Freeman: 1281 books

Book cover of Sea-Hounds
by Lewis R. Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

THE MEN WHO CHANGED SHIPS Between the lighter-load of burning beeves that came bumping down along their line at noon, a salvo of bombs slapped across them at one o’clock from a raiding Bulgar air squadron, a violent Levantine squall which all but broke them loose from their moorings at sundown, and...
Book cover of How to Display Data
by Jenny V. Freeman, Stephen J. Walters, Michael J. Campbell
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2011

Effective data presentation is an essential skill for anybody wishing to display or publish research results, but when done badly, it can convey a misleading or confusing message. This new addition to the popular “How to” series explains how to present data in journal articles, grant applications...
Book cover of Lords of the Housetops Thirteen Cat Tales
by Peggy Bacon, Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman, Guy Wetmore Carryl
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

In the essay and especially in poetry the cat has become a favourite subject, but in fiction it must be admitted that he lags considerably behind the dog. The reasons for this apparently arbitrary preference on the part of authors are perfectly easy to explain. The instinctive acts of the dog, who is...
Book cover of The Tree Jumper

The Tree Jumper

Profiling A Child Molester

by Darren Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2019

This book is about Profiling Child Molesters, or as children would say, "Monsters".  I hope to educate people about the dangers these Monsters pose to society, how they wreak havoc into the lives of our children, how their minds work and finally, what we can do to protect our children from...
Book cover of God Bless Your Way
by Emily Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2018

Mary and Joseph weren't the only ones turned away from the inn at Bethlehem. In this new Nativity story, a widower named Micah travels the crowded road to return to the town of his birth. Just in front of him a young woman, heavy with child, rides on the back of a donkey. Her husband leads the way,...
Book cover of Song of the Sparrow

Song of the Sparrow

Nature Vignettes Through Lens & Thought

by Deborah Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2018

Song of the Sparrow offers a sense of wonder inspired by the natural world. The serendipity and enjoyment of nature through the beauty of just being present. The observations of isolated and intimate moments. Some are humorous, some sad, some downright scary. They are filled with rhythmsthe rhythm...
Book cover of Modern Biocatalysis

Modern Biocatalysis

Advances Towards Synthetic Biological Systems

by Anne Zaparucha, Yasuhisa Asano, Jean-Pierre Mahy
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The synergy between synthetic biology and biocatalysis is emerging as an important trend for future sustainable processes. This book reviews all modern and novel techniques successfully implemented in biocatalysis, in an effort to provide better performing enzymatic systems and novel biosynthetic...
Book cover of Death at the Inn
by R. Austin Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2017

John Gillum arrives in London from Australia apparently a wealthy man and then proceeds to cheerfully gamble his entire fortune away. During this period he cultivates the friendship of Mortimer, the bank official after meeting him at the scene of a murder near the bank. He mentions in conversation that he felt suicide was a very understandable option to someone who had lost everything...
Book cover of The D'Arblay Mystery
by R. Austin Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2019

The medico-legal forensic investigator, Dr. Thorndyke, becomes embroiled in an astonishing case when a man is found underwater in a pond one morning. This wickedly entertaining detective story reveals that the victim was murdered through a lethal injection and someone out there is trying to cover it up.
Book cover of Sam and the Giant Tree

Sam and the Giant Tree

An Introduction to Meditation for Teens and Young Adults

by Samantha Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2016

Sam is a very special girl with strong psychic abilities which she has learned to ignore in order to fit in. One day, while searching for clarity of mind, she rides her bike into a forest, where she encounters a mystical tree, Taru, with whom she can communicate, and she starts a very rewarding friendship....
Book cover of You're Not Going to Break Me
by Bishop Freeman E. Ingram Sr
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2009

This book is about a church man named Greg, his wife, Beverly, and her lover, Buster (who is also her husband's business partner). The story whirls around deception and lies as Beverly has her priorities in the wrong place. Beverly, not considering the consequences of her behavior, particularly...
Book cover of Haibu Saves the Circus Animals
by Blake Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2019

Portrays positive character traits of perseverance, compassion, empathy, caring for animals. Haibu is a national character and brand that kids will begin to recognize in the coming year. She will have her own TV show (she’s debuting soon on Sid Science on PBS.) The brand’s partner WildAid will be...
Book cover of Evergreen Christmas Readings
by A.A. Milne, Santa Claus, Adelaide Anne Procter
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2018

This holiday, we proudly present to you this unique collection of the greatest Christmas stories. Over 250 of them are included by your favourite authors:Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Willa Cather, Beatrix Potter, Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Hans Christian Andersen, E.T.A. Hoffmann, O. Henry, Mark Twain and many more!
Book cover of 攝影師的四大修練【35周年紀念版】:打破規則的觀察、想像、表現、視覺設計,拍出大師級作品
by 佛利曼.帕德遜(Freeman Patterson)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 5, 2017

35年不敗經典 眾多專業攝影師追求突破與創新的最佳訓練心法! 人人都按下快門的年代, 決定攝影作品的好壞,不是器材與技巧,而是觀察力與想像力。 沒有所謂「正確的」表現手法,只有「自己的」表現手法。 攝影成就與安瑟.亞當斯等大師同獲肯定的佛利曼.帕德遜, 用本書幫助攝影師與攝影愛好者打破觀看和攝影的舊思維, 針對攝影者的觀察力、想像力、表現力,提供攝影技巧的建議和相關練習, 讓攝影者學習建立對拍攝主體的深刻認識,找到自我風格的方向。 一旦經歷過提升觀察力和想像力的訓練, 你將發現自己找到一種前所未有的方式觀看這個世界,從此「找到近乎無限的拍攝可能」。 ●想學好攝影,先要去除觀看的障礙-- 拍照時一直想著器材與技巧,以及過於熟悉的種種外在標籤, 讓你習慣性地視而不見,因此停止了「觀看」。 想要拍出真正的好作品,就必須認出自己熟悉事物的真正價值。 ●揚棄所有的法則與框架,活絡探險精神,作出另類的思考-- 我們鮮少能用新立場,或找到新的觀點來看世界, 這時,列出一張你再熟悉不過的攝影法則清單,再強迫自己把這些法則一一打破! 你才有機會愉快地偶遇各種新發現。 ●想像力與表現力的挑戰與鍛鍊-- 如何用視覺去呈現一顆岩石的質地與重量? 如何在一張靜止的風景照,表現出有如飛鳥自由翱翔的感覺? 如何讓一朵綻開的花,呈現出情感與氣氛? ●攝影不是紀錄,而是呈現。攝影既是表現主體,也是自我表達-- 即便第一眼看來毫無希望可言的情境, 還是能夠提供攝影師近乎無限的可能性來拍出好照片。 每位攝影師都該用自己的一套來選擇不同的主體,同時使用不同的視覺設計法則, 發現自己對它的關懷之情,並且透過這樣的情感自然展露自己。 ●還有,各種打破框架的創意攝影練習-- 在奔跑的同時按下快門,用完全失焦的方式去拍攝; 二十四小時之內,替一顆煮熟的帶殼水煮蛋,拍攝至少二十張照片; 用寵物走路時的眼睛高度,拍攝二十張系列照片; ……以及更多更多。 媒體評論 「帕德遜精采的彩色攝影作品,以及他對自己獨特拍攝手法的說明與詮釋,必然可以激發你的靈感,為你的攝影帶來全新的視野。」——全球郵報(The...
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