Ian: 5018 books

Book cover of Adventures In The Air: 15 high-flying tales of airborne adventure to inspire your travelling spirit to soar
by Ian Usher
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2012

When Ian Usher put his "life" up for sale on eBay in 2008, he had no idea where life's adventure was going to take him next.Asked many times in interviews, "What will you do once you have sold your life?", his usual glib response was, "Anything I like, really!"But what did he really...
Book cover of A Doctor of the Old School - Volume I
by Ian Maclaren
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

A Doctor of the Old School - Volume I Ian Maclaren, scottish author and theologian (1850-1907) This ebook presents «A Doctor of the Old School - Volume I», from Ian Maclaren. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected. Table of Contents -01- About this book -02- PREFACE -03- A GENERAL PRACTITIONER
Book cover of Een naoorlogse achtbaan

Een naoorlogse achtbaan

Europa 1950-2017

by Ian Kershaw
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Geweldige nieuwe Kershaw Na twee verwoestende oorlogen in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw begint Europa aan zijn wederopbouw. Ian Kershaw beschrijft de eerste stappen naar een nieuwe, ogenschijnlijk welvarende toekomst, die echter wordt geteisterd door de spanningen van de Koude Oorlog,...
Book cover of Hun beloofde land

Hun beloofde land

mijn grootouders in tijden van liefde en oorlog

by Ian Buruma
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 3, 2016

In Hun beloofde land vertelt Ian Buruma het verhaal van zijn grootouders Bernard Schlesinger en Winifred Regensburg, de in Londen geboren kinderen van Duits-Joodse immigranten. Hun liefde hield zestig jaar stand, hoewel de geliefden jaren van elkaar gescheiden waren. Want tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog...
Book cover of Tot de laatste man

Tot de laatste man

duitsland 1944 | 1945

by Ian Kershaw
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 7, 2011

Een meesterstuk in het toch al imposante oeuvre van Kershaw.’ - Geschiedenis Magazine Terwijl de rampzalige nederlaag begin 1945 zich in alle hevigheid aandiende, werd er door de Duitsers wel gezegd dat ze liever kozen voor 'een einde vol leed, dan leed zonder einde'. Het 'einde vol leed' vond dan...
Book cover of If the World Suddenly Stopped Spinning
by Ian Hall
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2013

Imagine if our world could suddenly stop spinning.What would happen to Humanity?How would we cope with both the cataclysmic event and the subsequent conditions afterwords.In this premise, Ian investigates the effects of a slow halt, and a far more sudden one.Would mankind survive such a devastation? More to the point, would we want to?Conjecture and facts collide in this fascinating work.
Book cover of The Path of Duty

The Path of Duty

The Life and Times of Bill Beyts

by Ian Trenowden
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2014

The Path of Duty charts the progress of a child of the Raj, Brigadier Geoffrey Herbert Bruno Beyts DSO, MBE MC known less formally as Bill or ‘Billy’. During a career with the Indian Army he saw action against Burmese rebels, Waziri tribesman and the Japanese Army. Bill Beyts and Ian Trenowden...
Book cover of Travel Tips: 17 Travel Tips to help you save money, and make your next adventure less stressful and more enjoyable
by Ian Usher
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2012

When Ian Usher put his "life" up for sale on eBay in 2008, he had no idea where life's adventure was going to take him next.Asked many times in interviews, "What will you do once you have sold your life?", his usual glib response was, "Anything I like, really!"But what did he really...
Book cover of Chakra Balancing & Meditation
by Ian Harrison, Andrea Wisden
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2013

Chakra Balancing and Meditation - The 21 Chakra Balancing and Meditation System Includes Meditation MP3s A Soul Path Awakening publication by Andrea Wisden and Ian Harrison We are passionate about helping people find their own spiritual path. We all stumble every so often...
Book cover of Agog at this Blog
by Ian Rodwell
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

I am currently writing this on Easter Sunday (in April 2014) sitting at my desk in the study in our house that I share with my wife Sandra. It is only half past six and she is still asleep as is our little puppy Mr Tickle. It is quiet and calm as I write this. All is well with my world.  ...
Book cover of Last Writes from an Arab Spring
by Ian Rodwell
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2014

I am a chartered surveyor who has had considerable experience in business, has worked with some fantastic people from all different countries and cultures. I have worked in England, Scotland, Jersey (island near France), Hong Kong, Philippines, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Istanbul and Kuwait.  ...
Book cover of The Airgun Hunter's Year

The Airgun Hunter's Year

From dawn to dusk throughout the seasons

by Ian Barnett
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2014

You will not find a more experienced and enthusiastic airgun hunter than Ian Barnett who, in this new book, takes the reader on hunting forays to field, wood and farm in search of rabbits, squirrels, corvids, pigeons, rats. As the year progresses, he describes the many tacti needed to pursue particular...
Book cover of Modern Social Theory
by Ian Craib
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2015

The revised edition of this widely acclaimed textbook provides a clear, accessible and comprehensive introduction to modern social theory.As with the first edition, the book is based around the themes of structure and action. After the introductory chapters which examine the nature of theory and its...
Book cover of IndyFest Magazine #98

IndyFest Magazine #98

Indyfest Magazine, #98

by Ian Shires
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2016

This October 2016 issue is one you need to read. Inside you will find in-depth interviews with:Matt Dawson and Matt Feazell of Mud SlingersStephanie C. Lyons-Keeley and Wayne J. KeeleyDavid ScacchiTrisha SugarekAlso included in this issue:Eitorial by Ian ShiresMotivational...
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