Hassan Hassan: 288 books

Book cover of 17 Vegetable Recipes in Budget
by Sifat Hassan
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2014

Book cover of The Neolithisation of Iran
by Roger Matthews, Hassan Fazeli Nashli
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2013

The period c. 10,000-5000 BC witnessed fundamental changes in the human condition with societies across the Fertile Crescent shifting their alignment from millennia-old practices of seasonally mobile hunting and foraging to year-round sedentism, plant cultivation and animal herding. The significant...
Book cover of Prehistory in Northeastern Arabia
by Abdullah Hassan Masry
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2014

This manuscript in its original thesis form was published by Field Research Projects of Florida in 1974. It had a very limited circulation and was basically in the form of a mimeographed edition. The version now published here represents the work for the first time as a proper publication in book...
Book cover of Sparkle of Existential Time as a Sanctuary in Marital Counselling
by Seyed Mohammad Kalantarkousheh, Siti Aishah Hassan, Rusnani Abdul Kadir
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2011

Scientific Essay from the year 2011 in the subject Psychology - Consulting, Therapy, , course: Counselling psychology, language: English, abstract: Nowadays, Existential thought is considered to be a practical approach among psychologists and counsellors . Nevertheless, what seems to be ignored is...
Book cover of Power System Monitoring and Control
by Hassan Bevrani, Masayuki Watanabe, Yasunori Mitani
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2014

Power System Monitoring and Control (PSMC) is becoming increasingly significant in the design, planning, and operation of modern electric power systems. In response to the existing challenge of integrating advanced metering, computation, communication, and control into appropriate levels of PSMC,...
Book cover of Optimization in Electrical Engineering
by Mohammad Fathi, Hassan Bevrani
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2019

This textbook provides students, researchers, and engineers in the area of electrical engineering with advanced mathematical optimization methods. Presented in a readable format, this book highlights fundamental concepts of advanced optimization used in electrical engineering.  Chapters provide a...
Book cover of Civil Disobedience in Islam

Civil Disobedience in Islam

A Contemporary Debate

by Muhammad Haniff Hassan
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

This book addresses contemporary debates on civil disobedience in Islam within the rich Sunni tradition, especially during the height of the non‐violent people revolution in various Arab countries, popularly known as the Arab Spring. It illustrates the Islamic theological and jurisprudential arguments...
Book cover of The Seaside, Health and the Environment in England and Wales since 1800
by John Hassan
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

The seaside has always held a special position in British history as a place of rest, relaxation and recuperation. Over the last 200 years many have made their way to the coast, attracted by the long sunshine hours, the clean ozone-charged air and the opportunities for bathing in and even drinking...
Book cover of Initiation to Global Finslerian Geometry
by Hassan Akbar-Zadeh, Doctorat d Etat en Mathématiques Pures June 1961 La Sorbonne, Paris.
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2006

After a brief description of the evolution of thinking on Finslerian geometry starting from Riemann, Finsler, Berwald and Elie Cartan, the book gives a clear and precise treatment of this geometry. The first three chapters develop the basic notions and methods, introduced by the author, to reach the...
Book cover of Momo des Coquelicots
by Yaël Hassan
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2012

La suite de "Momo, petit prince des Bleuets" : des personnages extrêmement attachants, une famille très soudée, où femmes et enfants résistent tous ensemble à l'intégrisme du grand frère. Un auteur bien connu en littérature de jeunesse, qui sait transmettre comme personne son amour...
Book cover of Des lauriers pour Momo
by Yaël Hassan
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2012

Le troisième volet des aventures de Momo, petit prince des Bleuets. Momo est choisi pour intégrer un internat d'excellence qui vient d'ouvrir ses portes... Remarqué pour son sérieux et ses excellents résultats en classe, Momo est admis dans le tout nouvel internat d'excellence de Sourdun,...
Book cover of L'ombre
by Yaël Hassan, Rachel Hausfater
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2011

Une évocation délicate du drame de la déportation et de l'importance du devoir de mémoire. Un matin, devant la porte de son immeuble, une ombre semble attendre Tom. Pendant des jours, l'ombre l'épie, l'ombre le suit, l'ombre l'appelle. Mais Tom, d'abord effrayé, ne la comprend pas. Pourtant,...
Book cover of Un roman d'aventures (ou presque)
by Yaël Hassan
Language: French
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Un écrivain inexpérimenté tente d'écrire coûte que coûte un roman d'aventures. Une petite leçon d'écriture décomplexée, à l'humour fou ! Bon, mon père m'a demandé d'écrire la quatrième de couverture de son livre. C'est son premier roman, j'ai tout lu au fur et à mesure, et sans moi...
Book cover of En defensa del estado de derecho

En defensa del estado de derecho

Estudios sobre las tensiones entre la seguridad y la libertad en el mundo de hoy

by Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch, Viridiana Molinares Hassan, Michelle Carducci
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 2, 2016

La amenaza del terrorismo, probablemente, es uno de los grandes problemas que afronta el siglo XXI, y no está supeditado a un territorio específico sino, por el contrario es un mal que se extiende por varios continentes. Esta obra, resultado de un trabajo interdisciplinario de la Red interuniversitaria...
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