gathering in closed and hermetic brotherhoods. Mother Nature would be now our new teacher. We...
Book cover of Autorretrato sin mí
by Fernando Aramburu
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 27, 2018

El nuevo libro de Fernando Aramburu, tras Patria, no es una novela y tampoco un ensayo: es tal vez el texto más personal y el más comprometido del autor, tal vez el más arriesgado. De lo que no cabe ninguna duda es de que es el más bello. En Autorretrato sin mí el lector sospecha que Aramburu...
Book cover of Patria
by Fernando Aramburu
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 28, 2017

ROMANZO VINCITORE DEL PREMIO STREGA EUROPEO 2018 «Pelle d’oca: una delle sensazioni che ho provato leggendo Patria. Importante davvero perché ci vaccina da quelle malattie che sono le piccole patrie (e relative rivendicazioni). Un grande romanzo davvero.» Pietro Cheli «Patria non...
Book cover of Vaderland
by Fernando Aramburu
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 8, 2018

Vaderland is een grootse roman over familie, loyaliteit en strijd. Twintig jaar na de dood van haar man verhuist Bittori terug naar hun geboortedorp. Haar man werd vermoord door de Baskische terreurbeweging eta, vermoedelijk door de zoon van Bittori’s jeugdvriendin, Miren. Voor Bittori sterft, wil...
Book cover of The Sciences of the Soul

The Sciences of the Soul

The Early Modern Origins of Psychology

by Fernando Vidal
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Fernando Vidal’s trailblazing text on the origins of psychology traces the development of the discipline from its appearance in the late sixteenth century to its redefinition at the end of the seventeenth and its emergence as an institutionalized field in the eighteenth. Originally published in...
Book cover of Navegar é preciso

Navegar é preciso

Uma seleção de textos místicos

by Fernando Pessoa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Este livro é uma seleção dos textos místicos de Fernando Pessoa: Pessoa escreveu sobre a alma humana, este é todo o seu misticismo; e conforme tantos outros poetas da alma, para saber realmente quem foram, quem são, teríamos antes de saber quem somos, em nossa essência mais profunda,...
Book cover of O banqueiro anarquista
by Fernando Pessoa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 2, 2012

O banqueiro anarquista é um surpreendente conto do grande escritor português do século XX, Fernando Pessoa.
Book cover of Mensagem
by Fernando Pessoa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 23, 2013

"O grande poema épico do século XX interpretado por um grande artista, numa edição que conta com um estudo de um reputado especialista PESSOANO. Mensagem é a única obra completa de Fernando Pessoa publicada em vida. A sua publicação dá-se no dia 1 de Dezembro de 1934, aquando das comemorações...
Book cover of Het boek der rusteloosheid
by Fernando Pessoa
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 19, 2015

Fernando Pessoa werkte ruim twintig jaar, tot aan zijn dood in 1935, aan een project dat zijn omvangrijkste prozageschrift zou worden: Boek der rusteloosheid. Het werk bleef onvoltooid en werd pas 47 jaar na zijn dood voor het eerst uitgegeven. In 1990 verscheen een keuze hieruit in Privé-domein....
Book cover of Crossing the Borders

Crossing the Borders

New Methods and Techniques in the Study of Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean

by Hylke de Jong, William F. Keegan, Gareth R. Davies
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Explores the application of a selected number of newly emerging methods and techniques.   During the past few decades, Caribbean scholars on both sides of the Atlantic have increasingly developed and employed new methods and techniques for the study of archaeological materials. The...
Book cover of Guardianship Reality

Guardianship Reality

Who’S Looking out for America’S Abandoned, Abused, Neglected Children & Elderly?

by Robert Fertig, Fernando Gutierrez
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2017

WHOS LOOKING OUT FOR AMERICA'S ABUSED & NEGLECTED CHILDREN & THE ELDERLY? The court orders Professional Guardians to make critical decisions; this pragmatic guide explains how to make those decisions. It guides the reader through the process of making bio-ethical healthcare, ethical social...
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