Higgins: 1069 books

Book cover of Billy Gogan Gone fer Soldier
by Roger Higgins
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

The second book in the Billy Gogan Series by Roger Higgins is a powerful and thrilling historical novel about friendship, cruelty, and the search for love during the most brutal battles of the Mexican American War. The adventures continue for Billy Gogan, an intrepid Irish-American immigrant....
Book cover of BE QUIET!


A Disney Hyperion E-book With Audio

by Ryan T. Higgins
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2018

All Rupert the mouse wants is to star in a beautiful, wordless picturebook. One that's visually stimulating! With scenic pictures! And style! He has plenty of ideas about what makes a great book, but his friends just WON'T. STOP. TALKING. Children and adults alike will chuckle at this comedic take...
Book cover of Generation Scot Y
by Kate Higgins
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

***What is Generation Scot Y?****Born in the 1980s and 1990s and comprising primarily of the children of the baby boomers, Generation Y is often perceived as being the generation that wants it all. Think you know what makes Scotland’s 20-somethings tick? Knowing who Generation Y in Scotland...
Book cover of Onverschrokken
by Fiona Higgins
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Onverschrokken van Fiona Higgins is een adembenemende roman die niet alleen over angst gaat, maar ook over moed op het moment dat het erop aankomt. Van Higgins verschenen eerder Pas jij even op? En Weg van alles. Zes mensen ontmoeten elkaar op het zonovergoten Bali om bij een flamboyante goeroe een...
Book cover of Zolang ze slaapt
by Mary Higgins Clark
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 19, 2013

Mary Higgins Clark, Zolang ze slaapt Hannah Connelly is ontsteld door het nieuws van de explosie: het meubelbedrijf van haar grootvader is tot de grond toe afgebrand. Haar zus Kate kon ternauwernood ontsnappen en ligt nu zwaargewond in het ziekenhuis. Ze is in een diepe coma. Volgens de brandweer...
Book cover of Fast perfekt ist gut genug
by Kristan Higgins
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Alle um sie herum scheinen das Bilderbuch-Familienglück zu haben - nur Brautmodendesignerin Jenny nicht. Also kehrt Jenny Manhattan den Rücken und in ihre Heimatstadt zurück. Vielleicht färbt das perfekte Familienleben ihrer Schwester auf sie ab, vielleicht findet Jenny eine neue Liebe? Ein Sommer...
Book cover of Das kleine Buch der Zahlen

Das kleine Buch der Zahlen

Vom Abzählen bis zur Kryptographie

by Peter M. Higgins
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2012

Seit Jahrhunderten sind Menschen fasziniert von Zahlen. Zahlen sind jedem vertraut und bilden ein wesentliches Fundament für unser Verständnis der Welt. Und doch ist uns das Zahlensystem nicht „einfach so“ gegeben, sondern es hat sich über Jahrtausende entwickelt. Trotz aller Fortschritte kann...
Book cover of Power Rangers - Tome 03

Power Rangers - Tome 03

L'Ère de Repulsa

by Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms
Language: French
Release Date: March 14, 2018

Ensemble, pour affronter le mal ! Tommy et Billy sont perdus dans un monde mystérieux et sans leurs pouvoirs. Alors que le monde peine à se remettre de l’attaque de Rita, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini et Alpha 5 doivent faire tout leur possible pour sauver Zordon et ramener leurs amis en...
Book cover of Power Rangers - Tome 02

Power Rangers - Tome 02

L'Ère du dragon noir

by Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms
Language: French
Release Date: February 7, 2018

Ensemble, pour affronter le mal ! Alors que Rita finalise son plan pour la domination du monde, les Rangers sont livrés à eux-mêmes, sans Zordon pour les aider. Face à cette menace, ce n’est rien de moins que le monde entier qui dépend d’eux ! Entrez dans l’âge du Dragon noir... Kyle...
Book cover of Saban's Power Rangers Original Graphic Novel: Soul of the Dragon
by Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2018

It’s morphin time in this powerful next chapter for Tommy Oliver, one of the most iconic Power Rangers in history. It’s been a long time since Tommy Oliver laid down the mantle of the original Green Ranger, and now he leaves protecting the world to Space Patrol Delta. But when his son goes missing,...
Book cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 7
by Kyle Higgins, Ryan Ferrier, Walter Baiamonte
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2019

After Lord Drakkon escapes from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he sets his sights on one goal: conquering Power Rangers across all eras. From Time Force to RPM, no Ranger is safe as Drakkon’s conquest causes the Morphin Grid to shatter, jeopardizing all of existence. But it’s this very act...
Book cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 2
by Kyle Higgins, Matt Herms, Triona Farrell
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2017

As Rita enacts her plans for world domination, the Rangers are left powerless and without Zordon to call on. This is the greatest threat they have ever faced and the world hangs in the balance. Enter the age of the Black Dragon from writer Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2.0) and artist Hendry...
Book cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lost Chronicles Vol. 1
by Kyle Higgins, Ross Thibodeaux, Marguerite Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2018

Morph into action with this collection of short stories from every corner of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe, from a trip to the carnival with Scorpina and Goldar, to the origins of Finster’s maniacal clay monsters, and a Black Ranger team-up like never before. These stories provide a...
Book cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 3
by Kyle Higgins, Matt Herms, Triona Farrell
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2017

The first new Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in 23 years makes his debut in the comic book epic that had the world asking: who is this mysterious new Power Ranger? From writer Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2.0) and artists Hendry Prasetya (Power Girl) and Jonathan Lam (Gotham Academy) comes...
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