Frale: 10 books

Book cover of The Templars

The Templars

The Secret History Revealed

by Barbara Frale
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Barbara Frale gives us an explosive, exhaustively researched history of the medieval world’s most powerful military order, the Templars. At its height, the Order of the Knights Templar rivaled the kingdoms of Europe in military might, economic power, and political influence. For 700 years, the tragic...
Book cover of The Templars and the Shroud of Christ

The Templars and the Shroud of Christ

A Priceless Relic in the Dawn of the Christian Era and the Men Who Swore to Protect It

by Barbara Frale
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2015

The author of *TheTemplars: The Secret HistoryRevealed* continues her stunning investigation into the legendary knightly sect and the Shroud of Turin… In recent years the Knights Templar—the most powerful religious-military order of the Middle Ages—has become the focus of countless books...
Book cover of La Congiura

La Congiura

Potere e vendetta nella Firenze dei Medici

by Franco Cardini, Barbara Frale
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Il complotto dei Pazzi contro i Medici sancì il ruolo di Lorenzo il Magnifico come protagonista della vita italiana. Franco Cardini e Barbara Frale raccontano la congiura con una scrittura narrativa potente. Amedeo Feniello, "la Lettura - Corriere della Sera" La storia dei Medici,...
Book cover of L'inganno del gran rifiuto

L'inganno del gran rifiuto

La vera storia di Celestino V, papa dimissionario

by Barbara Frale
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 17, 2013

Lunedì 11 febbraio 2013 Benedetto XVI annuncia, del tutto inaspettatamente, l’intenzione di dimettersi. Per tutti è uno choc: in Vaticano i cardinali sono sgomenti; giornali, telegiornali e network si rimbalzano la notizia fra commenti e edizioni straordinarie. Inevitabilmente si richiama il precedente...
Book cover of Kal's Fall (The Teristaque Chronicles - Part One)
by Aaron Frale
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2016

Kal has always been considered too "fragile" to participate in the village activities. Her lithe stature links her to her father and distance her from everyone else. He left the village to fight in the Teristaque Wars and never returned. She meets Sarge, a strange star species of the human race who...
Book cover of Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox
by Aaron Frale
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Jed finds out some disturbing news after a DNA test. He is his own great great grandfather. However, Jed’s daily struggles involve video games and crippling self doubt. He’s not the time traveling pioneer type. He might as well try to get to the bottom of the mystery. It’s at least a reason to get off his couch.
Book cover of Porn Free Bibles
by Aaron Frale
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2004

Q: What is Porn Free Bibles? A: Porn Free Bibles is a comedy of biblical proportions. Every letter of this book is given special care and attention to make sure it has the highest humor content guaranteed to make you laugh. In fact if any letter at any point in time during the course of reading this...
Book cover of Man Versus Masterpiece Theatre
by Aaron Frale
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2012

While man may eventually fall to masterpiece theatre, the humor essays of this book offer insights to life’s most basic conundrums. Have you ever wanted to build a bathroom pass through? Start a religious cult? Prepare for the end of world by allying with the new robot overlords? Shakespeare's rap persona? Nether have I. But you can read about all this and more. Enjoy.
Book cover of La leggenda nera dei Templari
by Barbara Frale
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 11, 2018

Nell'anno 1099 i crociati venuti dall'Occidente conquistano Gerusalemme e fondano un regno cristiano nella Città Santa. Pochi anni dopo il re di Gerusalemme patrocina la formazione di una milizia religiosa, un corpo di combattenti che dovranno difendere i pellegrini in viaggio verso i luoghi santi....
Book cover of Andare per la Roma dei Templari
by Barbara, Frale
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Il cavaliere templare che, proveniente da Gerusalemme, entrava nell’Urbe dalla via Tiburtina si trovava dinanzi un’antica porta di pietra che aveva scolpite due teste di toro; quella esterna, rivolta verso la campagna, era un lugubre teschio, mentre l’altra, prospiciente la città, raffi gurava...
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