G Richard: 387 books

Book cover of Kriegie


An American POW in Germany

by Oscar G. Richard III
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2000

Oscar G. Richard - a native of Sunshine, Louisiana -was not the usual World War II serviceman. After enlisting in the US Army Air Corps in 1942 and training diligently for many months, the B-17 bombardier spent only one week in combat. On his third and last mission - on January 14, 1944 - his plane...
Book cover of Springboard


Launching Your Personal Search for Success

by G. Richard Shell
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2013

Everyone knows that you are supposed to “follow your dream.” But where is the road map to help you discover what that dream is? You have just found it. In Springboard, award-winning author and teacher G. Richard Shell helps you find your future. His advice: Take an honest look inside and...
Book cover of The Art of Woo

The Art of Woo

Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas

by G. Richard Shell, Mario Moussa
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2007

You may need The Art of War to defeat your enemies, but if you prefer to win them over, read The Art of Woo G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa know what it takes to drive new ideas through complex organizations. They have advised thousands of executives from companies such as Google, Microsoft,...
Book cover of Bargaining for Advantage

Bargaining for Advantage

Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People

by G. Richard Shell
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2006

BRAND NEW FOR 2019: A fully revised and updated edition of the quintessential guide to learning to negotiate effectively in every part of your life "A must read for everyone seeking to master negotiation. This newly updated classic just got even better."—Robert Cialdini, bestselling...
Book cover of Alone among the Living

Alone among the Living

A Memoir of the Floyd Hoard Murder

by G. Richard Hoard
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

"When I was twenty I came face to face with the old man convicted of paying five thousand dollars for the murder of my father." From the gripping first line of this true story, you will follow a young man's journey through grief and despair to acceptance and forgiveness. On August...
Book cover of A Tale of Two Schools

A Tale of Two Schools

Developing Sustainable Early Foreign Language Programs

by Dr. Richard Donato, Prof. G. Richard Tucker
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2010

This volume documents a sixteen-year longitudinal study of two elementary schools in which Spanish and Japanese foreign language programs were implemented and evaluated. Evaluation of the programs involved documenting children’s language development, assessing the attitudes of various constituents,...
Book cover of The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth

The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth

Dental Morphology and Its Variation in Recent and Fossil Homo sapien

by G. Richard Scott, Christy G. Turner II, Grant C. Townsend
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2018

All humans share certain components of tooth structure, but show variation in size and morphology around this shared pattern. This book presents a worldwide synthesis of the global variation in tooth morphology in recent populations. Research has advanced on many fronts since the publication of the...
Book cover of Early Mexican Houses

Early Mexican Houses

A Book of Photographs and Measured Drawings

by G. Richard Garrison, George W. Rustay, David Gebhard
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2012

From 1925 to 1929, two young architectural draftsmen set out to record a select number of examples of the “minor domestic architecture” of Mexico due to a lack of measured drawings of rural ranch houses and Monterey-inspired dwellings. The result is a wonderful collection of houses from the days...
Book cover of Chillicothe, Ohio
by G. Richard Peck
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 1999

Chillicothe, Ohio, founded in 1796, became the capital of the Northwest Territory in 1800 and the capital of Ohio in 1803. Cheap land in the Virginia Military District drew settlers to the area in the 1790s. These early settlers came to the Chillicothe area with the idea of building a new state, and...
Book cover of Bible Tales for Ages 18 and Up
by G. Richard Bozarth
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

In 1947, Dr. Sebaceous Piafraus discovered the Terminally Ill Sea Scrolls in the same month the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The Dead Sea Scrolls became internationally famous, but the Terminally Ill Sea Scrolls were consigned to obscurity, along with their discoverer. Dr. Piafraus, who endured decades...
Book cover of Manual of Emergency Medicine
by G. Richard Braen
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2012

This manual, part of the best-selling Lippincott® Manual series is the most user-friendly quick-reference available in emergency medicine.  In an easy-to-scan outline format with key terms boldfaced, the Manual of Emergency Medicine offers practical guidance for diagnosis and management of all types...
Book cover of Un caissier

Un caissier

Comédie en un acte

by A. Gill, G. Richard, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: June 8, 2015

Extrait : "FOURMIDOR, seul, une lettre à la main : Allons ! bon ! une journée qui commence mal. Je n'aime pas ça !... Il y a des gens qui ont l'habitude d'être contrariés : très bien pour eux, mais moi !... je n'aime pas ça ! D'abord il pleut, et précisément je comptais sortir à pied,...
Book cover of Human Tooth Crown and Root Morphology

Human Tooth Crown and Root Morphology

The Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System

by G. Richard Scott, Joel D. Irish
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2017

This guide to scoring crown and root traits in human dentitions substantially builds on a seminal 1991 work by Turner, Nichol, and Scott. It provides detailed descriptions and multiple illustrations of each crown and root trait to help guide researchers to make consistent observations on trait expression,...
Book cover of 華頓商學院的高效談判學(經典紀念版):讓你成為最好的談判者!
by 理查.謝爾(G. Richard Shell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 14, 2018

★★★一本讓你終身受用、改變人生的談判書!★★★ 東吳大學政治系教授劉必榮 專文推薦 美國多所商學院指定教材!已被翻譯成十幾種語言,風行全球! 許多人害怕談判,覺得很難,或是覺得自己個性不適合…… 但是從做生意、談加薪、解決糾紛、到親密的人際關係、教養子女,談判無所不在。 這本書會教你,談判沒那麼難,只需要一些預備知識和觀念。 本書作者理查.謝爾,多年來主持華頓商學院的「高階主管談判研訓班」,本書融合了他豐富的實務經驗與教學成果,輕鬆帶你入門,學會談判。 首先,每一次談判都不同,並沒有放諸四海皆準的原則,但是「你自己」是談判成功與否的最重要變數。 誠如作者所說:「我的談判策略從自己開始。成功的談判,真理只有一個:若想遊刃有餘,你必須學會在談判桌上做自己。讓你覺得彆扭的祕訣和計謀,不可能有用。而且,當你處心積慮地思考下一步時,很容易忽略掉對方洩露的重要線索和資訊。談判不需要耍手段,但有必要保持警覺和審慎。」 所以,本書就從「個人的談判風格」開始。談判風格可分為五種:競爭、合作、妥協、迴避、遷就。每個人依性格不同,在這五種風格上會有強有弱。本書獨創「談判風格評估工具」,每個人可以測出自己的談判風格,配合當下情境,運用不同的策略。 本書是運用一套「資訊為本的談判法」(information-based...
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