Fernando: 1416 books

Book cover of O monge negro
by Fernando Sabino, Anton Tchekhov
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Idealizada por Fernando Sabino, a coleção Novelas Imortais reúne narrativas breves de autores de grandes clássicos universais, como Miguel de Cervantes, Herman Melville, R. L. Stevenson, Gustave Flaubert, Henry James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, entre outros. São pequenas obras-primas selecionadas e...
Book cover of Bartleby, o escriturário
by Herman Melville, Fernando Sabino
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2010

Idealizada por Fernando Sabino, a coleção Novelas Imortais reúne narrativas breves de autores de grandes clássicos universais, como Miguel de Cervantes, Herman Melville, R. L. Stevenson, Gustave Flaubert, Henry James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, entre outros. São pequenas obras-primas selecionadas e...
Book cover of Manual de Cardiologia
by Fernando Pinto do Amaral
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 20, 2016

Depois de anos de silêncio, o escritor Fernando Pinto do Amaral volta a publicar poesia. Em Manual de Cardiologia, o autor desce aos abismos do coração humano, em poemas de grande carga emocional, que nos oferecem uma intensa visão da experiência amorosa.
Book cover of The Prince's Stubborn Bride

The Prince's Stubborn Bride

Royal Romance, Book 2

by Devika Fernando
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2016

Princess Olivia has just lost her husband. She is all alone in a foreign kingdom in desperate need of a ruler who can make it prosper again. Prince Sebastian is the only one who can help her prevent an uprising – but he has a reputation for being a loner and a rebel. Can she trust him when it seems...
Book cover of Tantalizing Temptations
by Devika Fernando
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2017

A Bed & Breakfast Romance set in England Unhappy in a marriage based on lies and control, Samantha decides to start a new life. She leaves London with her little daughter Annie and opens her own bed & breakfast in the English countryside. Nothing could have prepared her for the suave...
Book cover of Certi amori - Dialoghi d'amore
by Fernando Feriozzi, Rosanna Santoro
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 23, 2016

POESIA (13 pagine) - POESIA - Capitano, nella vita, certi amori che non dimentichi. Soprattutto perché inusuale è il luogo d'incontro. Allora, solo per questo, noi abbiamo voluto dare voce a questa gente che si rincorre col cuore e non si scorda mai. Un linguaggio che arriva al cuore con...
Book cover of Pequena História do Mundo
by Fernando García de Cortázar
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 13, 2014

Queres fazer uma viagem inesquecível pelo  tempo e ficar a saber tudo sobre a História do Mundo sem teres de fazer mais nada senão ler este livro? Então junta-te ao Sérgio e vem conhecer as histórias que os seis sábios anunciados por Clio, a musa da História, têm para contar. Sem precisares...
Book cover of Mal educados

Mal educados

La verdadera historia de la violencia escolar

by Fernando Osorio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 12, 2016

Los docentes fueron los primeros en registrar el incremento y la virulencia de la violencia en las escuelas. Con el correr de los años es la sociedad en conjunto la que asiste, atónita y desconcertada, a un fenómeno desbordante que parece escapar fuera de control.Pero el episodio violento es solo...
Book cover of Bullying


Matón o víctima ¿Cuál es tu hijo?

by Fernando Osorio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2013

El Lic. Fernando Osorio propone una revisión crítica sobre la manera actual de pensar la problemática del acoso entre pares en el ámbito escolar. Afirma que cuando se evalúa a un niño o a un joven que causa o sufre de bullying, se puede descubrir que, previamente, padecía otro problema psicológico...
Book cover of Debating Humanitarian Intervention

Debating Humanitarian Intervention

Should We Try to Save Strangers?

by Bas van der Vossen, Fernando R. Tesón
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2017

When foreign powers attack civilians, other countries face an impossible dilemma. Two courses of action emerge: either to retaliate against an abusive government on behalf of its victims, or to remain spectators. Either course offers its own perils: the former, lost lives and resources without certainty...
Book cover of Affordable Remodel

Affordable Remodel

How to Get Custom Results on a Penny-Pincher Budget

by Fernando Pages-Ruiz
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

If your home needs remodeling, but your budget doesn't jive with your plans it can be pretty frustrating. Enter: Affordable Remodel. Its mission is to simplify the remodeling process from start to finish, help you make the right decisions, and steer you clear of the pitfalls that can cost you time...
Book cover of Tratado de las Obligaciones II

Tratado de las Obligaciones II

Negocio Jurídico II

by Fernando Hinestrosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2015

El segundo volumen del Tratado de las obligaciones II de Fernando Hinestrosa continúa con el estudio del negocio jurídico, esta vez desde su reglamento, efectos y remedios. Se examina la causa de la obligación; el contenido del negocio jurídico y su interpretación; sus presupuestos de validez;...
Book cover of Mandato de sangre

Mandato de sangre

El poder de los judíos en Uruguay

by Fernando Amado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Una investigación que indaga en el aparente y en el real poder de los judíos en Uruguay. Un intento por despejar las dudas en torno a esta colectividad. Según el imaginario popular, la colectividad judía es omnipresente, poderosa y cerrada. Pese a ser pocos en términos comparativos, los judíos...
Book cover of The Sacred Forest of the Spring Water
by Fernando Davalos
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2017

A peaceful urban forest that gives life to its city is in danger to lose even more land due to the unquenchable voracity of real state developers and the passivity of the local authorities. Agustin and Paloma the tireless and determined spiritual ecologists and their new formed group, "Don Uriel"...
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