Guido: 735 books

Book cover of New World Order

New World Order

A Strategy of Imperialism

by Sean Stone, Richard Grove, Guido Preparata
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2016

A sweeping overview of world affairs and, especially having come across the name of William Yandell Elliott, Professor of Politics at Harvard through the first half of the 20th century. Sean found that Elliott had created a kindergarten of Anglo-American imperialists amongst his students, who included...
Book cover of La enciclopedia del boxer
by Guido da Tortona, Marina Salmoiraghi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Este libro le ayudará a conocer los orígenes del boxer, a partir de los antiguos bullenbeisser y de las primeras exposiciones en Alemania a finales del siglo xix. Se analiza la evolución de la raza a través del examen atento de las características morfológicas y de los detalles del estándar,...
Book cover of Big Data - Fluch oder Segen?

Big Data - Fluch oder Segen?

Unternehmen im Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels

by Ronald Bachmann, Guido Kemper, Thomas Gerzer
Language: German
Release Date: February 13, 2014

Unternehmen im Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels Chancen und Risiken von Big Data Auswirkungen von Big Data auf Digitalisierung und Unternehmensstruktur Sinnvolles Daten-Management und Data Science Big Dataist in aller Munde. Die Erwartungen an das Öl des 21. Jahrhunderts sind enorm. Aber bringt...
Book cover of Student Development in College

Student Development in College

Theory, Research, and Practice

by Lori D. Patton, Kristen A. Renn, Stephen John Quaye
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2016

THE ESSENTIAL STUDENT DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE, UPDATED WITH CUTTING-EDGE THEORY AND PRACTICE Student Development in College is the go-to resource for student affairs, and is considered a key reference for those most committed to conscious and intentional student affairs practice. This third edition...
Book cover of Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences
by Guido W. Imbens, Donald B. Rubin
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2015

Most questions in social and biomedical sciences are causal in nature: what would happen to individuals, or to groups, if part of their environment were changed? In this groundbreaking text, two world-renowned experts present statistical methods for studying such questions. This book starts with the...
Book cover of Energetics of Muscular Exercise
by Guido Ferretti
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2015

This book discusses the maximal power and capacity of the three major biochemical pathways ­- aerobic (oxygen consumption), anaerobic lactic (muscle lactate accumulation in absence of oxygen consumption), and anaerobic alactic (phosphocreatine hydrolysis) metabolism - as well as the factors that...
Book cover of Culture Matters in Russia—and Everywhere

Culture Matters in Russia—and Everywhere

Backdrop for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

by Oscar Árias Sánchez, Miguel Basáñez, Marita Carballo
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

This collection of essays discusses modernization, democratization, and economic and political reforms in Russia and asserts that these reforms can be accomplished through the reframing of cultural values, attitudes, and institutions. The contributors—which include three Nobel Laureates—strive...
Book cover of Battaglione Lupo

Battaglione Lupo

Xa Flottiglia MAS 1943-1945

by Guido Bonvicini
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 5, 2016

Ho combattuto alcune guerre, ho ubbidito e a volte ho ordinato a uomini in uniforme di seguirmi; ho il ricordo di molti e molti reparti, ma un ricordo sovrasta tutti gli altri, quello del mio battaglione Lupo. Tenente di Vascello Dante Renato Stripoli In questo libro la storia del Battaglione...
Book cover of El huerto: guía completa
by Enrica Boffelli, Guido Sirtori
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2017

¿Desea que los productos de su huerto sean de gran calidad?, ¿prefiere la calidad antes que el rendimiento?, ¿le gustaría disponer de un huerto biológico?, ¿quiere saborear las mejores cebollas de marzo a julio?, ¿y magníficos tomates para ensalada de junio a octubre? Los autores de esta obra,...
Book cover of Belgic Confession
by Guido De Bres
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2017

The Belgic Confession is a doctrinal standard summarizing Reformed theological distinctives. This confession was used to effectively combat Arminianism years later, and was included in the Three Forms of Unity.   This electronic edition features an active table of contents. To view more books in our catalog, visit us at
Book cover of Problems, Philosophy and Politics of Climate Science
by Guido Visconti
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2017

This book is a critical appraisal of the status of the so-called Climate Sciences (CS). These are contributed by many other basic sciences like physics, geology, chemistry and as such employ theoretical and experimental methods. In the last few decades most of the CS have been identified with the...
Book cover of SteamPunk 3: Argentum Noctis
by Guido Krain
Language: German
Release Date: May 3, 2013

Ein SteamPunk-Roman voller Spannung, Abenteuer, Humor - und mystischen Ereignissen. Zuweilen machen Erfinder Entdeckungen, deren Konsequenzen nicht überschaubar sind. Das führt zu unerwarteten, aber auch unangenehmen Erkenntnissen wie jene, dass man die Büchse der Pandora nicht gleichzeitig erforschen...
Book cover of L'amore Cattivo
by Guido Fabrizi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2017

Letizia D. è un'adolescente che ama profondamente la vita. Sogna un amore gentile, ma verrà inghiottita in un incubo che stravolgerà per sempre il corso della sua esistenza. Una storia emblematica di femminicidio, ispirata a fatti che vorremmo non fossero mai realmente accaduti.  
Book cover of A Child's Question
by Guido Galeano Vega
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2017

Bruno, the boy from "the Answer of an Elder Man" asks once again his old friend on the delicate topic of Sin, a subject that people have always been talking about, but it has never been very clear to most of the people.  The old man explains the kid what sin is in a way that the reader can have the explanation from the perspective of the Holy Bible. 
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