Hunter: 2561 books

Book cover of Lo sguardo sull’anima

Lo sguardo sull’anima

Psicoterapia e spiritualità

by Hunter Beaumont
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Come possiamo applicare le nostre conoscenze psicologiche e spirituali alla nostra vita di tutti i giorni? È questa la domanda che Hunter Beaumont si è posto per molti anni e alla quale ha dato risposta in questo libro. Toccando temi diversi – il rapporto fra figli e genitori, le difficoltà sentimentali,...
Book cover of Haunted Stories: Cue the Nightmares: True Scary Stories for Midnight Reading
by Max Mason Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Haunted Stories: Cue the Nightmares: True Scary Stories for Midnight Reading - BOX SET Despite the advent of science and technology that helps us understand the ‘how’s’ and the ‘whys’ of things, the universe still offers a colossal variety of mysteries that humans are still yet to...
Book cover of Dana und das Tagebuch einer fantastischen Reise
by Thomas L. Hunter, Azrael ap Cwanderay (Cover)
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Während Ses in der Dämonenwelt nach Hinweisen zu den Geschehnissen in der Zukunft sucht, erhält Dana eine Nachricht von einem alten Bekannten aus der Menschenwelt. Dieser überreicht ihr ein Tagebuch. Es berichtet von einer Reise in ein fremdes Reich und dem plötzlichen Erscheinen eines Magier-Paares...
Book cover of Tod um Mitternacht
by Catherine Hunter
Language: German
Release Date: January 31, 2014

Winnipeg, im beschaulichen Stadtteil Wolseley. Ein Serienkiller, der nach einem bestimmten Muster vorgeht, treibt sein Unwesen: Seine Morde haben auffallende Ähnlichkeit mit der Handlung eines beliebten Krimibestsellers. Dieser Ansicht ist zumindest Sarah Petursson. Leider steht sie mit ihrer Theorie...
Book cover of In het donker
by Cara Hunter
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 5, 2019

Weet jíj wat er in het huis van je buren aan de hand is? Een vrouw en een kind worden aangetroffen in een kelder - ze leven nog, maar het scheelt niet veel. Niemand weet wie ze zijn. De vrouw praat niet en er zijn geen vermiste personen in de database te vinden waarmee hun profielen matchen. De bejaarde...
Book cover of Gretchen
by Elliott Eugene Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2016

A lady caught by surprise in a murder plot. an ex-boyfriend lost in himself helps set her up ,with help of a greedy man seeking to go to the top of company and be vice president. He pursues the bosses daughter.
Book cover of Twenty-nothing
by Mark Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2013

James Burroughs is scared. It seems like only yesterday he was a bright eyed, ambitious young man of twenty-one, freshly graduated and ready to make his mark in the world. But it wasn’t yesterday. It was six years ago. And in that time his dreams and ambitions have disappeared faster than an emu...
Book cover of Shadows
by Alex Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Following the murder of a young investigative journalist in France, Luc Hansen, an agent of the elite but shadowy DER, the European Union’s security and intelligence directorate, uncovers a massive fraud and arms running operation orchestrated from within the heart of the European Commission in...
Book cover of The Drifter, A Man From Tennessee
by D.L. Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2013

Josh Colton’s dream of drifting west to the far mountains did not include fighting Indians, bears, bank robbers, or land grabbers. The reality of the hardships that awaited Josh made him doubt his decision to leave Tennessee. A naïve young man had to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and then make a stand for his choice.
Book cover of Your Soul Was Made for Mine
by C. L. Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2015

Looking for a new shade of grey? In her romantic, erotic fantasy, "Your Soul Was Made for Mine," author C. L. Hunter magnificently weaves a tale of loss, pain, romance, and electrifying thrills that will keep you captivated until the very end. When their lives converge in Ireland, Nolan and Emmalyn...
Book cover of Death Fish
by Roxanne Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2017

Dan Jamieson and Rachel Maguire are taking their first steps into retirement, baby steps that will also test their still budding relationship, which seems to be going swimmingly. Dan has planned a vacation traveling to his favorite fishing holes and testing the 400-year-old piscatorial theories of...
Book cover of SnowField
by Richard W Hunter Jr
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2015

James F. Farriday III got tired of being picked on and fought back, trouble is he did not know how he did it but the bully died engulfed in flames.Sara Jean Tomlinsen tried to attract the attention of a nice young man, a mean girl interfered humiliating Sara Jean. So the girl ended up on the school...
Book cover of Suck
by Macaulay C. Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2015

One year after being changed into a vampire, forever fifteen-year-old Violet Johansson is leading a quiet life in the woods. But everything changes when three college students shoot her up with dead blood and throw her in the trunk of their car. Transported to an arena, Violet learns that she...
Book cover of Embracing Love Again: 3

Embracing Love Again: 3

Embracing Love Again, #3

by Stephanie Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2015

Julia has the perfect life, family and house. Although she came from humble beginnings, she and her husband have created a great life for their children. Julia's world is rocked when serious allegations are leveled at her husband that breaks their previously unbreakable bond. With her perfect life...
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