Gordon Arthur: 24 books

Book cover of Law, Liberty and Church

Law, Liberty and Church

Authority and Justice in the Major Churches in England

by Gordon Arthur
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Law, Liberty and Church examines the presuppositions that underlie authority in the five largest Churches in England - the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union. Examining what has influenced their development, and how...
Book cover of Understanding America's Gun Culture
by Craig Hovey, Lisa Fisher, Rachel Boaz
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2017

Understanding America’s Gun Culture focuses on building understanding of some of the issues associated with US gun culture and the contemporary debate about the availability and use of guns. This edited volume is unique in that it draws on a wide variety of disciplines and presents perspectives...
Book cover of A Touch of Wonder

A Touch of Wonder

A Book to Help People Stay in Love with Life

by Arthur Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 1976

A book to help people stay in love with life by Arthur Gordon. This collection of Gordon's short stories will bring back the gift of joy, wonder, and hope to all who read it. From life's littlest, often over-looked moments to the important days we all hope to enjoy, Gordon finds a way to express such...
Book cover of Northern Seascapes and Landscapes

Northern Seascapes and Landscapes

Early Victorian Watercolours, Prints and Drawings

by Gordon Bell, Heather Birchall, Arthur Credland
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

The north of England has repeatedly inspired painters to protray its scenery and ways of life. This was especially true at the turn of the nineteenth century when an upsurge of interest in its people, places and events was fuelled by affordable pictures and prints. These were the years before the...
Book cover of Horror-Legionen 2

Horror-Legionen 2


by Markus K. Korb, Tobias Bachmann, Daniela Herbst
Language: German
Release Date: January 6, 2015

Willkommen im düstersten Bereich der Phantastik, dem Horror. Bevor du dich in die Geschichten stürzt, möchte ich dich etwas fragen: Was ist Horror für dich? Aus welchen Elementen muss eine Geschichte bestehen, damit sie für dich zum Genre gehört? Bedarf sie übersinnlicher Phänomene oder doch...
Book cover of Mängelexemplare 2: Dystopia

Mängelexemplare 2: Dystopia

Dystopische Anthologie

by Constantin Dupien, Vincent Voss, Jennifer Jäger
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2014

Mängelexemplare: Dystopia - Neunzehn Autoren blicken in eine Zukunft, in der die Menschheit am Abgrund steht. Schreckensvisionen, die bald Realität werden könnten ... "Das in der allgegenwärtigen Hitze verdunstende Wasser hatte die Luftfeuchtigkeit bis ins Unerträgliche gesteigert. Metall...


Eine UMC-Story

by Arthur Gordon Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2013

Auch in der Zukunft existieren noch Mannbarkeitsrituale. Zu Dereks Geburtstag hat sein Vater, ein hohes Tier beim Mega-Multi UMC, eine ganz besondere Überraschung für seinen Sohn. Er darf zum ersten Mal mit auf die Jagd. Derek ist wenig davon angetan, auf künstliche Eichhörnchen oder Füchse zu...
Book cover of Mängelexemplare 4: Heimgesucht
by Michael Marrak, Arthur Gordon Wolf, Harald Weissen
Language: German
Release Date: November 30, 2016

Sie sind wieder da! Entfesselt. Gnadenlos. Sie lauern in nebelverhangenen Steinhäfen, verbergen sich in verlassenen Häusern und manifestieren sich in überlegenen Computerintelligenzen. Streuen ihre böse Saat in den Seelen unschuldiger Kinder. Sie verkörpern das Unheimliche in sechs mitreißenden...
Book cover of A Beginners Guide to Baby Sign Language
by Arthur Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2012

A Beginners Guide to Baby Sign Language This book covers several topics including: - Communicate Your Toddler Through Baby Sign Language - Baby Sign Language - Baby Speech Developmental Patterns - How Do You Talk To A Baby - Checklist Article For Starting Your Own Baby Sign Language...
Book cover of How to Stop Stuttering In Children
by Arthur Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2012

This guide covers several topics including: Chapter 1: How Parents Can Help Stop Stuttering Chapter 2: How Does A Professional Plan Treatment For Someone Who Stutters Chapter 3: A Speech Language Therapist Can Help Treat Stuttering Chapter 4: Effective Communication With Stuttering People...


Roman, Mysterythriller

by Arthur Gordon Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: December 13, 2018

"Mit gut recherchierten Details über ägyptische Mythologie erhält dieser Roman seinen letzten Schliff und entführt den Leser in eine andere, spannende und lesenswerte Welt, die einen fesselt und durchweg gut unterhält." [Lesermeinung] "… eines der besten Bücher, die ich je gelesen...
Book cover of Getting Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night: A Guide To Soothing Your Baby To Sleep and Dealing With Common Sleeping Problems
by Arthur Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2012

Getting Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night: A Guide To Soothing Your Baby To Sleep and Dealing With Common Sleeping Problems This book covers several topics including: Chapter 1: How To Get A Baby To Sleep Chapter 2: How Can I Help My Baby Sleep On Antibiotics Chapter 3: Family...
Book cover of How to Potty Train Children
by Arthur Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2012

This book covers several topics including: - Is Your Child Ready? -  Finding the Right Potty Seat - The Right Time to Start - Bladder Control -Giving Rewards and so much more! Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Book cover of Synagogues in a Time of Change

Synagogues in a Time of Change

Fragmentation and Diversity in Jewish Religious Movements

by Zachary I. Heller, Lawrence Grossman, Rodney L. Petersen
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2009

The synagogue remains a central institution in Jewish life as a place of study, worship, and assembly, but each day brings word of a new challenging development within each of the larger movements to which synagogues belong—Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. Jewish religious...
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