Goldstein: 669 books

Book cover of A Vampire Romance: Tangled
by Mary J. Goldstein
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2014

Description: Book 2 in the Vampire Romance series goes deeper into the lives of the characters. We now begin to learn why Amanda is so wanted by the Angel clan and the relationships between the characters deepen. The story takes some unexpected turns and starts to become a much larger story that involves...
Book cover of Erectile Dysfunction
by J.H. Abicht, W. Bähren, G.A. Broderick
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2013

The basic principles of the phenomenon "erection" have been known since the pioneering work of Kolliker, Eckhard and Langley in the nineteenth century. Nonetheless, under the influence of Freud, erectile dysfunction was predominantly at­ tributed to psychogenic factors. A more liberal perception...
Book cover of Por amor a la física

Por amor a la física

Del final del arco iris a la frontera del tiempo. Un viaje por las maravillas de la física

by Walter Lewin, Warren Goldstein
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 16, 2012

Las esperadas memorias de uno de los intelectuales más impredecibles, combativos e influyentes de los últimos treinta años. «Has cambiado mi vida» es una frase muy común en los emails que Walter Lewin recibe a diario de fans cautivados por sus «videoclases» sobre las maravillas de la...
Book cover of The Real Truth About Love
by Marisa Goldstein
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2014

As a little girl, Willow Mazer always knew in her heart that life had something more in store for her than what she had heard and read in fairytales. She knew that aside from the fantasy of marriage, family, and white picket fences, something inside was challenging her to find her own truth. Willow...
Book cover of Überzeugen mit einfachen Kniffen
by Noah J. Goldstein, Robert B. Cialdini, Steve J. Martin
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Wie konnte das britische Finanzamt die Rücklaufquote bei den fälligen Steuerzahlungen innerhalb eines Jahres von 57% auf 86% erhöhen? In dem sie einen einzigen Satz auf ihrem Standardanschreiben an die Steuerschuldner ergänzten. Der Rücklauf stieg von 290 Mio. GBP auf 560 Mio. GBP. Das macht...
Book cover of Be mindful - Einfach mal abschalten

Be mindful - Einfach mal abschalten

Wie Meditieren dein Leben entstresst

by Suze Yalof Schwartz, Debra Goldstein
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2018

Immer auf dem Sprung, von einer Aufgabe zur nächsten hetzen – die Anforderungen unseres Alltags lassen uns manchmal schier verzweifeln. Die Meditations- und Achtsamkeitslehrerin Suze Yalof Schwartz schafft schnell und wirksam Abhilfe: Einfach mal bewusst abschalten, radikal entschleunigen – und...
Book cover of Le sanctuaire

Le sanctuaire

Vrai visage de Dieu

by Clifford Goldstein
Language: French
Release Date: July 5, 2016

Le sanctuaire céleste est une des clés historiques du mouvement adventiste. Mais une conception erronée de l’oeuvre qui s’y déroule peut créer un déséquilibre dans notre perception de la justice et de la miséricorde divines. Le sanctuaire, vrai visage de Dieu indique les écueils à éviter...
Book cover of Globalizzazione e sviluppo
by Federico , Bonaglia, Andrea
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2010

La liberalizzazione commerciale e finanziaria è dannosa; la globalizzazione aumenta la povertà dei paesi in via di sviluppo; le multinazionali indeboliscono le misure di tutela dei lavoratori e dell'ambiente; la globalizzazione mette in pericolo la sovranità nazionale. Si possono discutere queste...
Book cover of Le multinazionali
by Andrea , Goldstein, Lucia
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Dalla Compagnia delle Indie a Microsoft sono da sempre protagoniste dell'economia mondiale. Spesso di grandissime dimensioni, talvolta di formato tascabile, con una lunga storia nei paesi industrializzati, ma oggi in crescita anche nelle economie emergenti, le multinazionali sono osannate o contestate,...
Book cover of Il miracolo coreano
by Andrea , Goldstein
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 26, 2013

«Per i miei genitori, il termine “Corea” evoca ancora la guerra che nel 1953-54 fece circa 2 milioni di vittime, 150 mila orfani adottati in Occidente e le periferie del miracolo economico, appunto le Coree, a pochi chilometri da Milano dove mancava tutto. Per i loro nipoti, invece, la Corea del...
Book cover of Corporate governance
by Alessandro, Goglio, Andrea
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Che cos'è la corporate governance e perché è importante? Come si governa l'impresa moderna, grande o piccola, privata o statale, locale o multinazionale? Quali sono le relazioni tra proprietari, dirigenti e amministratori? Qual è il ruolo degli azionisti e dei mercati finanziari nel monitorare i...
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