Higgs: 104 books

Book cover of Pro Football and the Proliferation of Protest

Pro Football and the Proliferation of Protest

Anthem Posture in a Divided America

by Stephen D. Perry, Pauline A. Andrea, Nadine Barnett Cosby
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2019

Pro Football and the Proliferation of Protest: Anthem Kneeling and Standing in a Divided America examines the take-a-knee NFL protests, a trend that has led to deep political divisiveness in America. The author explores this phenomenon by incorporating analysis of media coverage, impact on attitudes...
Book cover of Ici brûle ma chandelle

Ici brûle ma chandelle

Ici brûle ma chandelle

by Liz Curtis Higgs
Language: French
Release Date: June 14, 2013

Lady Elisabeth Kerr est une gardienne de secrets. Née dans les Highlands, puis mariée à un gentilhomme d’Édimbourg, elle demeure fidèle aux rites ancestraux, même si des doutes et des peurs s’agitent douloureusement en elle. Son mari, Lord Donald, possède également ses secrets, bien dissimulés...
Book cover of Ella


A Stepmum’S Tale

by J. L. Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2016

Celebrity TV Reporter Sylvia Stark is determined to find a real investigative news story instead of the fluff she usually covers. She discovers just what shes searching for in the most unlikely person: Cinderellas evil stepmother, Charlotte Johansson Baker. Sylvia decides its time this infamous old...
Book cover of All That False Instruction
by Kerryn Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2001

This passionate, funny, and heartbreaking novel about a young woman’s turbulent coming of age was originally published under the pseudonym Elizabeth Riley.
Book cover of Belle est la rose
by Liz Curtis Higgs
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2018

Nous sommes de retour au coeur de l’Écosse du dix-huitième siècle dans un village pastoral des Lowlands, où jalousies et chagrins croissent aussi touffus que les haies. Les soeurs McBride — Rose, jolie et enjouée et Leana, douce et calme — sont acculées dans une situation désespérée....
Book cover of Une épine dans le coeur
by Liz Curtis Higgs
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2018

En automne 1788, au coeur des landes et des vallées des Lowlands écossais, deux frères s’affrontent pour obtenir la bénédiction de leur père, deux soeurs cherchent à conquérir le coeur d’un homme. Leana se glissa sous ses couvertures de laine, laissant une seule bougie brûler sur la haute...
Book cover of Soul / Link
by J.R. Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2015

On the continents of Atlas and Nereus exists a race of creatures called the Luos. Born with their soul outside their body in the form of a pearl-like jewel known as a Soul Stone, the Luos are able to quickly adapt and evolve and use magic in order to survive in the harsh environments. Among this unique...
Book cover of Une guirlande de neige

Une guirlande de neige

Un roman de Noël victorien

by Liz Curtis Higgs
Language: French
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Tout ce que Margaret Campbell veut pour Noël est un voyage de retour sans encombre à la maison. Quand son projet de passer les fêtes avec sa famille à Stirling est saboté par l’amertume de son frère, la jeune institutrice n’a d’autres désirs que de retrouver les élèves qu’elle aime...
Book cover of Disorders of Hemoglobin

Disorders of Hemoglobin

Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management

by Martin H. Steinberg, Bernard G. Forget, Douglas R. Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2009

This book is a completely revised new edition of the definitive reference on disorders of hemoglobin. Authored by world-renowned experts, the book focuses on basic science aspects and clinical features of hemoglobinopathies, covering diagnosis, treatment, and future applications of current research....
Book cover of A Guide to Natural Areas of Northern Indiana

A Guide to Natural Areas of Northern Indiana

125 Unique Places to Explore

by Steven Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2019

This book is a great follow up to our Southern Indiana guide, completing the guidebook set on natural areas in Indiana. The book is heavily illustrated with good photos for each featured location. It will appeal to families and includes activity recommendations for all ages. The...
Book cover of What Varietal Is That?

What Varietal Is That?

A Beginner's Guide to the Most Important Wine Varieties

by Darby Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Beginning wine lovers usually start out familiar with just a few favourite wine varieties. But after a short while, many novices are actively seeking a broader range of varietals to learn about and taste. There are well over a thousand wine grape varieties used commercially. Learning about them is...
Book cover of Cultures of Ageing

Cultures of Ageing

Self, Citizen and the Body

by Chris Gilleard, Paul Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2014

For undergraduate courses in sociology and psychology which examine ageing adulthood. This book focuses on the dramatic changes to the nature of post-retirement life experienced by people at the end of the twentieth century. It examines age and ageing in terms of the key preoccupations of contemporary...
Book cover of Take Control of Your Spacecraft and Fly Back to Love

Take Control of Your Spacecraft and Fly Back to Love

A Manual and Guidebook for Life’S Journey

by Keith Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2016

Many people seem tugged along through life by forces they cant seem to completely understand or control and have difficulty rising above. Would it be okay to have more choices about your emotions and direction? Would you like to be in control of your life, to understand why things dont always go as...
Book cover of Slavers
by George Higgs
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

"In a post apocalyptic time the worlds population has been greatly reduced. Mechanization and governments are a thing of the past. But the conflict between all that is good and just verses all that is wrong and evil continues. In the pages of this action packed thriller the author takes you to...
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