Graham: 4655 books

Book cover of Le carte segrete del Post

Le carte segrete del Post

Dai Pentagon Papers al Watergate

by Katharine Graham
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Come si può vedere nel film The Post, questa è la vera storia di un grande giornale e di una grande donna: il «Washington Post» e Katharine Graham, la sua editrice in uno dei periodi più turbolenti della storia americana. È la Graham stessa, in queste pagine tratte dalla sua autobiografia, a...
Book cover of Reise ohne Landkarten
by Graham Greene
Language: German
Release Date: February 16, 2015

Im Januar 1935 reiste Graham Greene von Liverpool aus nach Westafrika, um auf dem Fußweg Liberia zu durchqueren. Europa hatte er nie zuvor verlassen, und er gab unumwunden zu, ein absoluter Amateur in Sachen Reisen zu sein. Er hielt es für das Beste, im benachbarten Sierra Leone Träger und Führer...
Book cover of Il paese dell'acqua
by Graham Swift, Graham Swift
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 28, 2016

Thomas Crick vive nei Fens, le terre bonificate e «sottratte all’acqua» dell’Inghilterra orientale: «un paesaggio che, tra tutti i paesaggi, è quello che più si avvicina al Nulla», un luogo in cui le azioni degli uomini sembrano costantemente soccombere alle forze elementari della natura....
Book cover of La República Española en guerra (1936-1939)
by Helen Graham
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 23, 2019

Una visión novedosa, exhaustiva y crítica de los orígenes de la Guerra Civil española y su desarrollo. La Guerra Civil es, sin duda, el hecho histórico más importante acaecido en España en el siglo XX y un conflicto cuyas consecuencias, de una forma u otra, llegan hasta la actualidad. Sin...
Book cover of Saving Paludis
by Clayton Graham
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2018

An alien revolution centuries in the making will change mankind's future forever … Police agent Stefan Lattanzis never expected his planet to become a battlefield, nor Earth for that matter. But when scientists from Paludis share a technological breakthrough with Earth authorities, peace...
Book cover of All Creatures Great and Famous: Interviewing Stars of the '70s
by Graham Higson
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Meeting them was like stepping through the television screen...A childhood fascination with television and radio turned into a teenage reality when Graham Higson began writing celebrity interviews for his school magazine.Would his lack of years and experience be a drawback or advantage...
Book cover of Best of Presents 2008

Best of Presents 2008

An Anthology

by Lynne Graham, Sharon Kendrick
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

Discover last year's finest...with the best eBooks of 2008! Harlequin Presents novels are always filled with passion, drama and timeless romance--and these three books are no exception! Here's your chance to discover the most popular Presents from 2008: The Italian Billionaire's Pregnant Bride...
Book cover of Forever Nightfall
by J.R. Graham
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2014

FALLING GRACE… The path of false intuition leads an adopted teen girl into a death trap and the horrors that befall on the innocent lure of unconditional love. K.I.T. (SINGLED OUT)… Keely Inette Thatcher (alias: K.I.T.) is America’s Most Wanted fugitive. She’s chosen to...
Book cover of Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise
by David Graham Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2015

David Graham Phillips (1867 – 1911) was an American novelist and journalist of the muckraker tradition. Phillips' novels often commented on social issues of the day and frequently chronicled events based on his real-life journalistic experiences. “Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise” is a great example...
Book cover of The Iron Masters -Volume 1 For the Love of Eira.
by Graham Watkins
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2015

A time of restoration and 18th Century drama revealing five men who created the biggest industrial city, civilisation had ever seen. They were the Iron Masters, masters of metal and men. Their cannons saved a kingdom, forged the greatest empire in the world and changed the history of the human race.Intrigue,...
Book cover of Nunca duermas con extraños
by Heather Graham
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Heather Graham es una excelente narradora, y maneja el suspense con tal maestría que sus historias tienen el poder de dejar al lector atrapado entre sus páginas. Prueba de su talento son las más de diez millones de copias de sus libros vendidas en todo el mundo. Antes de escribir, su sueño era...
Book cover of Bestsellerautorin Lynne Graham - italienische Sehnsucht
by Lynne Graham
Language: German
Release Date: September 23, 2015

EIN MILLIARDÄR ENTDECKT DIE LIEBE Einen Mann wie ihn verschmäht man nicht! Für den faszinierenden Milliardär Cesario di Silvestri bedeutet das Nein der schönen Jessica nur eins - eine Herausforderung! Eiskalt stellt er ihr ein Ultimatum: Wenn Jessica den Ruf ihrer Familie retten will,...
Book cover of Bestsellerautorin Lynne Graham - spanisches Verlangen
Language: German
Release Date: September 23, 2015

STOLZ UND VERLANGEN Eine undurchdringliche Mauer umgibt Leandros stolzes Herz, seit seine Frau gestorben ist, und eine neue Liebe ist für den spanischen Herzog unvorstellbar! Doch dafür verspürt er etwas anders, als ihm die zarte Molly auf einer Party begegnet: brennendes Verlangen. Eine...
Book cover of Drei Freundinnen und die große Liebe - 3-teilige Serie
by Lynne Graham
Language: German
Release Date: July 6, 2017

Die Miniserie "Drei Freundinnen und die große Liebe" von Lynne Graham wird Sie mit Charme, romantischen Momenten und großen Gefühlen begeistern! DIE SCHÖNE MIT DEM FLAMMENHAAR Ihre smaragdgrünen Augen blicken harmlos, ihr Lächeln ist sanft - Elinor Tempest spielt die Unschuld gut! Doch ihn kann...
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