Hardy: 1309 books

Book cover of Riddle of the Seven Realms, 2nd edition
by Lyndon Hardy
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2016

The worst of the mess they were in, Kestrel knew, was that it was all his own fault. It all began when he had tried to cheat the lady wizard, Phoebe, with a load of worthless wood. When she insisted on testing his sample, the demon Astron had burst through the flame... "Lyndon Hardy's...
Book cover of Secret of the Sixth Magic, 2nd edition
by Lyndon Hardy
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2016

The laws of the five magics were being set aside. If the world was to be saved it was up to Jason the wordsmith. But what was he to do? He had writer's block and suffered from agoraphobia. He was not a hero for the sagas. "Lyndon Hardy brings us a story in which the rigorous application...
Book cover of Nel bosco
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 7, 2013

Fin dove possiamo vedere la nostra felicità? Fino a che punto possiamo conoscerla? Nel bosco (The Woodlanders, 1887), è forse il più struggente tra i romanzi di Hardy per intensità espressiva e sentimentale. Hardy contrappone con maestria due modelli di vita: lesistenza semplice e dignitosa dei...
Book cover of Gerald Brenan: The Interior Castle
by Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2014

'A masterpiece which delights from first page to last.' TLS 'Very clever, very funny and very bold.' Victoria Glendinning, Times Born in 1894 to a well-off military family, Gerard Brenan was expected to follow the family tradition. But at Radley school he discovered a love of books and an urge to...
Book cover of The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny
by Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

First published in 1972, Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy's The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny became an instant classic of social history - a groundbreaking study of the golden era of an extraordinary and exclusive British institution. Drawing upon extensive paper research and interviews with former...
Book cover of Tess d’Urberville
by Thomas Hardy
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Tess d'Urberville est un roman de Thomas Hardy, publié en 1891 en époque victorienne. En France, il est paru pour la première fois en 1901.
Book cover of Fier fan alle drokte
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 17, 2018

Far from the madding crowd (1874) is it fjirde boek fan Thomas Hardy en it earste dat echt sukses hie. It boek spilet op it plattelân yn it súdwesten fan Ingelân, mei fiktive plak- en streeknammen. It is yn sekere sin in 'boereroman', mar dan wol heel oars as de Fryske boereromans fan foarhinne....
Book cover of Jude l'oscuro
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 15, 2015

I piani della realtà, di difficile distinzione e ancor più difficile spiegazione, sono il pane quotidiano di Hardy. Che in questo romanzo racconta il conflitto del protagonista, Jude l'oscuro, attraverso l'alienazione sociale ed economica. La parabola, ancora una volta, è distruttiva. Jude è un...
Book cover of Okergeschichten - Verbrechen, Wahnsinn, Leidenschaft: 12 Crime Stories und Psychothriller
by Hardy Crueger
Language: German
Release Date: October 28, 2012

(Printausgabe = 118 S. / 11,90 €) Die Oker, ein kleiner Fluss mitten in Deutschland. Üppiges Grün, Enten, Angler und Paddler. Ein Idyll für Ausflügler und Romantiker. Aber der Frieden täuscht, denn der Atem des Todes weht über das Flussbett: In der Wasserwalze eines Wehrs wird eine...
Book cover of Cuentos completos
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 20, 2016

Cuentos completos Este volumen reúne los cuatro libros de cuentos que Thomas Hardy publicó en vida —Cuentos de Wessex, Un grupo de nobles damas, Pequeñas ironías de la vida y Un hombre cambiado y otros relatos— más algunos otros, no publicados o publicados en revistas, que nunca fueron incorporados...
Book cover of Tess de los d'Urberville
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 13, 2017

John Durbeyfield, de la aldea de Marlott, arrendatario de una pequeña vivienda con terreno, padre de siete hijos, haragán y borrachín, se entera un buen día de que su apellido es en realidad una deformación de d’Urberville, un noble linaje normando que se remonta a los tiempos de Guillermo...
Book cover of Cuentos completos
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 25, 2013

Este volumen reúne los cuatro libros de cuentos que Thomas Hardy publicó en vida –Cuentos de Wessex, Un grupo de nobles damas, Pequeñas ironías de la vida y Un hombre cambiado y otros relatos– más algunos otros, no publicados o publicados en revistas, que nunca fueron incorporados a un libro....
Book cover of El regreso del nativo
by Thomas Hardy
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 22, 2017

El regreso del nativo es la sexta novela publicada de Thomas Hardy. Apareció por vez primera en la revista Belgravia, una publicación conocida por su sensacionalismo, y fue presentada en doce mensualidades desde enero hasta diciembre de 1878.
Book cover of The Return of the Native
by Thomas Hardy
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

The Return of the Native is one of Hardy's most popular novels pioneering such themes as sexual politics, thwarted desire, and the conflicting demands of nature and society, a truly a truly modern novel written ahead of its time. Underlying these modern themes, however, is a classical sense of tragedy:...
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