George Saunders: 26 books

Book cover of The Story Prize

The Story Prize

15 Years of Great Short Fiction

by Anthony Doerr, Elizabeth Strout, George Saunders
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

The first-ever anthology honoring the prestigious Story Prize, published in time for the award's fifteenth anniversary and featuring a remarkable list of winners including Anthony Doerr, Edwidge Danticat, Elizabeth Strout, George Saunders, Claire Vaye Watkins, Jim Shepard, Steven Millhauser, Elizabeth...
Book cover of Fox 8

Fox 8

A Story

by George Saunders
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2013

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lincoln in the Bardo, a darkly comic short story about the unintended consequences unleashed by our quest to tame the natural world—featuring gorgeous black-and-white illustrations by Chelsea Cardinal. Fox 8 has always been known as the daydreamer...
Book cover of Dieci dicembre
by George Saunders
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 2, 2013

Da anni, George Saunders è riconosciuto come una delle voci più originali e influenti della narrativa americana contemporanea; senza aver mai scritto un romanzo, ma solo racconti, ha ricevuto elogi unanimi dalla critica. Ora, giunto alla sua quarta raccolta, ha definitivamente raggiunto anche il...
Book cover of The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil
by George Saunders
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2005

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Man Booker Prize-winning novel Lincoln in the Bardo and the story collection Tenth of December, a 2013 National Book Award Finalist for Fiction. In a profoundly strange country called Inner Horner, large enough for only one resident at a...
Book cover of Il megafono spento
by George Saunders
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 10, 2013

L’informazione, il dibattito politico, la promozione culturale sembrano sempre più passare, nel mondo di oggi, attraverso un megafono: messaggi urlati, semplificati, unilaterali, che abbassano gli standard della comunicazione e tarpano programmaticamente le possibilità di analisi critica. In questa...
Book cover of The Green Beret: The Story Of The Commandos, 1940-1945
by Lt. Hilary St. George Saunders
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

“I am not worried about the fighting. I know you’re fairly bloody-minded. But I want to speak of discipline during the battle.” “You must get ashore, if you have to swim, and I hope some of you will return as you’ll be very useful for the next show.” The words of a Commando officer...
Book cover of Lincoln in de bardo
by George Saunders
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 10, 2017

In februari 1862, twee dagen na zijn dood, wordt de elfjarige Willie Lincoln bijgezet op een begraafplaats in Washington. Die nacht bezoekt zijn rouwende vader, president Abraham Lincoln, de marmeren crypte. Nog een laatste keer wil hij tijd doorbrengen bij het lichaam van zijn zoon. Op dezelfde begraafplaats...
Book cover of 林肯在中陰


Lincoln In The Bardo

by 喬治‧桑德斯 George Saunders
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 26, 2019

