Graham: 4655 books

Book cover of Sex Addict
by Erin Graham
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2018

Quand le sexe est une drogue et l’amour, un interdit…***Auteur à succès le jour, Liam est sex addict la nuit. Le sexe, c’est toute sa vie, il en veut toujours plus et va toujours plus loin dans sa déviance. Mais sa maladie le ronge. Quand par hasard, il rencontre Jade, une jeune psychologue,...
Book cover of Selected Poems
by W.S. Graham
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

When T.S. Eliot wrote of W.S. Graham's collection, The Nightfishing, that 'some of these poems - by their sustained power, their emotional depth and maturity and their superb technical skill - may well be among the more important poetical achievements of our time', he could not have stated the truth...
Book cover of The Missing Sixth
by Mark Graham
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2012

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Michael Meade, attempts to resurrect his fallen career in Cape Town, South Africa and finds himself investigating the theft of a priceless painting by Dutch master Jan Vermeer. In the process, he discovers the real search is for a long lost document destined to change...
Book cover of The Fire Theft
by Mark Graham
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2012

In the year 313 B.C, the ancient Persian city of Karmin-Yar was destroyed by an immense earthquake that reshaped the coast of the Black Sea. Buried in the wreckage was a century’s worth of Persian gold. More than 2,000 years later, this vast fortune is the target of an ingenious plot set in motion...
Book cover of The Tale of the TravlinBug'z
by Jason Graham, Jason Graham
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

"THE TRAVLINBUG'Z !!" " I haven't thought about them in years. Well, not since you were a boy," she said to my Father. " But, Gram, the photos, the journals, the adventures-are they all true ? " And again, in the same low voice came just one word: " YES." Follow Claude Philipe, famous entomologist and...
Book cover of Law and Ethics in Nursing and Healthcare
by Graham Avery
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2016

Now in its second edition, Law and Ethics in Nursing and Healthcare: An Introduction continues to provide all the information nursing and healthcare students need to know about ‘what is legal’ and ‘how to decide what is right’ in order to practise safely and ethically. Graham Avery focuses...
Book cover of The initiation
by Erin Graham
Language: French
Release Date: July 9, 2019

Sombre, torturé, complexe… rock star.Maël s’enfonce chaque jour un peu plus dans une spirale sombre. Star de la scène, accro au succès et à la drogue, il lutte contre les ombres de son passé et se voue une haine féroce.Alors, quand il rencontre Divya, lumineuse, innocente et pleine de vie,...
Book cover of Bleiche Knochen

Bleiche Knochen


by Graham Masterton
Language: German
Release Date: September 18, 2017

Auf der Spur des uralten Bösen. Die Skelette von elf Frauen werden bei Bauarbeiten auf einer Farm im ländlichen Irland gefunden, grausam verstümmelt und bei lebendigem Leib gehäutet. Die Ermittlerin Katie Maguire erfährt nach den ersten Untersuchungen, dass die Toten schon seit vielen...
Book cover of Die Schlaflosen

Die Schlaflosen


by Graham Masterton
Language: German
Release Date: May 3, 2017

Sie sind alt wie die Zeit, und sie leben immer noch ... Nach einem Hubschrauberabsturz werden aus dem Wrack die Leichen von einem Richter und seiner Frau geborgen. Jemand hat sie grauenvoll verstümmelt. Und von ihrer erwachsenen Tochter fehlt jede Spur. Michael Reardon, der im Auftrag einer Versicherung...
Book cover of Racheengel


Ein Fall für Katie Maguire

by Graham Masterton
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2019

In einer schmutzigen Wohnung in Cork wird eine männliche Leiche gefunden. Das Gesicht ist von Schüssen vollständig zerfetzt. Doch Ermittlerin Katie Maguire findet bald heraus, um wen es sich handelt: Der Tote war ein somalischer Zuhälter. Kurz darauf wird einer seiner Komplizen ermordet. Katie...
Book cover of Notre agent à La Havane
by Graham GREENE
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2014

C'est dans ses innombrables et incessants déplacements que Graham Greene, voyageur, homme d'action et d'écriture, a puisé le matériau et l'atmosphère si souvent exotiques de ses romans. Dans Notre agent à La Havane (1958), Graham Greene plante son décor à Cuba juste avant la révolution castriste...
Book cover of La Fin d'une liaison
by Graham GREENE
Language: French
Release Date: December 20, 2012

Maurice Bendrix s'éprend au premier regard de Sarah, l'épouse de Henry Miles, un haut fonctionnaire. Ils entament une relation passionnée à l'été 1939, qui s'achève brutalement lorsqu'un obus frappe la maison londonienne où ils ont pris l'habitude de se retrouver. Pendant plusieurs minutes,...
Book cover of A Lesson For Us All

A Lesson For Us All

The Making of the National Curriculum

by Duncan Graham, David Tytler
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2018

Originally published in 1993. "A Lesson for Us All" tells of the intrigue and pressures that surrounded the introduction of the National Curriculum, the most sweeping educational reform since 1944, and examines the roles of three education secretaries: Kenneth Baker, John MacGregor and...
Book cover of Man of the World: Book 1 of The Odyssey Expedition
by Graham Hughes
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2018

MAN OF THE WORLD is the gripping account of the first year of British adventurer Graham Hughes’s daring Guinness World Record™ attempt to visit every country on Earth using only surface-based transportation, told with refreshing candour in his own words. Buckle up for a rib-tickling multinational...
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