Giulio: 330 books

Book cover of Cosmopolitan Power in International Relations

Cosmopolitan Power in International Relations

A Synthesis of Realism, Neoliberalism, and Constructivism

by Giulio M. Gallarotti
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2010

How can nations optimize their power in the modern world system? Realist theory has underscored the importance of hard power as the ultimate path to national strength. In this vision, nations require the muscle and strategies to compel compliance and achieve their full power potential. But in fact,...
Book cover of Economics and Power

Economics and Power

A Marxist critique

by Giulio Palermo
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2016

In the economic debate, power is defined and studied mainly as an interpersonal relation occurring out of perfect competition. This is a consequence of the combination of methodological individualism and the assumption of competition as a natural and everlasting coordinating mechanism, operating without...
Book cover of Global Challenges and the Emerging World Order
by Giulio Sapelli
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2015

This book offers a fascinating overview of the challenges posed by the world’s new geostrategic order and likely future directions. It opens with an unconventional view of the Arab Spring, identifying its origins in the relative US withdrawal from the Middle East caused by both the need for military...
Book cover of Lustiges Taschenbuch Nr. 468

Lustiges Taschenbuch Nr. 468

Der Grillmeister

by Giulio D'Antona, Teresa Radice, Niels Roland
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2015

Der Grillmeister Männer am Grill... Ganze Bücher ließen sich darüber verfassen! Tja, und darum machen wir das doch einfach mal! Denn eins ist so sicher wie der Sesam auf dem Burgerbrötchen: Wenn Donald Duck sich die Kochmütze aufsetzt und den Grillfleisch-Wender schwingt, dann hat das...
Book cover of Come ti cambio la vita in un weekend
by Moramarco Patrizio Giulio Cesare
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Ciò che esprimerò in questo racconto è solo la degradazione della società, sia maschile che femminile, che ha portato negli ultimi anni a una realtà basata sul materialismo, sull’apparenza e sull’ottenere ciò che si vuole a qualsiasi costo, abbandonando i nostri valori e la nostra etica...
Book cover of La chiave dell'abisso

La chiave dell'abisso

Resa dei conti alla Casa Bianca

by Giulio Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2017

IL PRIMO CONSPIRACY THRILLER DELL'ERA TRUMP. | C’è un nuovo presidente alla Casa Bianca, miliardario e amico della Russia. Non sa cosa lo aspetta. Qualcuno, là fuori, vuole ucciderlo. Tra i suoi uomini, c’è chi congiura alle sue spalle. I sotterranei della dimora presidenziale nascondono segreti...
Book cover of L'ultimo bersaglio

L'ultimo bersaglio

Una caccia all'uomo implacabile che si snoda tra Roma, Budapest, le isole Svalbard e i meandri più oscuri della Rete

by Barbara Carfagna, Giulio Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 30, 2014

“Comincia un nuovo gioco. Niente sopravvissuti questa volta”. Harry Miller fissa incredulo lo schermo del telefonino, gli manca il respiro, un brivido freddo lo scuote da capo a piedi. Poche parole sono bastate a farlo ripiombare nell’incubo che credeva di essersi lasciato alle spalle una volta...
Book cover of Viaggio al centro della terra
by Giulio Verne
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 23, 2018

Questo libro narra il viaggio al centro della Terra intrapreso dal professor Lidenbrock, esimio scienziato noto in tutta la Germania, da suo nipote Axel e da Hans, una guida che li accompagna per tutta la durata del viaggio. Dopo essere entrati nel cratere dello Sneffels, un vulcano islandese spento,...
Book cover of Tutti i gradini del Male
by Giulio Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Cosa si nasconde nel passato della creatrice dei reality della paura? Quale mistero l’ha incatenata all’inferno del suo lato oscuro? Quale terribile segreto l’ha spinta a salire tutti i gradini del Male fino a creare l’organizzazione criminale più sofisticata mai scoperta? Lei uccide per...
Book cover of Time-of-Flight and Structured Light Depth Cameras
by Pietro Zanuttigh, Giulio Marin, Carlo Dal Mutto
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2016

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the key technologies and applications related to new cameras that have brought 3D data acquisition to the mass market. It covers both the theoretical principles behind the acquisition devices and the practical implementation aspects of the computer vision...
Book cover of jQuery Mobile First Look
by Giulio Bai
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2011

The jQuery Mobile First Look is a perfect reference to keep on your desk for finding out the capabilities of the jQuery Mobile framework and how you can put it to good use. This book will show you how to enjoy your programming by letting a simple yet effective JavaScript library handle the hassles you...
Book cover of jQuery Plugin Development Beginner's Guide
by Giulio Bai
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2010

This book takes a beginner's guide approach, giving you step-by-step instructions for creating a number of different jQuery plugins covering most of the common issues one may encounter when working on web pages and sites. It is a practical guide, which will show you how to design and build the most...
Book cover of Sizing up Consciousness

Sizing up Consciousness

Towards an objective measure of the capacity for experience

by Marcello Massimini, Giulio Tononi
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

Everyone knows what consciousness is: it is what vanishes when we fall into dreamless sleep and reappears when we wake up or when we dream. However, we become less and less confident when we are called to answer fundamental questions about the relationships between consciousness and the physical world....
Book cover of Simona Liberati. Opere recenti
by Francesco Giulio Farachi, Massimo Rossi Ruben
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 29, 2016

Collana Spazio, memoria, progetto diretta da Massimo Rossi Ruben […] L’arte di Simona Liberati è in costante divenire. Le immagini sono energicamente delineate e fissate e tuttavia è molto accentuata, in quest’artista, l’idea della folgorazione visiva, una folgorazione che scaturisce da...
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