Grazia: 399 books

Book cover of Il sigillo d'amore
by Grazia Deledda
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 10, 2014

La raccolta di novelle intitolata “Il sigillo d’amore” venne pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1926. A dare il titolo al libro è l’ultima storia, incentrata su una delle figure femminili sarde più conosciute, le cui vicende, sospese tra storia e leggenda, hanno stimolato l’interesse di...
Book cover of Il tesoro
by Grazia Deledda
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2016

Pubblicato dall’editore Speirani di Torino, il romanzo appartiene alla “fase degli esordi” (1890-1900) in cui emergono i temi che saranno una costante dell’opera di Deledda: il peso della storia e delle tradizioni, l’attaccamento alla famiglia, la violenza delle passioni e la natura. Nel...
Book cover of La Sposa
by Grazia Pascale
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2013

Racconto per Adulti (VM18) Orgia di passione nell'alta borghesia.
Book cover of La Scelta Sbagliata
by Grazia Pascale
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2013

Genere: Racconto per Adulti (VM18) Il racconto di una ragazza che entra a far parte del mondo della prostituzione, fatto di sesso sfrenato e esperienze estreme. Un mondo dove è facile entrare ma da cui è difficile uscire.  
Book cover of Nostalgia
by Grazia Deledda
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

Since the days of Latin, to how few authors has it been given to obtain an European reputation! We English seem exceptionally slow in making ourselves acquainted with the works of foreigners. Dante and Cervantes, Goethe and Dumas, are perhaps no worse known among us than they are in their homes; but...
Book cover of Science and Art

Science and Art

The Painted Surface

by Richard Ernst, Siano Salvatore, Rocco Mazzeo
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Science and art are increasingly interconnected in the activities of the study and conservation of works of art. Science plays a key role in cultural heritage, from developing new analytical techniques for studying the art, to investigating new ways of preserving the materials for the future. For...
Book cover of The Learning Code: The Psychology of Total Physical Response - How to Speed the Learning of Languages Through the Multisensory Method - A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages
by Mauro Morretta, Maria Grazia De Francisci
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2014

The Learning Code is an exceptional guide designed to teach students of all ages and backgrounds language skills with the highly enhanced teaching methods that uses the kinesthetic, Visual and Auditory systems. This innovative manual blends the method of Total Physical Response, Storytelling and Role-playing/Simultations...
Book cover of Sharing Power

Sharing Power

A Global Guide to Collaborative Management of Natural Resources

by Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, M. Taghi Farvar, Yves Renard
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2013

The collaborative or �co�-management of natural resources - whether between states and local communities or amongst and within communities themselves - is a process of collective understanding and actions to bring about negotiated agreements on roles, rights and responsibilities for decentralized...
Book cover of Transnational Corporations

Transnational Corporations

Fragmentation amidst Integration

by Grazia Ietto-Gillies
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2002

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in international production worldwide, accompanied by considerable changes in its geographical structure. This volume examines the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the geography of international production, covering both theoretical and empirical...
Book cover of Handbook of micromosaicist
by Maria Grazia Branchetti, Roberto Grieco
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2016

One often feels the need to perform an artistic activity to find oneself and recreate spiritual balance. Whoever wishes to learn the mechanisms behind a micromosaic will discover endless creative possibilities by playing with its plasticity and colours. The technique provides countless opportunities...
Book cover of Le fiabe della mamma
by Grazia Leocata
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 25, 2012

Scoiattolini, topini ed altre creature parlanti, ma anche tante fantastiche avventure popolano gli scenari delle favole create dall'autrice durante il suo cammino di mamma. Trenta brevi racconti a misura di bambino che donano un sorriso e racchiudono importanti valori educativi.
Book cover of Italian Summer

Italian Summer

Mina's Adventure, #3

by maria grazia swan
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

When they say, "you can't go home again," they're talking about Mina Calvi, twenty-something Italian transplant to California. Still, nursing a broken heart, desperate to discover her place in the world, Mina arrives in the town of her birth in Veneto, Italy. In the decade she's been gone,...
Book cover of Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development

Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development

Territorial Scenarios in Trentino, Italy

by Grazia Brunetta
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development puts forward an alternative approach to evaluation in spatial planning - one that focuses on ’territory’ and ’landscape’. The book introduces an innovative evaluation approach, namely Territorial Integrated Evaluation (TIE), a...
Book cover of Viaggi di Timoteo (I)

Viaggi di Timoteo (I)

Incontri con l’Angelo e altre creature straordinarie

by Grazia Castelli Siscar
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 19, 2014

I viaggi di Timoteo – Incontri con l’Angelo e altre creature straordinarie è una favola per bambini e ragazzi che narra i viaggi visionari del piccolo Timoteo; un racconto di amicizia, fede e amore per la Nuova Era. Sei anni, ultimo erede di una particolarissima famiglia, Tim – come tutti lo...
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