Finney: 154 books

Book cover of Conversations with the Conroys

Conversations with the Conroys

Interviews with Pat Conroy and His Family

by Nikky Finney
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

A New York Times best-selling author of eleven novels and memoirs, Pat Conroy is one of America’s most beloved storytellers and a writer as synonymous with the South Carolina lowcountry as pluff mud or the Palmetto tree. As Conroy’s writings have been rooted in autobiography more often than not,...
Book cover of About Time

About Time

12 Short Stories

by Jack Finney
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2013

About Time offers a delightful return to the world of time travel and light comedy that distinguished Jack Finney's all-time classic Time and Again. The protagonists of these twelve stories are well-meaning but at odds with their surroundings and their lives. The time to which they escape—through...
Book cover of Views of Sanctification
by Charles G. Finney
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2015

** Charles G. Finney is best known for being a Presbyterian minister who played a decisive role in the Second Great Awakening and is thus known as one of the leaders of the modern revivalist movement in America.** He wrote several works, including this one, which remains widely read today.
Book cover of Power from God
by Charles G. Finney
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2000

A Fresh Anointing His words flew into the souls of men. Like a hammer, they broke down strongholds. Multitudes experienced this power. Often, just a look or a single sentence would bring conviction and result in an almost immediate conversion to Christ. This was the life and ministry of Charles Finney,...
Book cover of Cryptocurrency: Strategies to Make Money with Cryptocurrency
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Learn Effective Cryptocurrency Strategies today to help you reach your investing and money-making goals! Learn everything there is to know about Cryptocurrencies and how to effectively invest in your goal to make money. Are you a cryptocurrency enthusiast? Are you looking to make money...
Book cover of Heartwood
by Nikky Finney
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 1997

" Deep in the center of every tree, you'll find the heartwood. The characters in this new book by poet Nikky Finney are the heartwood of their small Kentucky communities. You'll meet Buck Jones and Mae Bennet, whose anger has twisted them up inside, Queenie Sims and Arizona Scott, who can see...
Book cover of Visitations
by A. S. Finney
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2012

The end of the world is happeningalien invaders are plotting to take over Planet Earth.----Brett, a young call center employee, starts to see visions and develops the ability to find cures for devastating illnesses. His psychic powers become stronger and develop into wizardry. Coincidence or prophecy?----Brett,...
Book cover of Developing Feature Films in Europe
by Angus Finney
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

The European film industry has by now lost most of its audience to American films; US productions take around eighty per cent of Europe's box-office revenues. There are many reasons for this imbalance, but one major difference between the European and the US film industries is easily identified: the...
Book cover of O Maravilhoso amor de Deus
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2015

Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu Seu Filho unigênito para que todo aquele que nEle crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. - João 3.16 Nesse maravilhoso sermão , Charles Finney nos convida a meditação através de João 3.16. O autor nos apresenta três pontos importantes no Evangelho...
Book cover of Amor - A Verdadeira Religião
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 5, 2015

Em Amor - A Verdadeira Religião, Charles Finney nos apresenta meditações bíblicas acerca do Amor de Deus e seus frutos espirituais. Nesse sermão conheceremos mais sobre a natureza do Amor de Deus e seu efeito em nossas vidas. Um texto edificante , esclarecedor e abençoador.
Book cover of A verdadeira e a falsa conversão
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 10, 2015

Nesse sermão clássico Charles Finney aborda a verdadeira conversão Cristã e seus frutos na vida do novo Cristão. Em um texto bíblico inspirador, o autor nos revela os principais passos reconhecermos tais frutos em nossa vida espiritual. Prefácio do autor: "Eis que todos vós, que acendeis...
Book cover of Conhecendo o seu verdadeiro caráter
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 13, 2015

Que tipos de atitude um Cristão deve ter? Como um Cristão deve agir perante o mundo que o cerca? Essa e outras perguntas são respondidas nesse pequeno livro do pastor Charles Finney. Em um texto bíblico inspirador, o autor nos revela os principais passos para termos um caráter renovado em Cristo Jesus.
Book cover of O amor de Deus por um mundo pecador
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 25, 2016

"Porque Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho Unigênito, para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (João 3:16) Neste belo texto, Charles Finney nos apresenta a grandeza do Amor de Deus pela humanidade e nos mostra a natureza e as qualidades desse amor....
Book cover of A Oração Primitiva
by Charles Finney
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 6, 2015

Charles Finney , um dos mais importantes pregadores de todos os tempos nos apresenta um texto rico em ensino bíblico. Baseado no livro de Atos dos Apóstolos, a Oração Primitiva nos leva a meditar sobre o verdadeiro propósito da oração e seus objetivos na vida do Cristão. Um texto edificante e esclarecedor sobre a oração.
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