Franz Hartmann: 17 books

Book cover of Das Wesen und der Verkehr mit Geistern
by Franz Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2017

Franz Hartmann, der bekannte Theosoph, war ein Kenner sämtlicher Mysterien, welche er in dieser zusammengefassten Schrift aus seiner Zeitschrift "Lotusblüten" unter Beweis stellt. Nicht nur, dass er sehr viele Analogien zu den Werken von Franz Bardon aufweisen kann, nein, sondern er gibt Tatsachen...
Book cover of The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2012

The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme is a fascinating read on the Protestant mystic, by Franz Hartmann, a student of the occult and esoteric around the turn of the 20th century. A table of contents is also included for easier navigation.
Book cover of With The Adepts
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2013

With The Adepts An Adventure Among The Rosicrucians by Franz Hartmann The narrator -- led by a mysterious dwarf -- takes a journey into the Alps to a secret Rosicrucian enclave, where he witnesses first-hand Alchemy, Past Lives, Psychic Travel, Water Spirits, and other miraculous events.
Book cover of Magic: White and Black
by Franz Hartmann, M.d.
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2016

This book was originally written for the purpose of disenchanting certain credulous inquirers, who fancied that the exercise of spiritual powers could be taught by teaching them certain incantations and formulas. It was to prove that spiritual powers must be developed before they can be exercised,...
Book cover of Die Bhagavad Gita

Die Bhagavad Gita

Das Hohe Lied - Enthaltend die Lehre der Unsterblichkeit

by Franz Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Dieses Buch wird nahezu von allen Okkultisten, Mystikern, Yogis und Esoterikern als eines der besten überhaupt betitelt. Es zählt zur esoterischen Weltliteratur! Nur gibt es ebenso viele Übersetzungen wie Meinungen über dieses fabelhafte Buch. Doch hat ein deutscher Autor und Theosoph eine Arbeit...
Book cover of In The Pronaos Of The Temple Of Wisdom Containing The History Of The True And The False Rosicrucians
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2012

Hartmann authored In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom, serving as what he hoped would be an introduction to hermetic philosophy. Hartmann explains in the preface, Truly occult and Theosophical books ought to be prayers and poems; calculated to lift the heart and the mind of the reader up to the highest...
Book cover of Die neue Macht der Bürger

Die neue Macht der Bürger

Was motiviert die Protestbewegungen?

by Stine Marg, Lars Geiges, Felix Butzlaff
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2013

Von Hamburg bis München: Diese Studie unternimmt eine Reise quer durch die deutsche Protestlandschaft und interviewt die Aktiven vor Ort. Wofür oder wogegen engagieren sie sich? Was erhoffen sie sich von der Demokratie? Und wie ist ihr Blick auf Politik und Gesellschaft? Herausgekommen ist ein tiefer...
Book cover of Der hermetische Bund teilt mit

Der hermetische Bund teilt mit

Sonderausgabe VII/2015: Tao-Teh-King

by Franz Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 3, 2015

Diese Übersetzung des Tao Teh King von Dr. Franz Hartrmann aus alten Original-Texten ist die beste Sinngemäße im deutschsprachigem Raum. Der Übersetzer trifft mit seinen Worten immer die Mitte und somit den wahren hermetischen Kern.
Book cover of Magic: White and Black
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2018

This book was originally written for the purpose of disenchanting certain credulous inquirers, who fancied that the exercise of spiritual powers could be taught by teaching them certain incantations and formulas. It was to prove that spiritual powers must be developed before they can be exercised,...
Book cover of Magic, White and Black, or the Science of Finite and Infinite Life, Containing Practical Hints for Students in Occultism.
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

Elibron Classics Series. This is a digitized replica of 1886 edition by G. Redway, London. This edition contains illustrations. This inspiring book has been recommended to others for decades and has become a classic in the field of magic, metaphysics and spirituality. The title is misleading because...
Book cover of With The Adepts
by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

THE following account of a psychic experience has been gathered from notes handed to me by a friend, a writer of considerable repute. Whether the adventures told therein are to be regarded as a dream, or an actual experience on the astral plane, I must leave to the reader to judge.
Book cover of La Magie Blanche et Noire

La Magie Blanche et Noire

La Science de la Vie Terrestre et de la Vie Infinie - Contenant des conseils pratiques pour les étudiants de l'occultisme

by Franz Hartmann, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Extrait : "Quelle que soit la fausse interprétation que l'ignorance ancienne ou moderne ait donnée au mot Magie, sa seule signification est celle-ci : La Science la plus élevée ou la Sagesse basée sur la connaissance et l'expérience pratique. Si vous doutez qu'il ait une telle chose que...
Book cover of Geomancy


A Method for Divination

by Franz Hartmann
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2005

Geomancy, or "divining by means of the earth," was originally carried out by making marks in the dirt with a divining stick and then determining the geomantic symbols from these marks. It's based on the idea that our movement is influenced by the energies in circulation within and around...
Book cover of Simboli segreti dei Rosacroce (I)
by Franz Hartmann
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Un testo indispensabile per comprendere il misterioso ordine dei Rosacroce, tornato alla ribalta con i libri sul Graal e i Templari.Nel Medioevo ci sono stati dei veri e dei falsi Rosacroce, come del resto non mancano oggi i veri e i falsi cristiani. I veri furono raramente conosciuti. Alcuni personaggi...
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