「無論一個人在世間行何道,必須記住世人皆受苦。」 2017年英國曼布克獎得獎小說 「十二月十日」作者喬治‧桑德斯、《時代雜誌》推崇當代最偉大短篇小說家 淬鍊寫作生涯25年首部長篇小說。贏得全球權威書評及重量級作家一致推崇。 苦悶時代的最燦爛煙火 死者,大鳴大放 反烏托邦小說大師的神奇裝置——以「中陰」為舞台 在世間飽受壓迫、奴役、漠視與錯待的小人物,在作者的創意布局下,死後化作眾陰靈們,形性俱變,滔滔訴苦,徘徊中陰。徜若世人皆受苦,我們如何看待彼此? 人如何生憐憫心? 對改變已經絕望的人們,無處歸去的人們,該如何從困境中得到解脫? 「讓人生平初識小說為何物」——卡勒德•胡賽尼,「追風箏的孩子」作者 「喬治是這個星球上我最崇拜的藝術家」──傑夫•特維迪,WILCO樂團主唱 比爾‧蓋茲2018年度唯一文學選書 ──原創性+想像力=21世紀小說書寫的新起點── 榮登「紐約時報」暢銷榜冠軍! 即將搬上「紐約大都會歌劇院」! 春寒二月,墓園一夜 痛失稚子的總統,竟獨自奔赴墓園,不可思議的超自然事件接踵而至。 「我突然渴望他認識我。我的人生。認識我們。我們的命運。當那位紳士穿過我的身體,我決定多留一會。待在他的身體裡……」  唐納森堡勝戰傷亡報告公布當天,林肯最疼愛的稚子威利病故下葬。時值1862年2月,美國內戰爆發未滿一年;聯邦政府已經逐漸意識到,這是一場漫長而血腥的苦戰。三千名士兵陣亡,舉國皆遭逢喪子之巨痛,傷亡代價誰來承擔?被憂慮及哀傷壓垮的他不容片刻暫離國事。當夜,華盛頓的橡樹丘墓園裡,出現一位11歲的新訪客。社區裡三位急功好義的住客:老光棍漢斯‧沃門、美少年羅傑•貝文斯三世和艾維力•湯姆斯牧師,苦勸男孩「此地危險,不宜久留」。就在孩子聽話決定離開之際,一位高大的紳士竟獨自進入墓園……男孩親眼看著塊頭大、力氣十足的男人,從牆槽裡拉出他的「養病箱」,跪下、打開、失控地撫摸著自己,他喊道:「父親!」紳士猶若未聞,不久後形容凌亂地離去。男孩決定留下,空寂的墓園掀起前所未有的騷動。 「把玩歷史與虛幻,以極具原創性的形式、機智而詼諧的敘事,深刻觸動人心。」──英國曼布克獎評審團 「作為一個小說作者,能讀到這樣一本作品,感動且歎服。人與人因為死亡切斷的情感聯繫,桑德斯的故事成功地建立起來。他運用一種罕見且艱難(對小說家而言)的敘事方法,以真正的小說,震碎我的骨骸、眼淚與心。」——吳明益 (摘自推薦序〈無處可尋,故無處不在〉,全文收錄書中) 「美國歷史上,一般公認的偉大總統共有五位。林肯任內因為奴隸問題引爆史上唯一慘烈且影響深遠的內戰,有關他的著作和出版品,遠遠超過其他四位;桑德斯確實非常認真地收集相關歷史素材,作者藉著化為中陰身的威利和衆鬼魂,縷述內戰前美國的社會、文化背景,以及內戰初期聯邦的頹勢。在這麼卷帙浩繁的書海中穿梭出入,絕非易事。」——張四德,輔仁大學歷史學系教授,摘自推薦文〈林肯在暗夜啜泣〉 150年來,林肯夜訪墓園悼念亡子不過是歷史文獻中一筆蒼白紀錄。這本小說竟以「鬼」的視角重述史實,解放了文學與歷史、虛構與真實的界線。「我兒只是其中一人,我便已痛徹心肺。」書中一段林肯總統企圖讓孩子復活,希望喚醒病體站起的描述,教人不禁掩卷落淚。一本關於偉大的愛與失去的故事,全書以扣人心弦的手法探索死亡與悲傷,以及生命背後深層的意義與可能性。 眼前一切都不是真的,卻又真實得難以置信 萬物皆始於虛無。我們為它們命名,給它們愛,它們因而成形。 眾生皆苦,誰來慰藉? 俯身棺槨前,一個父親的眼淚,讓已然絕望的世人,願意等待奇蹟出現 一則當代迫切需要的故事:認清世事本質,永遠行正確之事。人該自由。 在黑暗中苦惱,是為了尋找光。 絕對是你今年必讀的一本最奇特、最出色的書。 ★繁體中文版獨家收錄作者本人專訪Q&A ※編按:「中陰」,意指生命在死亡之後,到下一期生命開始之前的中間存在狀態。 ★獲選《紐約時報》《衛報》《TIME》等數十個權威媒體年度選書 得獎記錄 ★2017年英國曼布克獎 ★2018年比爾‧蓋茲選書  ★2018年黃金曼布克獎決選  ★入選《紐約時報》年度好書 ★入選《華盛頓郵報》年度好書 ★入選《今日美國》年度好書 ★入選《TIME》時代雜誌年度好書 ★入選《衛報》年度好書 ★入選《金融時報》年度好書 ★入選《經濟學人》年度好書 ★入選《新政治家》年度好書 ★入選《觀察家報》年度好書 ★入選《洛杉磯時報》年度好書 ★入選《波士頓環球報》年度好書 ★入選美國國家公共廣播電臺(NPR)年度好書 ★入選紐約公共圖書館年度好書 ★入選《VOGUE》年度好書 ★入選《君子雜誌》年度好書 ★入選亞馬遜網路書店年度好書 ★入選BuzzFeed年度好書 ★入選美國獨立書商協會Indie...
Book cover of Vos 8

Vos 8

Een furhaal

by George Saunders
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Vos 8 is een dromer. Zijn medevossen nemen hem niet altijd even serieus. Maar hij spreekt mooi wel Mens, een taal die hij zichzelf heeft geleerd door bij een raam naar verhaaltjes voor het slapengaan te luisteren. Vos 8 heeft dus best wat in zijn mars. En wanneer het nieuwe gebouw VosZichtStaete de leefwereld van de vossen bedreigt, vindt hij het geen tijd meer voor dromen maar voor daden.
Book cover of Combined Operations; The Official Story of The Commandos
by Hilary St. George Saunders MC
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2016

This is an astonishing, absolutely absorbing account of the accomplishments of those picked men from the Royal Navy, the British Army, and the Royal Air Force, who work with U.S. Rangers and others of the United Nations in what is known officially as Combined Operations—or, more popularly, the Commandos....
Book cover of Signs of Power

Signs of Power

The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast

by David G. Anderson, Richard Jefferies, Jon L. Gibson
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Traces the sources of power and large-scale organization of prehistoric peoples among Archaic societies. By focusing on the first instances of mound building, pottery making, fancy polished stone and bone, as well as specialized chipped stone, artifacts, and their widespread exchange, this...
Book cover of Forging Southeastern Identities

Forging Southeastern Identities

Social Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Folklore of the Mississippian to Early Historic South

by Robin A. Beck, Ian W. Brown, Penelope Ballard Drooker
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2017

Forging Southeastern Identities: Social Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Mississippian to Early Historic South, a groundbreaking collection of ten essays, covers a broad expanse of time—from the ninth to the nineteenth centuries—and focuses on a common theme of identity. These essays represent...
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