Harriet: 793 books

Book cover of Washington: Its Sights and Insights 1909
by Harriet Earhart Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Washington himself desired the new city planned somewhat like Philadelphia, a plain checkerboard, but L'Enfant, while making the checkerboard style the basis, diversified, beautified, and complicated the whole by a system of avenues radiating from the Capitol as the centre and starting-point of the whole...
Book cover of The Live Art Almanac Volume 4
by Lois Keidan, Aaron Wright, Harriet Curtis
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2016

The Live Art Almanac Volume 4 is a collection of ‘found’ writings about and around Live Art that were originally published, shared, sent, spread and read between January 2012 and December 2014. Selected through recommendations and an open call for submissions, Volume 4 reflects the dynamic,...
Book cover of Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

What Museums Can't or Won't Show You

by Harriet Baskas
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2013

While there are more than 15,000 museums in our country**,** visitors get to see only about five percent of any institution’s collections. Most museums simply don’t have room to display everything they’ve got. However, there are a wide variety of surprising and intriguing reasons that, for example,...
Book cover of The Chimney-Corner
by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Book cover of La Case de l'oncle Tom
by Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe
Language: French
Release Date: June 7, 2013

Au XIXe siècle, dans le Kentucky, état sudiste, Mr Shelby, riche planteur, et son épouse, Emily, traitent leurs esclaves avec bonté. Mais le couple craint de perdre la plantation pour cause de dettes et décide alors de vendre deux de leurs esclaves: Oncle Tom, un homme d'âge moyen ayant une...
Book cover of Tennessee’s Great Copper Basin
by Harriet Frye
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

In 1843, the discovery of copper in Tennessee's far southeastern corner sparked a transformation in the isolated area known to geologists as the Ducktown Basin. By 1854, the first shafts had been sunk, and 28 mining companies had been incorporated for the purpose of exploring the possible wealth of...
Book cover of Barefaced Lies and Boogie-Woogie Boasts
by Harriet Vyner, Jools Holland
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2008

Jools Holland has had a fascinating life. From playing on bomb sites as a boy in the East End, to skiving off school and then selling millions of records with Squeeze, the first twenty years of his life were eventful, chaotic and colourful. Then came The Tube with Paula Yates, the seminal live music...
Book cover of The Garden of Lost and Found

The Garden of Lost and Found

The NEW heart-breaking epic from the Sunday Times bestseller

by Harriet Evans
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2019

'Spellbinding' Independent 'My top book of 2019' DINAH JEFFRIES 'Her best yet' i newspaper 'Gripping' Irish Times 'Gorgeous' VERONICA HENRY 'I can't remember the last time I was so enthralled' Red 'Epic, absorbing ... full of intrigue and emotion' Fabulous 'A sweeping novel you won't put down'...
Book cover of Kitty Literature

Kitty Literature

An Illustrated Collection for Cat Lovers

by John Richard Stephens, Beatrix Potter, The Brothers Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2013

People have been fascinated by cats for centuries. From the ancient Egyptians, all the way down to today's cat lovers throughout the world, cats have held a special place in people's lives. Cats are unique creatures. It shouldn't be surprising that they have captured the imaginations of many of the...
Book cover of 看穿無形的心理操控
by 海芮葉.布瑞克Harriet B. Braiker
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 25, 2017

什麼樣的人**,喜歡操控一切? 什麼樣的人格特質,害你總是被得寸進尺? 跟著心理專家鍛鍊生命強度與社交直覺,** 再惡霸的控制性格也能輕鬆應對! 臨床心理師洪仲清:「看完這本書,我突然有一種恨不得立刻、馬上跟讀者分享的衝動。」 《情緒勒索》作者周慕姿:「這是我這一年來唯二的推薦序。」 科普心理作家海苔熊:「這本書真的是集大成之作,運用許多心理學概念,更加入臨床上真正有效的建議,並提供不少量表檢測。」 你身邊有「實在很超過」的人嗎? 像是野心勃勃的部屬、好發號施令的上司、愛暗中較勁的同事、好指使人的配偶、讓人覺得虧欠他們的父母、總是在抱怨的朋友…… 他們常讓你感到身心受挫或能力受限嗎?你如何處理你們之間的關係?正因為他們往往與你關係匪淺,你更需要學習如何妥善經營你們之間的關係。 人天生在心理、情感、認知上都想要獲得愛、連結與歸屬感。但最常犯的錯,就是花費太多時間心力,去在乎、迎合那些錯誤的人或要求。 當你把個人價值和你替他人做了多少事劃上等號,而且希望得到讚美、贊同,你的麻煩就大了。因為你把你的個人價值交由他人決定,在經過幾次肯定或拿走希望的威脅之後,你開始受到制約,成為「心理操控者」的俘虜。 本書幫助你了解什麼樣的人特別喜歡操控一切?又是什麼樣的人格特質,害你總是被得寸進尺?最重要的是,教你認清各種操控策略,不管對方使出威脅、利誘或哪種情緒武器,你都可以輕鬆應對: ★認識易被得寸進尺的七種性格:取悅症、贊同癮、負面情緒恐懼症、無法說「不」、沒有存在感、自尊心低、外控信念。 ★防範喜歡操控一切的九種性格:馬基維利型、自戀型、邊緣型、依賴型、戲劇型、被動攻擊型、A型憤怒型、反社會型、成癮型。 ★學習擺脫操控的七個訣竅:勤練思辯術、鈍化焦慮感、練熟你的說詞、有勇氣正面迎戰、鍛鍊協商技巧、冷靜的力量、對時間有耐性。 操控關係存在我們周遭,你愈懂得如何與人相處,你就能過得愈好! 這本書幫助你拿回你的人生主導權,建立更健康成功的人際關係與工作人生。 **心靈成長經典長銷書‧**心理諮商工作者有感推薦 《情緒勒索》作者...
Book cover of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, The Original Slave Narrative
by Harriet Jacobs
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2015

I was born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away. My father was a carpenter, and considered so intelligent and skilful in his trade, that, when buildings out of the common line were to be erected, he was sent for from long distances, to be head workman. On...
Book cover of The Ultimate Christmas Library: 100+ Authors, 200 Novels, Novellas, Stories, Poems and Carols
by Annie Roe Carr, Alice Duer Miller, Berthold Auerbach
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2018

This holiday, we proudly presents to you this unique collection of the greatest Christmas classics: most beloved novels, tales, legends, poetry & carols - to warm up your heart and rekindle your holiday sparkle: Works by Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Willa Cather, Beatrix Potter,...
Book cover of Winston Churchill: The Story of the Great British Statesman

Winston Churchill: The Story of the Great British Statesman

The Story of the Great British Statesman

by Harriet Castor
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2012

One of Britain's most intriguing and celebrated politicians, Winston Churchill was far more than a just successful wartime leader. International war correspondent, WWI soldier and Nobel Prize winning writer, Churchill always had an unshakable faith in his own abilities, despite his disastrous efforts...
Book cover of Agenda 21
by Glenn Beck, Harriet Parke
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2012

A postapocalyptic thriller from #1 bestselling author Glenn Beck. “I was just a baby when we were relocated and I don’t remember much. Everybody has that black hole at the beginning of their life. That time you can’t remember. Your first step. Your first taste of table food. My real memories...
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